In-Person Events

Steward Leadership 25 (SL25) & Steward Leadership Summit (SLS)

Steward Leadership 25

An initiative jointly curated by Stewardship Asia Centre, INSEAD Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society, WTW and The Straits Times, the Steward Leadership 25 (SL25) is an annual listing of the 25 best stories of steward leadership excellence within the Asia-Pacific region. It seeks to showcase the 25 best narratives from organizations that have demonstrated resolute actions in pursuing and achieving their own unique versions of stewardship purpose while living stewardship values. Come 25-26 July, the jury of SL25 consists of distinguished judges will meet and discuss over the judging kit and the qualitative criteria to be applied on the received nominations stories.

Nomination Requirements

Submissions should demonstrate how your initiatives or policies demonstrate steward leadership to create a collective better future articulated in your organizational purpose. These projects should have occurred between March 1, 2019 and March 1, 2022.

The SL25 listing covers the Asia-Pacific region and accepts entries from the following categories:

  1. Large and Multinational Companies
  2. Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  3. Social Enterprises

The best 25 steward leadership success stories will be chosen from among these three categories.

Steward Leadership Summit

Stay tuned for The Steward Leadership Summit (SLS) which is happening on November 30, 2022 in Singapore, where the top 25 best stories of organizations in Asia-Pacific that have demonstrated steward leadership excellence will be revealed and showcased. The SLS is slated to be a one-day high profile annual event attended by business, government and civil society leaders from around the Asia-Pacific region. Distinguished speakers and experts from all over the world shall be invited to discuss key issues around the practice of stewardship in all its forms. The forum will be structured around talks from experts in the field, panel discussions, and debates on provocative topics to encourage participants to be better stewards.

More Details to be Released in Due Time

30th CEEMAN Annual Conference

Date & Location

Come and celebrate the 30th anniversary of CEEMAN with us! The 30th CEEMAN Annual Conference is taking place on 21-23 September 2022 in Bled, Slovenia.


Let’s meet in person to mark the 30 years of CEEMAN and try to understand the big picture surrounding the future of management education. Geopolitics, environment and sustainability, multiple social issues – all add up to unprecedented challenges we face on business and society level. How can management education support the new leadership that is needed to navigate successfully in these new times? How the management education curriculum and processes should be changed? And what can we do – together?

CEEMAN Annual Conference traditionally includes a series of events in order to get to know the business, political and social realities of the host country and to discuss implications, best practices and collaboration in the area of management development through keynotes, international panels, roundtable discussions and workshops. Several side events are also organized, such as CEEMAN IQA Quick-Scan Session, poster session for faculty and researchers, CEEMAN Annual Meeting, and CEEMAN Awards Ceremony.

The CEEMAN’s extensive programs provide an excellent platform for discussions and thinking about how the improved quality of management and management schools can be the catalyst to drive urgently needed changes, innovation and creativity.
Matej Potokar,
General Manager, Microsoft Services CEE

FinTech Week | London | The Flagship Conference 2022

The Big Picture: City to City with FinTech at its Heart

Fintech Week London 2021 shined a light on the most interesting topics in financial technology, with a 2-day conference at its core. Traditional financial institutions came together with fintechs and other financial services companies, in one of the world’s oldest leading financial districts: London. From high-street banks to challengers, technology giants to disruptors, this five-day event showcased some of the best that London and global fintech has to offer. We would like to thank our partners, speakers, hosts and attendees for making Fintech Week London 2021 a huge success. Mark your calendars for the second edition on July 11-15, 2022. 


Registration closes 10 July, 2022 at 11:59pm

Key Topics

Open Banking / Banking as a Service
Explore the momentum and future potential of open banking in the UK and beyond as it hits its 4-year milestone in the UK, as well as understand what Banking as a Service and embedded finance can enable for your customer journeys

Digital Sovereignty
In a world that is ever more digital and data orientated, explore the importance of cybersecurity, privacy and fraud prevention in the quest for digital sovereignty. Understand how digital identity and biometrics can keep you, your customers and your businesses secure.

Big Tech and Big Banks: Coopetition
With so many mergers, acquisitions and partnerships taking place, the “coopetition” (collaboration vs competition) between big tech and big banks has never been more relevant as the fintech industry comes of age. Understand the rise in neobanks and the potential for new fintech communities as tech giants work to keep up and break new ground in the world of finance.

Trending in Fintech
From Buy Now Pay Later to Web 3.0, explore the hot topics in fintech to understand how now is the time of innovation and the levelling up of the fintech world. 

Dive into the world of cryptocurrency to explore crypto and payments, as well as the ever-popular NFTs that show no signs of slowing down. Analyse the arguments for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and examine the opportunities and challenges a UK CBDC would bring.

Fintech for good
Explore the advancements in climate and ethical finance in an ESG focused world, as well as understand the need for further change. With the potential to make a better future with tech and finance, ask the question: what does real transformation look like? Rest assured, it won’t be a one-sided story, with a panel battle between the good and the bad 


It’s Great to be Back | Let’s Celebrate @ AIB Annual Meeting



Julie LaBelle

Attending the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting this year? The Sonoco Department of International Business at the Darla Moore School of Business invites you to a Networking Affair at the Hard Rock Miami. Join our post-dinner event and enjoy live entertainment with colleagues from across the globe.

Date & Location

Thursday, 7 July @ 8:00pm – 11:00pm

The Hard Rock

401 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132

We ask you to submit an RSVP for this event to attend.

About the Sonoco International Business Department

The Sonoco International Business Department at the Moore School is widely recognized within the field of international business. The IB department offers an undergraduate degree, a master’s, and two Ph.D. programs: international business and international finance. Combined with the international expertise of our functional departments, the Sonoco International Business Department provides the Moore School with unparalleled competence in the critical area of the conduct of business across national boundaries and diverse cultures. The department emphasizes understanding cross-border inter- and intra-organizational relationships comprising the modern multinational enterprise, as well as the institutional, financial, sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts within which the multinational enterprise is embedded.The department offers an undergraduate international business major that has been consistently ranked as No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report. The department also offers a highly regarded international business major at the doctoral level and contributes extensively to the international master’s and executive programs of the Moore School. The department’s commitment to excellence in the classroom is evidenced by the faculty’s numerous outstanding teacher awards at all levels. Learn more

Society of Operations Management 25th Annual International Conference Hosted by Indian Institute of Management Indore


December 16th – 18th, 2022

About SOM

Society of Operations Management is dedicated to exploring and understanding issues related to the Production and Operations Management field. The society aims to promote activities that help generate, consolidate, and disseminate knowledge in the field of manufacturing and service operations and related areas. SOM organizes conferences, summer schools, and workshops in an effort to share knowledge and motivate researchers and practitioners to achieve their goals. More details about SOM can be found at


Recently, the world has faced a cataclysmic pandemic that caused disruptions in businesses,education, government operations as well as it impacted the global economy heavily. To deal with these pandemic conditions, many companies started changing their methods of conducting business,in fact, some companies used the competitive advantage of being digitalized while some companies failed to cope with the situation. Employee productivity, effectiveness, and absenteeism became one of the major guide ways for the company’s success. One of the main challenges faced by almost all the sectors is to deal with these highly uncertain situations that arise due to unplanned disruptions.Managing operations in such disruptions require companies to establish efficient risk management processes.

However, in recent times, it is observed that the researchers focused have shifted to building theories and models on risk mitigation, resilient value chain, and agile operations which will be helpful in managing future disruptions. Also, in case of highly uncertain situations and long disruptions,companies shall focus on bringing new capabilities to sustain in this highly competitive world. Thus, SOM 2022 aims to find out challenges, opportunities, strategies, and capabilities which can help not only the businesses but also the nation as a whole by providing encouragement to the scholars who are working in the field of decision-making under various uncertainties so that to manage the operations effectively.

Important Dates

Abstract submission starts
Abstract submission ends
Acceptance notification
Early registration window
Late registration window
SOM 2022 conference
15th Apr, 2022
15th Aug, 2022
15th Oct, 2022
16th Oct -15th Nov, 2022
16th Nov -10th Dec, 2022
16th Dec-18th Dec, 2022


Prof. Saurabh Chandra,

Indian Institute of Management Indore,

Prabandh Shikhar, Rau – Pithampur Road,

Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453556

: 0731-2439530

Email :

The 2022 Gothenburg International Research Workshop on Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for Allďżź

Event Information


Thursday 25 August – Friday 26 August, 2022


The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg

Event Type

Academic Workshop

The 2022 Gothenburg International Research Workshop on Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All will take place on August 25-26, 2022. Researchers from around the world are invited to present, discuss and network related to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 in Agenda 2030.

At the core of SDG 8, is the great challenge of obtaining economic growth without compromising the environment while also ensuring full employment and respect for labor rights. Economic progress must be inclusive and in harmony with the planetary boundaries. The COVID pandemic has put enormous pressure on development, the geopolitical landscape has severely deteriorated with imminent risks of escalation of conflicts, we are nowhere near the reductions needed to avoid a climate collapse, and the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity are showing a rapid decline. The existing economic system is unsustainable and the need to pursue further research in areas such as sustainable economic growth, resource efficiency, full employment, occupational health and safety, and policies for just and well-functioning labor markets is critical. For the same reasons, it is critical to synthesize existing research and urgently transfer that knowledge to society.

There will be keynote presentations by among others: Jan Steckel and E. Somanathan.

The deadline for abstracts is June 15th. 


Climate Change, Land, Policy Design

eLearning Africa 2022- 15th International Conference & Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training and Skills Development

General Information

Founded in 2005, eLearning Africa is the leading pan-African conference and exhibition on ICT for Education, Training & Skills Development. The three day event offers participants the opportunity to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships, as well as to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Over 14 consecutive years, eLearning Africa has hosted more than 18,000 participants from 100+ different countries around the world, with over 80% coming from the African continent. More than 3,830 speakers have addressed the conference about every aspect of technology supported learning, training and skills development.

Join us from May 11 – 13, 2022 in Kigali and make connections with the key people shaping the future of education and training on the African continent. Network with top educational decision makers and professionals, investors, experts, policy makers and practitioners from governments and inter-governmental organisations, public and private education and corporate learning and development.

Robert H. Smith School of Business-Maryland Business Adapts

As the global economy continues to grapple with the impact of COVID-19, business still carries on across borders. In Maryland, five companies have found innovative ways to weather the storm. Now, they’re sharing their learnings with others.

On Friday, June 3rd, join us for Maryland Business Adapts, an event of the Center for Global Business. This event will offer opportunities to hear from esteemed guest speakers, develop a plan to innovate in your workplace, learn from case studies featuring recognized honorees, and network with peers as you tackle today’s business challenges.

The Event

The Maryland Business Adapts event will take place on Friday, June 3 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the World Trade Center in Baltimore and offers opportunities to hear from esteemed guest speakers, learn from case studies of the recognized honorees, participate in executive education sessions, and network with Maryland’s international business ecosystem and industry peers. Participants will also be connected to resources and programs to help them compete in the global marketplace.

The event will feature:

Welcome remarks by: 

  • Mike Gill, Secretary of Commerce, State of Maryland
  • Prabhudev Konana, Dean, Robert H. Smith School of Business
  • Rebecca L. Bellinger, Executive Director, Center for Global Business, Robert H. Smith School of Business

A Maryland Keynote

  • Julius Robinson, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, US & Canada at Marriott International

Recognition Ceremony and Presentation of Honorees

  • Hear about how Maryland small businesses have adapted in the global pandemic.

Executive Education Workshops 

  • Building Resilience Where It Matters Most
    Facilitator: Oliver Schlake, Clinical Professor and Entrepreneur,
    Robert H. Smith School of Business
  • Blockchain and Digitization to Enable Resilient Global Supply Chains            Facilitator: Tejwansh Anand, Clinical Professor of Practice and the Academic Director, MS in Information Systems, Robert H. Smith School of Business

EFMD Annual Conference: What Brought Us Here Might Not Get Us There

Target group:

The EFMD Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD members, companies, educational institutions and other associations, offering various perspectives and discussions on the conference theme.

Conference theme:

What brought us here might not get us there! After more than 2 years of turmoil, reassessing of where businesses and business schools came from and where they want to go appears more relevant than ever. The programme will therefore look at this theme starting with the individual – what does transformational leadership look like? – then look at organisations – how does the current and future world of work look like and how do we have to adapt it? – and finally look at the wider societal context around issues such as the climate emergency, sustainability goals and the wider global context, where equally a rethink of strategies and actions may become imminent.

Visit the conference website for more information:

Executive Council Forum 2022-Woxsen University- Defining Purpose in HighEd: From India to the World

Event Information

Theme: Fostering NextGen Learners: Vision 2035
Location: Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India
Dates: 20th and 21st December, 2022

Event Overview

Woxsen University (Hyderabad, India) is organizing a global high-strategic meeting- Executive Council Forum 2022, reserved for Deans/Directors/Rectors and executive positions of similar characteristics. Additionally, top C-level executives from the Indian subcontinent will be present.

The purpose is simple: To truly define where we have reached and where we are going in HighEd, defining from the strategy to the ground activities to ensure a sustainable and socially impactful educational model. Woxsen University recently organized the Global Impact Summit 2022, represented by 15 countries and national dignitaries in a 4-day platform that led to multiple collaborations, the signing of chair professorships and the formation of a Centre of Excellence in ERS.

Woxsen University would like to invite you to nominate your executive members, to participate in this high-level forum. They will also be issuing a set of awards in the categories below:

Award Categories

  1. Exemplar High Impact Research 
  2. Outstanding Industry-Academia collaboration 
  3. Social Responsibility Award
  4. International Network Collaboration Award
  5. Building NextGen Entrepreneurs Award

Key Topics:

  1. Understanding the Evolving Needs of Learners V2035
  2. Bringing Climate Change into the Classroom
  3. Digitalisation is here to stay: Time to Transform
  4. The Future of Lifelong Education
  5. From Narrative to Action on ERS/D&I
  6. Bringing Common Sense to HighEd through Entrepreneurship
  7. How to marry Industry and Academia?


260 USD, equivalent to INR 20,000 (this includes accommodation in a 6 star hotel, meals and local transportation for the entire duration of the forum)
