Wednesday April 27, 2022
PST: 8:00 AM
EST: 11:00 AM
GMT: 3:00 PM
CET: 4:00 PM
The African Diaspora Network extends an invitation to the seventh annual African Diaspora Investment Symposium April 27, at 8AM PST, for ADIS22: “Energizing Investment in the Solar and Renewable Sector.”
According to a report by International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), with the right policies, regulations, governance, and access to financial markets, sub-Saharan Africa could meet up to 67 percent of its energy needs by 2030 with nearly a quarter of those energy needs being met through clean, renewable energy.
With that potential on the horizon, what can Africa do to further advance its use of renewable energy? What new technologies can be adaptable to local situations that are different from traditional energy grids? What approaches can countries take to attract foreign investment and create infrastructure that earns foreign exchange?
Register today to learn more!