Sunday 5 December
18:00 GMT / 1:00 PM ET
It is estimated that over 80% of job seekers say that their network has helped them find jobs; that’s why you should always have your “elevator pitch” ready. After all, you never know who that person you ran into knows or what opportunities they can connect you with.
SO how do you prepare a short elevator pitch and highlight your skills, experience, and career objectives when introducing yourself in a formal or informal setting? Our Career Coach in Residence, Iyad Uakoub will answer this question and share his insights on:
- Storytelling and personal Elevator Pitch
- Making sure your introduction resonates with your contacts
- Asking for referrals and generating job leads
About Iyad
+12 years of global experience in building award-winning career centers, advising startups, empowering organizations with workforce learning & engagement strategies and leveraging data and technology to democratize career opportunities.