The 2020 Women on Boards Annual Monitoring Report contains the analyzed data of the Egyptian Exchange (EGX) listed companies, the banking sector, public enterprise companies and the Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) companies. The women on boards indicator have significantly improved from 10% in 2019 to 13% in 2020, reflecting a positive improvement towards achieving Egypt’s vision 2030 and SDG goals.
The 2020 Egypt Women on Boards Annual Monitoring Report is provided by Women on Boards Observatory that was developed by AUC School of Business Executive Education unit within the framework of the UN Women-ILO joint program (JP) “Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for Women in Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine”, which is implemented in partnership with the National Council for Women and the Ministry of Manpower and is generously funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
UN Women Egypt partnered with the American University in Cairo to equip and expand a pool of women to be placed in senior positions and corporate boards through capacity.