The Social Logistics Challenge

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Student Team registration for the 2024 Social Logistics Challenge will open in August.

2023 Top Teams

2022 Top Teams

2021 Top Teams


About the Social Logistics Challenge

GBSN welcomes university students from various fields to form teams and engage in an international virtual contest centered on devising solutions for social logistics issues. Upon finishing the competition, participants have the opportunity to earn an international micro-credential.

The Social Logistics Challenge is designed to immerse learners in a digital environment that promotes team-work, encourages collaboration, and stimulates innovation in addressing societal problems using logistics principles and technology.


The Social Logistics Challenge integrates core logistics principals and methods with a search for human-centered solutions for societal issues, in the innovative realm known as social logistics. The challenge presents a unique opportunity for business students to address a relatively under-explored set of questions in collaboration with peers from different fields, integrating their expertise to create business solutions emphasizing social responsibility and awareness.

Solutions are invited that address a range of social logistics issues, including food supply and distribution, crisis response and disaster relief, healthcare and medical supply chain, transportation and mobility, and more. Submissions are encouraged to draw from diverse fields including conventional supply chain knowledge, humanitarian logistics, communication, programming, and technology.

This is a team-based virtual contest and GBSN encourages the forming of teams that promote interdisciplinary and multi-university cooperation. 

The Challenge.

Identify and define a social logistics problem in a community and propose an actionable business solution to address the problem. Social logistics involves applying logistics principles and methods to solve societal issues by considering human factors. The proposed solution should be relevant to the local community, outline the involved stakeholders, and demonstrate its alignment with one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Teams are encouraged to identify any technological disruptions within the problem and/or illustrate the role of technology in their solution.

How does it work?

Register your team.

Identify a local problem.

Develop your solution.


Each team will prepare and submit a Solutions Package that incorporates a written report and a visual creative illustration.

Solution Package – PART I

Written Report.

The Written Report must be no longer than 5 pages in length (double spaced) and must be in English or with English translations. It should be submitted as a PDF and should be organized into the following:

  • Problem Statement:
    • Social logistics related problem
    • Understanding the problem as it relates to its context
    • Proof of research
  • Solution development and implementation plan:
    • Business concept(s) applied in the solution
    • Proof of research
  • UN Sustainable Development Goal(s) addressed:
    • Define the UN SDG
    • Illustrate how the solution addresses the UN SDG
  • The role of technology:
    • Technological disruptions within the problem / the role of technology in the solution

GBSN does not require a specific template for submissions, MLA, APA, etc. is suitable. We are mainly concerned with the content.

Solution Package – PART II

Creative Illustration.

Creative Illustrations can include any visual format, such as videos, slide presentations, interviews, infographics, posters, podcasts, etc. They can be submitted in PowerPoint, Google Slides, MOV, MP4, JPEG, and PNG files. Teams are encouraged to think outside of the box, engage local participants in their field work, and capture local perspectives from key stakeholders.

The illustration must be in English or with an English translation. If videos are submitted, they must be limited to 3 minutes in length and include English subtitles, if relevant.

Creative illustrations should address the following:

  • Region represented
  • Social Logistics problem clearly identified
  • Business solution
  • Human factor
  • Related UN SDG(s)
  • Role of technology


Student Team Registration Period

Thursday, 1 August – Sunday 22, September

Judging Networking Event

Wednesday, 21 August

Challenge Submission Period

Monday, 23 September – Sunday, 13 October

Preliminary Judging Period

Monday, 14 October – Friday, 1 November

Top Five Teams Announced/Scheduling Begins

Friday, 25 October

Top Five Team Presentations

Monday, 28 October – Friday, 1 November

Winning Team Announcement

Tuesday, 5 November

Award Guidelines

Thanks to our Sponsors, a $5,000 scholarship prize will be awarded to the 1st place team, and $1,000 to the 2nd and 3rd place teams! The awards will be transferred via the students’ respective institution’s financial department and evenly distributed among the winning team members. The funds must be used towards educational expenses such as school materials, housing, tuitions, and programs. The management and disbursement of the funds fall under the responsibility of the university/college/faculty mentor. Teams are advised to consult with their universities about their disbursement policies.

Judging Process & Criteria

Judging for this competition will happen in two phases. Phase 1 (preliminary judging), determines the Top Five teams to advance to the Finals Round. The Finals Round involves LIVE presentations to a panel of judges, who ultimately determines the 1st Place Winner.

Each Solutions Package should illustrate and consider the following:

  1. The solution must address a social challenge related to logistics
  2. The solution must clearly demonstrate components of logistics principles, including, but not limited, to supply chain management
  3. The solution must benefit society, on a local or global scale
  4. The solution must be locally relevant and multidisciplinary
  5. The solution must clearly address one or more of the 17 UN SDGs
  6. The problem and/or solution must integrate a human aspect and digital element

In addition, preliminary judges will also evaluate submissions on the following dimensions:

  • How well your team describes the problem and its local relevance
  • Whether or not your team demonstrates creativity
  • Whether or not the solution your team develops is feasible
  • How your solution addresses one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • How does your solution address the intersection between people and technology?
Team MIT Sloan presentation in 2021 HUMLOG Challenge.

The Top 5 teams will deliver a LIVE presentation to an panel of judges, followed by a Q&A with the judges. The full session will be recorded and broadcasted LIVE for the public to watch.

10-minute pitch LIVE presentation

  • All team members must participate in the LIVE pitch for the team to be eligible to win the prize. Participation is defined as a minimum of 1 minute of speaking during the presentation. 
  • Teams can include supplemental materials to support their LIVE presentations in the finals round, including, but not limited to the previously submitted creative illustration.

A 15-minute Q&A with the judges.

  • All team members must remain present for the virtual Q&A
  • The Q&A will be moderated by a GBSN staff member to keep time and ensure equal distribution of participation between judges and teams

Examples of Qualifying Solutions

The following are a few examples of previous qualifying social logistics solutions. Please make sure to integrate technology for this year. You can email the GBSN team if you would like us to check your problem/solution!

Example 1

As GBSN has learned from working with CIPE in Papua New Guinea, starting a business is challenging due to economic climate, government regulations, and local support. A student team from PNG could develop a solution surrounding logistically establishing a business incubation site in their local community.

Example 2

Ethiopia is a large producer of honey wine, known as Tej, however, local sellers are having difficulty storing and selling large quantities to wholesalers, especially in the current war-torn environment. Student teams could collaborate to configure a plan for mass production of Tej to assist their local economies, while keeping the businesses safe.

Example 3

Crane and Company has been providing paper for the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing since the late 17th century.  As the digital age becomes more apparent and less businesses take cash, there are several problems that can arise.  Several emerging economies, especially in the Caribbean and Latin America still rely on the US dollar for forms of payment. How can students find a solution to help the printers, distributors, and users of cash?

Example 4

Even in very economically developed countries, such as Australia, people become equal in the wake of climate change. Floods, droughts, and wildfires are among the largest forces to affect Australia’s natural habitat. How can students develop a safety preparedness logistics solution to protect the natural environment in the event of these wild occurrences and keep people safe?

Example 5

In the United States, school and mass shootings have unfortunately become widely prevalent. California has set itself apart with more shootings than any other state. A logistical solution could explore the supply chain of guns in specific cities within the state, including a look into which stores are selling weapons, and how they are abiding by the law. 

Example 6

As we all know, the invasion of Ukraine has affected nations across the globe, especially in neighboring European countries.  As countries, such as Germany, are sanctioning Russian oil, there is a massive effect on transportation within the country.  German students could look into alternative transportation logistics or even gas/oil supply chains within their communities that do not support the war.

Example 7

Education in several countries in Africa is a challenging feat, but especially in territories affected by militias and war, such as in Northeastern Nigeria, affected by Boko Haram. How can students come together to develop a solution that helps children in these areas achieve education safely?

Example 8

In the Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, refugees depend on food assistance, usually in the form of vouchers.  Oftentimes, these are not always the most nutritious foods, rather they are inexpensive and easy to ship.  What solutions can be developed by teams to provide nutritionally sustainable foods to these camps?


GBSN would like to thank its sponsors for supporting the Social Logistics Competition! Sponsorship is used to fund the Challenge’s prizes, tools, resources, and more, enabling GBSN to build and execute a meaningful virtual learning experience for each cohort of student teams.

DHL Global Forwarding

Helping consumers connect goods to every corner of the world since 1815.  As a leading organization in logistics, DHL Global Forwarding inhibits global trade by promising to always offer reliable, flexible, and efficient deliveries to and from every country globally, in total compliance with local regulations. DHL Global Forwarding partners with businesses, listens to their needs and takes action by collecting and collaborating with their networks and partners across the whole journey.

The University of Edinburgh Business School

The University of Edinburgh Business School maintains a clear mission, focus and vision for the future including advancing their standing among business schools and being recognised as a progressive and connected community for thought leadership on the national and global stage. In essence this translates to “inspiring people to do business better”. Edinburgh Business School’s mission is to develop effective and responsible leaders by creating insightful knowledge and inspiring minds in dialogue with the world around them.  Their vision is to be recognised as a progressive and connected community for thought leadership on the international business stage.

The Kühne Foundation

The non-profit Kühne Foundation was established by the Kühne family in Switzerland in 1976. Today it is renowned for its initiatives to support academic and further education as well as research in the fields of logistics and supply chain management. The Kühne Foundation is also strongly involved in medical, cultural and humanitarian projects. It is an operative foundation, which develops almost all of its projects itself. Through its extensive funding projects, the Kühne Foundation and its donor Klaus-Michael Kühne exercise their socio-political responsibility.The Kühne Foundation pursues the goal of supporting and developing logistics as an academic field. Logistics plays a cross-sectional function in the global economy and is currently facing major challenges – one clear example being the coronavirus crisis. Digitalisation, along with the call for climate and environment protection are leading to transformations that require innovative approaches.

The Resiliency Intiative

The Resiliency Initiative (TRI) is a certified Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) with Fortune 500, government, military and non-profit leadership experience specializing in business continuity, crisis, security, and risk mitigation planning and training services.