DATE: Tuesday, September 20th
TIME: 11:00am ET | 15:00 GMT
EXPERT: Iyad Uakoub
General Information
Knowing how companies recruit can help you better prepare for your job search and with the Virtual Career Fair coming up in October on Localized you want to prepare as best you can to impress potential employers.
This workshop will help you understand the needs of businesses, their application process and considerations when looking for a potential candidate. This workshop will also touch on the do’s and don’ts during the interview process.
By the end of this workshop you will understand:
- How to research a company you’re interviewing for
- How to prepare answers for specific questions
- Tools and resources to be able to research companies
- The do’s and don’ts of the interview process
This Career Development Workshop is run by Localized Career Coach-in-Residence, Iyad Uakoub. This workshop has received a 100% NPS score from students who have attended. This session will ONLY be offered live, and will not be available on recording.