Case Focus offers a journal publication outlet for high-quality, peer reviewed teaching cases, with a focus on management and business situations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. Call for cases are welcomed on all areas of business, management and government that are set in the MEA region. Cases must have been written for teaching purposes and be accompanied by a teaching note.

Cases can be based on published sources or field research. Fictional cases, or those from generalized experience, are not accepted.Authors Cases and their accompanying teaching notes must be copyrighted to an organization located in the MEA region. Authors must be a business or management teacher. Cases can be written by a team of two or more authors. Students and research assistants can be part of a writing team, but it must be led by a faculty member. The submission deadline is 9 September 2022.
Call for Cases
Cases are welcomed on all areas of business, management and government that are set in the MEA region. Cases must have been written for teaching purposes and be accompanied by a teaching note.
Cases can be based on published sources or field research. Fictional cases, or those from generalized experience, are not accepted.
Cases and their accompanying teaching notes must be copyrighted to an organisation located in the MEA region.
Authors must be a business or management teacher. Cases can be written by a team of two or more authors. Students and research assistants can be part of a writing team, but it must be led by a faculty member.
Submit to Case Focus
We are currently accepting submissions for Issue 4. The submission deadline is 9 September 2022.
Once you have checked that your case and teaching note meet our submission requirements it’s quick and easy to submit via our online form.
Benefits of submitting
Peer-review: all cases that meet the submission requirements will be double-blind reviewed. Feedback from the reviewers will be provided to authors to improve the quality of their cases and teaching notes.
Worldwide distribution: cases accepted to the journal for publication will be distributed and promoted to a global audience.
Retain your copyright: unlike other journals Case Focus does not require the authors or authoring organisation to sign over the copyright of cases that are published.
Earn a royalty: cases accepted to the journal for publication will be eligible for a royalty payment on any sales. The authoring school must be a member of The Case Centre to be eligible to receive royalties.