Thursday, 20 April
8:00 am EDT
In-person; London
Nicole Zefran, nzefran@gbsn.org
As the Fintech industry continues to rapidly evolve, the role of Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly important. As such, it is vital to consider how Fintech education needs to adapt to ensure that the workforce of tomorrow is equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-driven world.
What should we teach and learn in an AI world? As part of the UK Fintech Week (April 17-21), the Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CFTE) and GBSN is convening a topic focused, intimate conversation bringing together top academics and leading practitioners to discuss the intersection of education and the impact of AI, and explore the future of Fintech education.
Thursday, 20 April I 8:00 – 10:30 am
London, England
* Light breakfast will be served at 8:00am
Please note, this roundtable is closed and by invitation only. Any inquiries regarding participation can be sent to Nicole Zefran at nzefran@gbsn.org.