World After COVID-19: Franz Heukamp, IESE Business School

Franz Heukamp is Dean of IESE Business School at the University of Navarra. In conversation with Soumitra Dutta and Dan LeClair of GBSN, he discusses important global trends that the pandemic is accelerating, as well as the increased responsibility of business and business institutions to society. The interview took place 12 weeks after COVID-19 was… Read more >

Hybrid by Default: The Future of Education has Changed

The Covid crisis has forced colleges and universities to move to fully online instruction over the last months. Some may yet continue in a fully online mode for parts of the next academic year. However, looking ahead beyond the pandemic, it is very likely that education will not revert back to the β€œway it was before the pandemic”. Education will evolve to become hybrid in nature integrating the best what in-person instruction can offer and the unique aspects of what online education can provide. Some of these changes, such as flipped classrooms were already starting to appear before the Covid pandemic but these trends will accelerate now. While a small minority of faculty were doing flipped classes before, the vast majority of faculty will integrate such approaches and shift to a different mode of learning and class discussion.

Student Career Growth in the Current Environment: Four Key Practices

Nearly 25 million jobs could be lost globally due to the coronavirus, according to the UN labor organization. Indeed, a Google search β€œunemployment coronavirus” returns a steady stream of other harrowing statistics from country to country. These data reflect the daunting realities being faced by graduating students and the career relations professionals who support them.

We reached out to several GBSN member schools and asked to speak with students who have been successful in landing jobs. They felt fortunate and were quick to give credit to the school-based career professionals that helped them. From these conversations, we distilled four key career center actions that were particularly impactful in the current environment.

World After COVID-19: Sangeet Chowfla, GMAC

Sangeet Chowfla is the President & CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). In conversation with Soumitra Dutta and Dan LeClair of GBSN, he discusses the importance of connectedness and trust, as well as the changing value equation in higher education. This interview was conducted 9 weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. This is an edited transcript of their exchange.

New Member Spotlight: IFIM Business School

Institutional Profile IFIM BUSINESS SCHOOL India Established in 1995, IFIM Business School, Bangalore is currently amongst the first six business schools in India to have been awarded the AACSB accreditation. It is nestled in the heart of Electronic City in Bengaluru, which puts it a stone’s throw away from India’s leading Tech and IT… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

      Institutional Profile Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA Gies College of Business intentionally designs its innovative programs, leading-edge curriculum, and experiential learning opportunities to empower and prepare students to turn big ideas into meaningful actions. Today, Gies faculty prepare more than 7,000 future business leaders, including 3,100… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: University of Macau Faculty of Business Administration

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

What Makes Your Business School Truly Distinctive?

Over the next two weeks business school leaders will gather for two big events, the AACSB Deans Conference in Nashville and EFMD Deans and Directors Conference in Milan. Nearly one thousand deans will attend either meeting or both, giving the gatherings enormous potential to shape the future of the industry. The conferences will inspire participants and enable them to… Read more >

What Makes Your Business School Truly Distinctive?

Over the next two weeks business school leaders will gather for two big events, the AACSB Deans Conference in Nashville and EFMD Deans and Directors Conference in Milan. Nearly one thousand deans will attend either meeting or both, giving the gatherings enormous potential to shape the future of the industry. The conferences will inspire participants… Read more >