In-Person Events

2021 EFMD MBA Conference


When designing an MBA programme, it is important to think about the entire customer journey, and to think specifically about its three main phases: 1) pre-programme 2) in-programme 3) post-programme. Using the concept of a “journey” as the red thread, we want to discuss the key design principles that naturally lead to a coherent, connected and meaningful experience for our customers, as they journey from being candidates, to students, and finally to become our alumni. The objective is to see the connections across all three phases, how one impacts the other. Each MBA programme must create its own unique journey, there is no one template or best practice example to follow. The conference will thus focus not on the “what” but on the “how” of designing a meaningful MBA experience.
This event is aimed at MBA Directors and business school staff involved in part-time, full-time and executive MBA programmes.


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EFMD Master Programmes Conference


This conference is tailored to fit the expectations of directors and administrators of MSc and MA programmes from all over the world. The event is a unique occasion for networking, sharing and debating issues and opportunities present in Masters programmes.

When entering a Master programme, the diversity of students’ backgrounds is wide due to their working experience and individual motivations. Keeping in mind the complexity of managing Masters programmes, we base the sessions around topics such as global trends and new markets for Masters programmes while staying relevant to all attendees.

The 2019 Conference will focus on various aspects and elements leading to success under the title “Success Revisited”

Please note: this conference will not deal with MBA programmes as EFMD organizes a yearly event dedicated exclusively to MBA programmes.

Strategic Partner

Graduate Management Admissions Council


Jean-Alexis Spitz

Fifth Annual Global Strategy and Emerging Markets (GSEM) Conference


Cornell University Emerging Markets Institute (EMI) and partners — The University of Texas at Dallas Center for Global Business (CGB), Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets (CEM), and the University of Miami Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) — are pleased to announce the fifth annual Global Strategy and Emerging Markets (GSEM) Conference.

Previous GSEM conferences have been held in Miami (2016), Boston (2017), Miami (2018) and Dallas (2019). This conference provides a platform to bring together senior and junior scholars, doctoral students, and practitioners in the fields of international business, strategic management, cross-cultural management, technology strategy, and global entrepreneurship with shared interests in global strategy, emerging markets, and emerging market multinationals. The theme of GSEM 2020 is “Competing in the Digital Word.” Digital technologies—including internet of things, 5G, cloud computing, AI, big data, and other new information technologies—are profoundly influencing the global economy by reshaping the rules of competition, generating new business models and enabling innovative ecosystems. Digital technologies are creating new business opportunities for emerging markets to improve their competitiveness and in some instances to leapfrog existing business practices and become world leaders.

Conference Submissions

Examples of possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • How does digitalization affect firms’ competitive strategy, competitive dynamics, M&As, strategic alliances, and joint ventures?
  • How does digitalization affect international business activities, e.g., multinational enterprises, FDI and cross-border and trade activities?
  • How does digitalization affect organizational learning, knowledge creation, and firms’ internal integration of knowledge?
  • What is the relationship between digitalization and innovation?
  • How do digital technologies affect entrepreneurship, e.g., opportunity discovery versus creation, market failure and uncertainty, and entrepreneurial financing (by venture capitalists, IPO, etc.)?
  • How do digital technologies influence cross-cultural management, e.g., how these technologies affect cultural orientations and practices of managers and other organizational members, individual values and cognitive structures?
  • What are implications of digitalization on firms’ economic systems (e.g., interorganizational network, their relationship with competitors, suppliers, and customers) and business models?
  • How do digital technologies redefine firms’ boundary and affect organizational structure and design (e.g., non-hierarchical organizations)?
  • How does digitalization contribute to existing management theories (e.g., by questioning, modifying, and adding new assumptions) or advancing new ones (e.g., by asking and answering new questions)?

We welcome you to submit papers (≤ 40 pages all-inclusive with double-spaced text following Academy of Management Journal guidelines) OR proposals (5 single-spaced pages all-inclusive following Strategic Management Society conference guidelines). Please submit your papers to

In addition to research presentations, the conference will feature (1) keynote speeches, (2) a “meet with editors” session, (3) a Cornell “research day,” (4) a paper development session, and (5) an industry (practitioner/policymaker) panel.


Cornell University

Ithaca, New York, United States

Official Conference Hotels:  Ithaca Marriott Downtown, Hilton Garden, Ithaca (more information to follow). There will be a shuttle service between the hotel and campus.

Conference Fee

Conference Registration Fee link to registration to follow $80 faculty / $40 Ph.D. students. The fee covers meals and materials at the conference.

Optional Dinner, Cornell EMI’s 10th-anniversary celebration.

For more information, contact:

Click here for the conference website.

15th GBSN Annual Conference



The GBSN Annual Conference is a premier international forum attracting some of the world’s foremost management educators from around the globe, as well as leaders in the development, corporate and public sectors to share ideas and network with a focus on strengthening management education for the developing world. The conference is a unique opportunity to network and to learn about trends and best practice in delivering management education around the globe.

Hosted By

 width=Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami
5250 University Dr.
Coral Gables, FL 33146







Please stay tuned for more information on the Conference theme.

Target Audience

Business School Deans, Directors, Faculty and Administrators from developed, emerging and frontier markets. Professionals from industry, aid organizations, and civil society dedicated to addressing social and economic challenges effectively and efficiently, Government Officials with an interest in wider stakeholder collaboration to address social and economic challenges.

Registration Information

Please stay tuned for more information on registration and fees.

Sponsorship & Exhibition

The Annual GBSN Conference is a premier international forum attracting some of the world’s foremost management educators from around the globe, as well as leaders in the development, corporate and public sectors to share ideas and network with a focus on strengthening management education for the developing world.

The conference is a unique opportunity to network and to learn about trends and best practice in delivering management education around the globe. Previous GBSN conferences have been held in the US, France, Kenya, South Africa, Mexico, Philippines, India, Tunisia, Spain and Portugal.

Choose from a variety of packages that offer various benefits and opportunities and gain the biggest value with the largest  impact for your organization.

If you are interested in any sponsorship or exhibit opportunities, or if you would like to discuss tailored packages please contact us.

Nicole Zefran


