Thought Leadership

CoArt CoAct – Sustainability Through Art

“…under certain conditions, however, art—which not only reflects social reality but also criticizes society, thus forming it—is suited to the diagnosis and cure of its ills.” (Arnold Hauser 1985, “Society as the Product of Art”, The Sociology of Art. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 310) “No one ever made a decision because of a… Read more >

Welcoming New Members to the Board of GBSN

I have had the privilege of serving as the Chair of the Board of GBSN over the last four years. One of the important tasks of the Chair and the Board is to recruit new members to the Board, a task that we take very seriously. I am delighted to share that in the meeting… Read more >

Art as a Vehicle for Social Change

The year 2021 is declared the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development at the 74th United Nations General Assembly.  The creative economy –which includes audio-visual products, design, new media, performing arts, and visual arts– is a highly transformative sector of the world economy in terms of income generation, job creation and export earnings…. Read more >

Stanford Seed Launches Grit & Growth Podcast

Announcing the launch of Grit & Growth, a brand new podcast by Stanford Seed, hosted by executive director, Darius Teter. Hear stories of trial and triumph from intrepid entrepreneurs from Africa and South Asia, and gain insights from Stanford University faculty and global business experts on how to transform today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities. Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform. New episodes are released every two weeks. Please consider writing a review!

New Member Spotlight: Martin J. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.