What Makes Your Business School Truly Distinctive?

Over the next two weeks business school leaders will gather for two big events, the AACSB Deans Conference in Nashville and EFMD Deans and Directors Conference in Milan. Nearly one thousand deans will attend either meeting or both, giving the gatherings enormous potential to shape the future of the industry. The conferences will inspire participants… Read more >

Connecting Dots in Time and Space

I much enjoyed reading a recent book by a former GBSN colleague and friend, Jim Dean, and his co-author Deborah Clarke: “The Insider’s Guide to Working with Universities. Its tag line: Practical Insights for Board Members, Business people, Entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, Alumni, Parents, and Administrators.” This core of the book Ð as far as I know… Read more >

The Future of Management Education is Experiential

For me this brief interaction pointed to three interesting developments in management education. First, it provided an example of the blurring boundaries between what companies and business schools do. Second, it revealed some of the key advantages of β€˜learning by doing” to develop managers and leaders. Third, it demonstrated the importance of context in creating meaningful and effective learning experiences.

Makerspaces in North Africa: A solution for unemployment and the informal sector?

The global maker movement is on the rise across the globe, and it has subsequently mirrored in North Africa. The number of makerspaces in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco Ð though still sparse Ð has been remarkably growing in recent years, particularly following the so-called Arab spring in 2011. In their working paper, professor of economics… Read more >

University of St. Gallen Provides 10 Scholarships to its Global School in Empirical Research Methods 2018

GBSN works with our member schools to offer opportunities for international exchange, support and development within the network. These member-led initiatives enrich faculty, students and campuses with cross-border connections and help to spread best practice throughout the network. For the fifth year in a row, The University of St. Gallen offered up to 10 scholarship… Read more >

Member Spotlight: UVA Darden Launches New MOOC on Financial Accounting Fundamentals

GBSN member school, The University of Virginia Darden School of Business has recently launched a new MOOC, “Financial Accounting Fundamentals,” a five-week beginner level course taught by Luann Lynch, Almand R. Coleman Professor of Business Administration. Beginning on March 27, 2017, the course will be available to a global audience via the Coursera platform. The… Read more >

GBSN Fellow: The US Presidential Election – A Lesson in Evidence-Based Judgement & Decision Making

GBSN Member, The Open University Business School is hosting four faculty fellowships from Lagos Business School. The fellows are Ogechi Adeola, Yetunde Anibaba, Nubi Achebo and Obinna Muogboh. The four of them are staying with at the university for 6 weeks during November and December of 2016. This is the second guest blog from fellow… Read more >

Austin Okere’s address on reimagining the business school model at the GBSN/EFMD joint Conference at Accra, Ghana

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]This blog was written by Austin Okere a prominent speaker at the GBSN/EFMD Joint Conference in Ghana. Austin is the Founder of CWG Plc, the largest Systems Integration Company in Sub-Saharan Africa & Entrepreneur in Residence at… Read more >

Student Blog: Emmanuel Oduro-Afriyie

As part of the Global Business School Network’s (GBSN) collaboration with the Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM), I was privileged to take part in this year’s GSERM at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. I am a Ghanaian by nationality, and I am 26 years old. Currently, I am a doctoral student… Read more >