Stephanie Blochinger

Reflections from MDI 2018: Solving Africa’s Health Challenges

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″][cs_element_row _id=”2″][cs_element_column _id=”3″][cs_text _order=”0″] As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN members have committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.  How will African countries reach this goal? Johnson & Johnson’s Management Development Institute (MDI) believes that by providing health workers with the management and leadership skills and tools, the efficiency and… Read more >

Developing Deans: Combining International Best Practice with Innovation

Business school deans and directors face similar challenges when first assuming their positions: setting strategy, managing risks, supporting faculty, and leading a diverse group of stakeholders. For institutions in the developing world, these tasks require resourceful leadership that combines international best practice with locally relevant solutions. GBSN hosted a Cross-Border Coffee Break on Developing Deans:… Read more >

Johnson & Johnson’s Management Development Institute: Training the New Leaders in Town

As Program Officer at GBSN, one of the programs I manage is the Management Development Institute (MDI). MDI targets healthcare workers in Sub-Saharan Africa who have assumed management opportunities within their organizations and are looking to improve their management and leadership skills to better lead teams and manages scarce resources. Participants are required to attend… Read more >