Thursday, 2 March I 8AM EST
Online, Zoom
CIPE’s Anti- Corruption and Governance Center (ACGC) and the Global Business School Network (GBSN) will be co-hosting a panel discussion focusing on the effectiveness of anti-corruption trainings in the Nigerian and Indonesian private sectors.
CIPE and GBSN have been collaborating on a year-long project to fund research investigating the impact of anti-corruption compliance training in emerging markets with the goal of providing new empirical data on the impact of these trainings. The panel will focus on the findings from studies conducted by two of CIPE’s partners / GBSN Members: Lagos Business School (LBS) and Gadjah Mada University (UGM).
The panel will be hosted on Zoom on Thursday the 2nd of March at 8am EST/ 2pm WAT/ 8pm WIB. The session will be co-hosted by Dan Le Clair (CEO, GBSN), Rob Vember (Director of Programs & Partnerships, GBSN), Michele Crymes (Program Director, ACGC) and Niki Linganur (Associate Program Officer, ACGC).
Michele Crymes
Senior Program Officer, Anti-Corruption and Governance Center
Center for Private Enterprise
Niki Linganur
Associate Program Officer, Anti-Corruption and Governance Center
Center for Private Enterprise
Please register using the Eventbrite link by the 28th of February 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!