Thought Leadership

Austin’s Five Forces Model for Transformation

New beginnings (such as the current pandemic) bring about opportunities for transformation if we suppress current realities and augment possibilities. This enables us to adopt agile strategies to create new systems which then become our new realities. I have codified below, the relation between Transformation, Vision, Team, Time, Resources and Resolve in a model which… Read more >

Women and Business Education: Itā€™s About Realizing Our Full Potential

When I was a teenager one of the popular television news magazines aired a segment about women who wanted to become firefighters. Although Iā€™ve lost track of the details, I will never forget my reaction. It was nothing short of a profound awakening. In the segment, women candidates were shown doing physically demanding tests, such… Read more >

Leadership is About Asking the Right Questions

Many important questions need to asked today by business school leaders as we start the slow process of coming out of the Covid pandemic and reshaping business school education for a sustainable and inclusive future. Determining which questions to ask is the first and important challenge for a business school leader. If you get this right, you have already overcome the most important challenge of leadership and made significant progress towards your goals.

Evolution of the Case Method with The Case Centre

In anticipation of #worldcaseteachingday, we were honored to be joined by the Director of The Case Centre, Richard McCracken, who discussed the evolution and future of case teaching and writing with leaders from GBSN member schools at our February Cross-Border Collab.

5 Ways B-Schools Can Accelerate SDG Progress in the Context of Covid-19

Itā€™s not as if the world was on track to achieve the by 2030. Of the 38 targets assessed in, the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development declared we hadnā€™t made sufficient progress on 37 of them. Now, the Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact across all 17 Goals and threatens to turn back progress by years in several areas, such as poverty, hunger, education, and justice.

Meanwhile, in business schools, scholars have been engaged in an epic struggle to replace the dominant intellectual foundations of business with new ones that better reflect the needs of society and the changing rules of business. While there has been steady progress, anyone familiar with higher education knows that paradigm shifts can be painfully slow. Itā€™s not just about what we should start teaching, it is especially challenging to identify and remove the content we should stop teaching.

Africaā€™s Talent Challenges in a Changing World

This week, GBSN and Ecobank Academy launched the Talent for Africa Virtual Forum — the first of many partnership projects.  The first session, entitled, ā€œAfricaā€™s Talent Challenges in a Changing Worldā€ launched the series by covering thought-provoking topics such as talent challenges, the growth of the informal economy, and what type of education is truly… Read more >

Chairman’s Corner: A Year Full of Hope Ahead

“We should actively seek to spread the gift of education to more. This can be our important contribution to help achieve the United Nationā€™s Sustainable Development Goals. We have to recommit ourselves and our institutions to creating a better future ā€“ one that is more inclusive and sustainable.”

What is Impact?

Impact is the provable benefits of research in the real world. It’s not judged by traditional methods – such as citations – simply appraised by factors we can see and feel in wider society. Impact emerges differently across various disciplines, but ultimately it is about connecting academic research to the world around us.
It is also driven by other dynamics, including funder requirements, research assessments and, of course, societal shifts and changing environments. While these are clear points of focus, the real significance comes from making impact meaningful to you, your partners and your research. We believe that maximum benefit comes from planning impact – enabling you to create and navigate compelling pathways for your research.
Consider the definition of ‘impact’…

Leading High Performing Teams in Turbulent Times

Professor Manfred Kets de Vries and professor Graham Ward from INSEAD have a discussion on how the psychodynamic orientation to leadership can be helpful to guide people through the present crisis. Referring to Kets de Vriesā€™ recent eBook, Journeys into Coronavirus Land: Lessons from the Pandemic, leadership in times of crisis is one of the subjects.

Sharing Best Practices in the New World of Blended Learning

The 2020 calendar year has brought many novel experiences in teaching for most faculty. Our campuses have been closed for months and we have been forced to move our classes online. Teaching online has brought into stark reality the complexities of delivering high quality learning experiences remotely. Not only did we have to adjust to… Read more >