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Esade Leads the Debate on Technology that Will Revolutionize the Future of Education at 4YFN

Under the slogan ‘Entrepreneurship through the EdTech Perspective’, Esade heads the EdTech discussion and program at 4YFN and strengthens its commitment to the business world, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Esade Entrepreneurship Institute

For the seventh year running, Esade is the official academic partner in ‘4 Years From Now’ (4YFN), the global benchmark congress in the spheres of entrepreneurship and innovation at the Mobile World Congress. Under the slogan ‘Entrepreneurship through the EdTech Perspective’Esade will be in the spotlight as the head of the EdTech program in 4YFN taking place from February 27 to March 2 in Barcelona, an event bringing together entrepreneurs, start-ups and executives in this ecosystem. This initiative consolidates Esade’s commitment to the fabric of entrepreneurship, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI), and bolsters its position as a pioneer of new forms of accelerated learning using innovative technology at the cutting edge of the EdTech revolution to boost global talent.

The world needs entrepreneurs with an in-depth understanding of both the potential and the challenges of technology to transform our societies. At Esade, we’re committed to developing future leaders and entrepreneurs who aim to make a difference by seizing the opportunities arising from AI and other disruptive technologies, and thereby helping make our societies increasingly prosperous, fair and sustainable,” explained Xavier Mendoza, Esade director general.

Technologies that Will Transform education 

During 4YFN, Esade will hold several sessions and take part in discussions in different fields, such as how AI and the metaverse will transform education, by Esteve Almirall, professor in the Esade department of operations, innovation and data science, and the opportunities and threats of access to knowledge and the learning experience, by Ivan Bofarull, Esade chief innovation officer, and Cecilia MoSze Tham, serial entrepreneur and founder of Futurity Systems, plus other experts. The impact of immersive and disruptive technologies upon executive education will also be addressed with an on-site demonstration of Esade’s new virtual campus in the metaverse.

Coinciding with the 30th Anniversary of the Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI), in the framework of the 4YFN congress, Esade is organizing a panel discussion about the EdTech trends that will mark 2023 together with entrepreneurs in this sector. On the other hand, in keeping with its commitment to gender equality, Esade will analyze the role of women, and also their leadership and involvement in AI, with Irene Unceta, assistant professor of the Esade Department of Operations, Innovation and Data SciencesEmma Fernández, an expert in strategy and digital transformation and board member of several technology companies, and Atia Cortés, postdoc researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and co-director of AI4EU, an observatory of society and AI, amongst other foremost figures in the world of technology.

Esade’s Commitment to Technology in Education 

Esade’s involvement in the 4YFN EdTech program revolves around their commitment to technological innovation as a source of transformation for society. Consequently, Esade incorporates technology as a transversal axis of knowledge and progress, and focuses their programs on new trends such as digitization, data analysis and AI. Examples of this are the new joint majors Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for Business and the Master of Science in Digital Business, and likewise the Executive MBA, taught face-to-face in Madrid and Barcelona, which equips the leaders of tomorrow with the hard and soft skills they will need at the helm of complex projects based on innovation and digital transformation.

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