The Center for Global Business’ Annual Forum is an event occurring every spring that brings together distinguished voices from the academic, policy, diplomatic, and business communities to speak on a different theme each year.
This year, save the date for the 3rd Annual Forum on Tuesday, April 13. Kislaya Prasad, academic director of the Center for Global Business, will lead a discussion with Mauro Guillén, author of “2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything.”
About the Speaker
Mauro F. Guillén
Author of 2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything
Dr. Felix Zandman Professor of International Management, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Mauro F. Guillén is one of the most original thinkers at the Wharton School, where he holds the Zandman Professorship in International Management and teaches in its flagship Advanced Management Program and many other courses for executives, MBAs, and undergraduates. He combines his training as a sociologist at Yale and as a business economist in his native Spain to methodically identify and quantify the most promising opportunities at the intersection of demographic, economic, and technological developments. – mauroguillen.com.
Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
- 5:00pm Washington D.C.
- 10:00pm London