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ICBMEM Conference | 15 – 16 November 2024 ENCG – Tangier, Morocco

Theme Introduction

In their diverse forms, new technologies are revolutionizing the world of work, how organizations function, change and evolve, and the nature of leadership, managerial roles and professional careers. Whether it is the economy, supply chain, marketing, entrepreneurship, financial structures and systems, organizational management, or humanism, there is no doubt the dynamics of innovation, which is often associated with Industry 4.0, is affecting these fields at a much higher pace than anticipated. Recent developments in AI have made technological leaps unprecedented in decades. Development in human-machine interphases has implications in all spheres of life.

These and other technological developments are creating formidable new challenges for all organizations, and are precursors to even more powerful and radical technologies whose potential impact few business leaders or academics clearly understand. As new technologies emerge, so does new knowledge accumulate, which translates to the fact that human technical know-how must change along with new methods of doing things. The specialized skills required to work in the new digital era are changing. Some skills dropped to create room for the new ones to emerge. All these dynamics are pushing the limits to how individuals and organizations should adapt and prepare to continue doing so. It is not technology, but the art of humane management that matter most in the new digital-economy era. Learn More

Call for Papers

The International Conference of Business and Management in Emerging Markets 2024 seeks to explore broad areas of research interest but with special attention on how the digital economy and emerging technologies are shifting the scope of various fields of research around business, economics and management. We invite authors to submit empirical, conceptual papers, case studies and structured abstracts in fields related but not limited to, the ones presented below. The following are the indicative topics, but not limited to the following areas: 

  • Marketing Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economics
  • Supply chain management
  • Finance and investment Mmanagement
  • Alternative financing (Microfinance, Crowdfunding, Blockchain)
  • Franchising
  • Governance and policy
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Humanistic management and the protecting and enhancement of human dignity
  • Sustainability and contemporary management
  • Happiness and wellbeing

Location of the International Conference

The conference will be at ENGC, Tangier-Morocco


Digital Economy and Emerging Technologies: Implications for Business and Humanism