Wednesday, 12 April 2023, 10:00 AM PT | 5:00 PM GMT | 7:00 PM CAT
Africa currently has 600 million people without access to electricity. While there are many ongoing efforts to bridge this electrification gap, many have run into challenges of scale and profitability.
During this talk we’ll explore the challenges of energy access in Africa, and the trade-offs of the different technologies currently being deployed – when are mini-grids best suited to connect communities vs solar home systems? Is it possible for electrification technologies to be profitable without some form of public subsidy? What is the cost of electricity for these systems?
Join Stanford Seed and the Stanford Africa Business Club for a thought-provoking discussion with our panel of experts on the topic of Energy Access in Africa.
Featured speakers
Humphrey Wireko
Managing Director, CrossBoundary Energy Access
Hannah Kabir
CEO, Creeds Energy
Phuthi Tsatsi
Stanford GSB MBA Candidate as Moderator