
GBSN for Business and Human Rights Impact Community 8th Annual Meeting

The Geneva School of Economics and Management, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, the Alliance Business School, and the Global Business School Network invite individuals at business schools interested in integrating human rights in business school curricula to the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights Impact Community (GBSN for BHR) 8th Annual Meeting.

This hybrid meeting will take place at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, November 25. Our agenda includes a diverse range of topics, such as the integration of human rights into teaching, showcasing regional collaborations within GBSN for BHR, expanding our community’s geographical reach, and incorporating human rights principles into specialized management subdisciplines such as accounting and supply chain management. We will also delve into our public advocacy efforts.

Watch the Recording

Date & Time

Monday, 25 November 2024 from 9:00-10:30am CET


Geneva, Uni Dufour, 24 Rue du Général Dufour, Room 408 / Online


We have reached our full capacity for in-person registration. We welcome you to join us for the online portion of the 8th Annual BHR Meeting.

If you experience any issues registering for this event, please email Julie LaBelle at

Agenda *subject to change

  • 8:30 – 9:00 – Coffee and networking
  • 9:00 – 9:05 â€“ Welcome 
    • DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly (Director, GCBHR) & Michael Posner (Director, NYU Stern Center for BHR)
  • 9:05 – 9:10 â€“ Opening remarks
    • StĂ©phane Berthet (Vice-rector, University of Geneva)
  • 9:10 – 9:20 – Keynote remarks 
    • Volker TĂŒrk (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
  • 9:20 – 9:25 – Perspective from a Head of School 
    • Kenneth McPhail (Head of School, Alliance Manchester Business School)
  • 9:25 – 9:30 – Perspective from a multi-stakeholder initiative 
    • Jeff Vockrodt (President and CEO, Fair Labor Association)
  • 9:30 – 10:25 – Discussion: Strategies to accelerate the integration of human rights in business education
  • 9:30 – 9:40 – Leverage the new regulatory landscape 
    • Discussion lead: 
      • Björn Fasterling (Professor of Law and Business Ethics, EDHEC Business School)
  • 9:40 – 9:50 – Activating the private sector to speak up for human rights 
    • Discussion leads: 
      • Matthew Kilgarriff (Sustainability Leader; GBSN for BHR Ambassador)
      • Ron Popper (CEO, Global Business Initiative on Human Rights)
  • 09:50 – 10:00 – Activating the students
    • Discussion lead:
      • Katrin Muff (Professor, LUISS Business School; Director, The Institute for Business Sustainability)
  • 10:00 – 10:10 – Expanding the network
    • Discussion Leads:
      • Hani Kamel (Professor, Qatar University)
      • Charles Autheman (Lecturer, Sciences Po & HEC Paris)
  • 10:10 – 10:25 – Other strategies
  • 10:25 – 10:30 – Closing remarks
    • Closing remarks by DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly & Michael Posner

Interested in joining the GBSN for BHR Impact Community?

Individuals interested in joining the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights Impact Community should complete the online sign-up form.

30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics – June 18-20

Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics provides a forum for high-quality research in environmental economics. Initiated in 1993, it allows PhD students to present their work and interact with leading researchers in the field. The conference is held at Ulvön (the Wolf Island) a small, attractive old fishing hamlet located along the high coast, about 500 km north of Stockholm.

The 30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics is scheduled for June 18-20.

Distinguished keynote speakers include:

– Maximillian Auffhammer from UC Berkeley (

– Charlie Kolstad from Stanford/UC Santa Barbara (

– Christa Brunnschweiler from NTNU (

Additionally, on June 17th, the afternoon before the main conference, Eric Naevdal from HVL Business School, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, will be offering a short course on ”Simple numerical recipes for solving optimal control problems”. This course will be valuable for researchers in dynamic resource economics or anyone utilizing optimal control analysis.

Submit your abstract before 2024-04-05 (Abstract submission Ulvön 2024).

The cost for the conference is €500, €300 for presenting PhD students (includes food, lodging and transportation between UmeĂ„ and the conference venue)

Registration for the conference will open shortly.

Successful Case Teaching Workshop – The Case Centre & Porto Business School

Are you interested in teaching with cases? Are you looking for new and exciting ways to reinvigorate your teaching? This two-day in-person workshop will give you fresh inspiration in the classroom, ensuring you offer students at all levels, from undergraduate to executive, an exciting and motivational learning experience.


Learn how to engage students and get the most from case discussions in the classroom in this intensive and interactive hands-on workshop. This workshop includes the opportunity to practise case teaching in a safe and supportive environment.

The case method is widely recognised as an enormously powerful approach to teaching and learning, especially in management education. This workshop will provide teachers with the opportunity to explore the case method and assess its benefits for use in their own classes. The highly experienced tutor will share practical tips and skills for teaching with cases and offer guidance on case selection and instructor preparation for class. Participants will gain confidence and share experiences in a friendly and supportive environment.

Workshop Participants

This workshop will be of benefit to a wide audience who are interested in:

  • using cases for teaching, in-class or online
  • reflecting on their own teaching
  • improving their case teaching and facilitation skills.

Participants may include:

  • faculty and trainers from all sectors or disciplines within business education, teaching at any level from undergraduate to executive
  • faculty and trainers from a wide range of other disciplines with some connection to or interest in management education.

Workshop Objectives

Participants will:

  • reflect on their own classroom teaching
  • understand the prerequisites for case teaching
  • practise case teaching in a safe environment
  • learn how to optimise for an online (asynchronous and synchronous) teaching setting
  • learn how to evaluate success factors for any given audience.

Takeaways – participants will develop:

  • the ability to choose appropriate cases for their students
  • the confidence to lead case teaching sessions in-class and online (asynchronous and synchronous)
  • a structure and pace for their case teaching sessions
  • the skill to deal with any student response – including silence
  • the ability to achieve their learning objectives in the classroom.



Fees include course materials, refreshments and lunches.

Find out if your organisation is a member 
Become a member organisation 

See our terms and conditions for more information about fees, cancellations and transfers.

A minimum of one subsidised place for participants in developing countries is available on each event. If your organisation qualifies for our membership scheme for developing countries you may be eligible. Contact the events team for further details.

Seminar: Introduction to the ILO-GBSN-UNIGE Teaching Resources

Thursday, 25th January 2024, 3pm CET / 2pm GMT / 9am EST via Zoom. Joint initiative by the International Labour Organization, the GBSN for BHR impact community and the University of Geneva. 

Increasing consumer awareness on human and labor rights, investment requirements on ESG performance, and a growing number of due diligence laws, require human rights expertise and new management skills. Students are demanding that business schools adapt to these developments.

The International Labor Organization, GBSN for BHR, and the University of Geneva joined forces to create teaching resources that integrate human rights in management education and equip students with the skills to navigate complex supply chains and operating environments responsibly.

The teaching resources are ready-to-use modules that include presentation slides and accompanying teaching notes, background readings, and teaching experiences from lecturers who have discussed the topic from different perspectives. They are available open source and require no prerequisites from lecturers or students. The resources can be adapted for different regions and class levels.

In the seminar, we will go through one of the teaching resources together to show how the resources are structured and how human rights connect to different management disciplines. We will address questions such as how to get started if you are new to human and labor rights, how to adapt the module to fit into your course, and practical concerns such as options to co-teach or using video-material from the experts who created the resources, as well as other questions you may have.


  • Charles Autheman

    Consultant and Professor | Modern Slavery & Supply Chains Cluster Lead
    HEC Paris
  • DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly

    Director, Center for Business and Human Rights
    Geneva School of Economics and Management; NYU Stern School of Business
  • Berit Knaak

    Senior Research Associate | Agriculture Cluster Lead
    Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights, Université de GenÚve
  • Alix Nasri

    Forced Labour Specialist
    International Labour Organization

Watch the Recording


  • Welcome
  • Introduction to the teaching resource and its components
  • Context on why forced labor in the fishing industry?
  • Experiences with using the teaching resources in class
  • Questions & Answers

If you’re looking for teaching resources that link academic insights and current challenges in management practice, this might be for you!


For more information about the seminar, please contact Julianna LaBelle.

Solari Lecture 2023 by Professor Esther Duflo (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2019)

The Solari Lecture 2023 will welcome Professor Esther Duflo, the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics in the Department of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2019. She will address the topic: Good Economics for Warmer Times.

Climate change is not just about getting the right technology. It is also about changing behavior and policies. And it is not (only) about the end of the world: it is also about the damage it does, today, mainly to poor people around the world. In this lecture, Professor Duflo will discuss some of what we know about the impact of climate change on poor countries, and what we know and what we do not know about changing behavior and policies.

Professor Duflo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for her experimental approach to alleviating global poverty. In her research, she seeks to understand the economic lives of the poor, with the aim to help design and evaluate social policies. She has worked on health, education, financial inclusion, environment, and governance.

The Solari Lecture welcomes distinguished guests specialized in economics and econometrics, in memory of Luigi Solari, professor at the University of Geneva and pioneer in introducing research in econometrics in Switzerland. Since its first edition in 1979, this conference has featured several notable guest speakers, e.g., Jan Tinbergen, Richard Stone, Robert Engle, Bengt Holmstrom, and Jean Tirole.

10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference

The 10th RMER Conference hosted by Iscte Business School is a forum intended to engage multiple stakeholders in a dialogue around Agenda 2030 and beyond and enhance further collaborations in responsible management education and research, and sustainable business practices to advance the SDGs.

This year marks the 10thJubilee anniversary of RMER Conferences.  Across a decade of achievement, RMER Conferences have explored the complexities and global challenges involved in the transition to more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Different agents, including companies, nonprofits, governmental entities, organizations, consumers, and society at large, need to work together to effectively advance the 2030 Agenda and beyond. Through multidimensional and multidisciplinary dialogue and knowledge sharing among management educators in conversation with other stakeholders have advanced responsible management education and learning. As the challenge remains, further dialogue on how economic restructuring and social transformation on the journey to a more sustainable world is still needed.

The Responsible Management Education Research (RMER) Conference will be held at Iscte Business School from 26th to 28th of September 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference theme is “Sustainable and Responsible Management: A decade of Integrating Knowledge and Creating Societal Impact through Innovation and Entrepreneurship.” Deadline registration for authors is June 30th and early bird registration is up to August 18th.

Business School Educator’s Technical Workshop on Fair Recruitment of Migrant Workers

11/30 – 12/03/2022 

Geneva School of Economics and Management 


On December 2 nd 2022 in Geneva, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Global Business School Network (GBSN) and the Geneva School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva (GSEM/UNIGE) signed a memorandum of understanding to increase the inclusion of labour rights in business education. The MoU was signed during the annual meeting of the GBSN for Business and Human Rights impact community, held in Geneva during the week of the 11th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.

One of the objectives of the MoU is to develop teaching resources for business school practitioners on pressing human and labour rights related issues. The first workshop was hosted by the GSEM/UNIGE during the week of the MoU signing and was dedicated to the topic of forced labour in the fishing industry. 

The workshop brought together nine business school lecturers from Asia-Pacific (Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand), Africa (Ghana, South Africa), Europe (France, Switzerland) and Latin America (Ecuador/USA), ILO technical specialists working on forced labour and fishing as well as legal and business and human rights experts.

The second workshop will focus on the fair recruitment of migrant workers, a topic which the ILO and its partners have developed significant knowledge and operational experience under the framework of the Fair Recruitment Initiative, launched in 2014 and currently in its second phase. Fair recruitment is also an area which has a number of entry points within business schools’ curricula, including supply chain management, due diligence and business accountability, and human resource management. 

Practical Information

The workshop will take place at UNIGE, in the premises of the Geneva School of Economics and Management. 

Uni Mail – Boulevard du Pont d’Arve 40, 1205 GenĂšve – Switzerland 

Coffee-breaks will be organized in the meeting room and covered by the organizers. Lunches will be taken near the university and will be at the expense of each participant. 


Wednesday June 21st 

Arrival of participants in Geneva

Thursday June 22nd 

9:00-9:30 Introduction and presentation of participants

Brief introduction by ILO, UNIGE, GBSN partners. Participants will then be asked to briefly present their areas of expertise and interest as they relate to the topic of fair recruitment

9:30-10:00 Setting the scene: Why is fair recruitment of migrant workers a key issue in the world of work?

Presentations by Maria Gallotti, ILO Labour Migration Branch (MIGRANT) and Emily Sims, Manager, ILO Helpdesk for Business

10:00-10:30 Overview of draft teaching materials

Presentation by Charles Autheman, Independent Consultant

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:45 Eliminating or reducing recruitment fees and related costs: lessons from the construction sector

An interview with Henriette McCool, Social Innovation & Human Rights Manager, Vinci

moderated by Alix Nasri, Forced Labour Specialist, ILO Fundamental principles and rights at work Branch (Fundamentals) and discussion

11:45-12:30 Overview of case study methodology

Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Director, Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Collective work on teaching material

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 Collective work on teaching material

17:00-17:45 Conducting due diligence along supply chains: lessons from the electronics sector

Intervention by Vidhi Aggarwal, Environment & Supply Chain Innovation (ESCI), Apple

Friday June 23rd 

9:00-9:30 Pitch of the day: why fair recruitment matters – perspectives from Samsung

Intervention by Mattias Thorns Global Labour Relations and Human Rights Director

9:30-10:30 Collective work on the teaching material

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 Access to company level grievance mechanisms

Interview with QICC-Nexans Qatar moderated by Marie-Josée Taya, Technical Specialist, Social Dialogue, ILO Arab States

11:30-12:30 Collective work on the teaching material

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Collective work on teaching material

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:30-17:30 Collective work on teaching material and wrap up

Just Transition: Embedding Justice in Low-Carbon Futures Conference

A half-day conference to understand the implications and challenges of a Just Transition in Ireland

Wednesday, June 7, 9am-2pm IST. In-person and virtual participation options.

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires transformative changes in technology, society, human behaviour, and institutional practices. During this conference, we facilitate a cross-disciplinary dialogue to encourage integrated and interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of how a Just Transition to a low-carbon future can be achieved. We will explore questions such as:

  • How can research on Just Transition contribute to the decarbonisation of our socio-economic systems?
  • How can we produce knowledge that can ensure social justice is not compromised during the transition process?
  • How can integrated and interdisciplinary research contribute to solving complex societal problems?

John Barry: Just(ice) Transformations in the Anthropocene: Conflict Transformation and the Role and Responsibility of Academia in Democratically Navigating Pathways to Post-Carbon and Post-Growth Futures

John Barry, Professor of Green Political Economy in the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at Queens University Belfast, will give his presentation on the need to bring together the literature on conflict transformation and energy transitions and examine the role and responsibility of academia during times of a planetary crisis.

Niamh Moore-Cherry: Place-based approaches to sustainable and just urban and regional development: Lessons for policy and practice

Drawing on two recent projects, Prof. Niamh Moore-Cherry, UCD School of Geography and College of Social Sciences and Law, will give an account of how urban and regional policies and programmes must not exacerbate existing inequalities

Donna Marshall: Just Transition in Fashion: Can it happen?

Prof. Donna Marshall’s presentation will explore the tensions between economic, social and environmental demands of a fast fashion giant and the impact on its supply chain and specifically its workers.

Patrick Brodie: Just Transitions and Irelands Postcolonial Ecological Regime

Lecturer and Assistant Professor Patrick Brodie, UCD School of Information and Communication Studies, will present on his work with Dr. Patrick Bresnihan, Maynooth University, about anti-extractivism and environmental justice movements in Ireland against multinationals.

Kate Flood: Just Transition and Irish peatlands: fostering transformative ecological, economic, and socio-cultural relationships with peatland landscapes

Dr. Kate Flood, EPA researcher, the cultural context and experiences of communities in the midlands regions of Ireland as they transition from extracting peat systems to more regenerative models. These transitions require ‘social-ecological’ investment and resourcing, both for the scientific aspects of peatland restoration, rewetting and conservation and the relational networks that are crucial to building the collaborative communities, cultures and economies of the future.

GBSN for Business and Human Rights Impact Community 7th Annual Meeting

The NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, the Alliance Business School at the University of Manchester, the Geneva School of Economics and Management at the University of Geneva, and the Global Business School Network invite individuals at business schools interested in integrating human rights in business school curriculum to the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights Impact Community (GBSN for BHR) 7th Annual Meeting.

The meeting will encompass an in-person session in Geneva, Switzerland, and a hybrid online session both scheduled on Thursday, November 30th. We hope to discuss new initiatives and issues pertaining to business and human rights and discuss updates, activities, and collective action within the research clusters.

General Information

Date: Thursday, 30 November 2023

Time of the in-person meeting: 11:00am – 3:00 pm CET (including lunch)

Time of the hybrid meeting: 2:00 – 3:00pm (CET)

Location: Uni Dufour, 24 Rue du Général Dufour, GenÚve, Room 260/Online

A buffet lunch will be provided for attendees during the break between the in-person and hybrid sessions (12:30pm – 2:00pm)

Agenda – In-Person Meeting (11:00am – 12:30pm)

11 :00 – 11 :05 – Welcome by DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly (Director, GCBHR) & Mike Posner (Director,  NYU Stern Center for BHR) 

11 :05 – 11 :10 – Opening remarks by StĂ©phane Berthet (Vice-rector, University of Geneva) 11:10 – 11: 25 – Round of introductions from participants 

11:25 – 11:45 – Keynote remarks by Yann Wyss (Global Head – Social Impact & Human Rights,  NestlĂ©) 

11:45 – 12:25 – Highlights of the community’s activities 

  • Integrating human rights in teaching
    • Overview of ILO-GBSN-UNIGE Memorandum of Understanding 
    • Teaching resources 
  • Illustration of collaborations
    • Interdisciplinary collaborations: Research clusters
    • Regional collaborations: Qatar University
  • Our Community – Outlook
    • Integrating human rights into sub-disciplines of management
    • Geographical expansion
    • Pubic advocacy initiatives

12:25 – 12:30 – Closing remarks by DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly & Mike Posner 

Agenda – Hybrid Meeting (2:00 – 3:00pm)

2:00 – 2:05 – Welcoming address by DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly (Director, GCBHR) & Mike Posner (Director, NYU Stern Center for BHR)

2:05 – 2:25 – Highlights of the Community’s activities & briefing from the in-person meeting

2:25 – 2:55 – Open discussion

2:55 – 3:00 – Closing remarks by DorothĂ©e Baumann-Pauly & Mike Posner

EFMD Strategic Leadership Program for Deans

October 17-20, Brussels, Belgium

The focus of the Strategic Leadership Program for Deans is to discuss central themes that any dean and director faces in one or another form, and with priorities that may vary between business schools and over time.

Target group: Newly appointed Deans or Director General of the entire institution with overall school management responsibility.

Please note that the program will be limited to 20 participants.
