Dr. Lee Matthews, Dr. Lara Bianchi, Dr. Claire Ingram

International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR), Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, UK
Edward Elgar Publishing
After a successful first call for entries for the Encyclopedia on Corporate Social Responsibility in July 2021, we are pleased to announce a second call for entries.
Purpose of the Encyclopedia
The International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR), Nottingham University Business School, is editing an Encyclopedia on Corporate Social Responsibility that will be the most up to date compilation of knowledge on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) when published in 2023. It will discuss the evolution of and future for CSR, as well as situate CSR in relation to the themes of sustainability, stakeholder management, governance, and business and human rights.
The Encyclopedia has the following aims:
- To offer comprehensive guidance on CSR;
- To critically present the evolution of CSR;
- To discuss the state of the art within the field of CSR (such as key concepts, debates frameworks, standards, measures, and practices);
- To demonstrate the impacts of CSR;
- To discuss the future of CSR.
The writing style for the Encyclopedia will be critical and reflective, with entries grounded in ongoing debates on CSR. The Encyclopedia should be accessible to students yet interesting for and useful to academics, practitioners, and policymakers. Entries will vary in length but will range from 1,000 – 3,000 words. A Guidance for Authors will be made available to confirmed Contributors.
Call for Contributions
If you would like to contribute towards the Encyclopedia, please send an expression of interest (EOI) to csr-encyclopedia@nottingham.ac.uk, stating your entry topic, by the 31st of October. The Encyclopedia currently has over 170 entries planned. Please consider that a first call for contributors was issued in July 2021 and the majority of entries have already been covered. However, a few key entries are still available. The Editors welcome further suggestions.
Currently Available Entries
Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Sustainability, CSR and different forms of organizations, CSR and NGOs, Decolonising CSR, Environmental Justice, Explicit and Implicit CSR, Feminism and CSR, Global Value Chains, Intersectionality, Responsibilities towards Shareholders, Social and Environmental Auditing, Social and Environmental Innovation, Stakeholder Theory, Strategic CSR.
Early Career, PhD students and practitioners are welcome to contribute. Contributions from non-European Institutions are particularly encouraged. Each contributor will be asked to provide 1-2 reviews of entries relevant to their academic expertise. Each contributor will get a free electronic copy of the Encyclopedia.