New Member
ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon
ISCTE Business School (IBS) aims to provide a multidisciplinary and experiential learning environment that develops responsible business leaders and promotes research applied to corporate and societal challenges. To engage its more than 3,500 students currently enrolled in the 7 Undergraduate Programs, 15 Masters Programs and 4 PhD’s offered by the school, IBS has approximately 181 faculty members distributed across its six Departments: Accounting; Economics; Finance; Marketing, Operations and Management; Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics; and Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. To learn more abut ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, visit
Accreditations: AACSB, EMBA, AMBA
Dean: Maria João Cortinhal
GBSN Ambassadors: Ana Simaens, Associate Dean for Engagement and Impact
Current Partnerships with GBSN Members: Iscte Business School shares the GBSN partnership with several leading universities and business schools around the world with which we regularly cooperate, learn and share insights. IBS always shows interest in collaborating with institutions that share its mission and values.

Network Engagement
Ways the institution will support the GBSN mission to improve access to quality management and entrepreneurship education for the develop world:
Besides the incorporation of quality management and entrepreneurship in its programs, ISCTE Business School is also connected to the business incubator Audax, where some of its students and Alumni companies develop their activities. The purpose of solving challenges for local communities and society in general is always present and further collaboration could be advanced with the GBSN involvement. Still, to seize these opportunities, we need an engaged community. A strategic decision has been to create the role of Associate Dean for Engagement and Impact. It is hoped that this new leadership role will encourage the active participation of faculty, students and professional staff in the new activities planned in the field of sustainable management and impact. Besides encouraging the development of creative thinking and innovative skills that may benefit recruitment and retention practices at IBS, it is expected to help strengthen the sense of community among its members.
Institutional Contributions to the Network Platform in the First Year:
At IBS we are eager to share our experience and learn from other partners, since the school is highly committed to creating a positive impact on the community and engaging stakeholders in a common purpose of sustainable development. The school has been well-known for its entrepreneurial and innovative spirit that transpires through its academic and non-academic activities. The students are being deeply involved, not only to pursue quality education in the field of management but also to create a positive impact on society and to become responsible leaders. In this way, the ISCTE Business School Ambassador Program, which began in the academic year 2020/2021, has been providing students who integrate it with a closer monitoring in their participation in activities and initiatives organized by IBS. Its members, at the same time, contribute and take an active role in the design and organization of these activities and support the professional staff in carrying out the current functions of organizing and promoting them. IBS Ambassadors have networking opportunities with the community and its stakeholders and are often “the face” of the school at events and initiatives. This is a program that facilitates the development of key soft skills for the job market, promotes teamwork, resilience, empathy, and public speaking.

“Membership in GBSN is a way for Iscte Business School to build relationships with like-minded colleagues and institutions around the globe, train, and mentor international peers, and find new opportunities to grow and to develop individually and institutionally. For our students, faculty, and administrators, GBSN should be perceived as a platform for innovation, collaboration, networking, partnership, and research. We are looking forward to exploring future opportunities within this active network.” – Maria João Cortinhal, Dean, ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon
Institutional Engagement with Fellow GBSN Member Institutions:
ISCTE Business School is already a partner of some GBSN members. With some, we are already starting collaboration and with others, we will seek and create opportunities for cross-cooperative projects that lead to mutual institutional benefits and occur within the framework of GBSN’s mission. Hence, we are looking forward to creating and benefiting from the opportunities to engage with fellow GBSN member institutions.
The biggest challenge facing management in your community and how the institution addresses this challenge:
ISCTE Business School community is facing multiple challenges, that have only been exacerbated with COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, IBS faculty and its partners have developed multiple activities, including the “Vital Signs Project” and the “3 Minutes inspiring Portugal”, developed in partnership with CIP (Business Confederation of Portugal) and the Marketing FutureCast Lab – ISCTE. Besides specific projects under IBS strategic and action plans, the school also develops projects and activities in collaboration with the entire ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and the Sustainability team, helping to develop and participating in a wider range of synergies in various areas of academic and local community.

An impactful initiative is ISCTE Junior Consulting (IJC), the Junior Enterprise of ISCTE that develops projects in Management Consulting and that is led only by students who reconcile their college studies with several projects. The work developed by IBS students at IJC is based on four main values: responsibility, trust, commitment and multidisciplinary. To satisfy our clients, they look for custom and innovative solutions: Shaping your Business. IJC customers are the focus of the IJC activity. Members of IJC look to produce works that are characterized by the best research, analysis, and methodologies, presenting proposals with high added value. Their solutions suit the business reality of each of their customers and are guided by the creativity, innovation, and multidisciplinary characteristic of a Junior Entrepreneur. At the same time, they assure confidentiality and commitment to all their customers. Among their services, is the ‘social responsibility’ one, which aims to create a positive impact on society and the environment, incorporating strategies that allow companies to be the difference they want to see in the world. With 11 years of experience, IJC has 47 active members, has won 10 prizes, has developed more than 100 projects with 9.6/10 client satisfaction level, and together with five learning partners.
GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.