RRBM and its co-sponsors are offering up to eight scholarships of $10,000 each to doctoral students in business schools to conduct dissertation research that follows the principles of responsible research. The research topic should focus on economic inequality, racial, gender or other forms of social justice in organizations, thereby contributing to meeting one or more of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Call for Applications
Applications accepted beginning : November 1, 2021
Application deadline: December 1, 2021
Award decision: March 1, 2022

To support young scholars taking on the grand challenges of our world through responsible research in business and management.
Possible Research Topics and Methods
The Selection Committee welcomes dissertation research that will generate knowledge or ideas to reduce income inequality, increase racial and gender equity, or address other forms of social justice that enhance stakeholder well-being, especially focusing on the role of business organizations. Research that contributes to meeting one or more of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals related to these social justice issues are of special interest to this dissertation scholarship program.
This scholarship program supports dissertation research that is inter-disciplinary and that involves stakeholders in the research process. We encourage the use of multiple methods, including qualitative (case studies, observations, text analysis), quantitative (surveys, archival empirical), and experimentation (lab and field), as explained in the principles of responsible research. Intervention field studies (e.g., randomized controlled experiments) that robustly test theory-informed ideas/treatments to address the aforementioned justice issues are especially valuable.
The Eligible Applicant
- Is a doctoral candidate (generally after the qualifying exam) at the beginning stage of the dissertation research;
- Is studying in a business school in any of the disciplines as long as the research falls within the domain of the research topics described above;
- Is familiar with the RRBM Principles of Responsible Research (e.g., as an endorser of the position paper, an attendee of RRBM webinars, or through other engagements);
- We recommend attending the Philosophical Foundation of Responsible Research course which will be offered online September to mid-November 2021. The course covers the topics of uncertainties in scientific reasoning, inductive risks, values in science, objectivity and responsibility, science and policy, science and society, and progress in science – foundational ideas of responsible research. The final assignment of this course is to develop a research idea related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Registration for the 2021 course offering has closed. Missed the course? You can still apply for the scholarship. We recommend reviewing FAQ #5 below and taking some time to review the course syllabus and recommended reading.
The Application & Proposal Content
Eligible Applications will be submitted online and include (I) a proposal; (II) two letters of recommendation; and (III) the applicant’s CV. Applications should adhere to the detailed guidelines available for download here.
Applications will be accepted beginning November 1, 2021 and must be received by December 1, 2021.
Evaluation of Proposals
Proposals will be evaluated using the Seven Principles of Responsible Research, ensuring that the proposed research meets the standards of high relevance to the research domain specified in this program and strong methodological rigor with promise of credible findings. Additional information regarding the evaluation process and Selection Committee is available here.
Award winners will be announced March 1, 2022.