The pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges but also created multiple opportunities. It changed how we design and build our careers, upskill, network, study, and work. It also brought about a boom in startups and interest in entrepreneurship.
In this session with Sabrina Roshan, we will discuss the opportunities for young entrepreneurs in emerging markets and how youth can be involved in organizations and the community around them.
Wednesday, August 11th 2021 at 12:00 PM
More About Sabrina
Sabrina oversees all fundraising and deal flow, portfolio operations, advisory services and development of Good Machine’s entrepreneurs-in-residence program. She manages Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related performance indexing across the Good Machine portfolio. Supported by Schmidt Futures, Good Machine identifies social and environmental market opportunities; rapidly develops, prototypes, and field-tests product-based solutions; and incubates, finances, and spins out impact-oriented for-profit companies. As a venture studio, we create multiple companies annually to address a wide range of socio-ecological problems leveraging a core team of deeply experienced and creative leaders while recruiting diverse and extraordinary talent to lead and grow the companies into maturity.