Last Call for Undergraduates to Apply! Seed Internships in Emerging Markets
Work closely with talented entrepreneurs in Africa and South Asia while gaining high-level work experience and making a social impact. Seed welcomes applicants in all departments and majors.
Key Program Details
- Eligibility: Undergraduate (current sophomores and above), Coterm, and graduate students in all departments and majors. Graduating students (class of ’23) may also participate.
- Internship length: 9 week summer internships.
- Internship types: Seed offers a diverse set of project opportunities across numerous sectors, suitable for all majors, including STEM, social sciences, humanities, business and more.
- Format: Internships are expected to take place in-person at the company site. Hybrid, and other arrangements, may be considered on a case by case basis.
- International students: Seed sponsors international students. For immigration-related questions, please contact us for more details, and afterwards verify information with Bechtel individually.
About the Program
What’s it like to gain high-level work experience while making a social impact? In a word: Transformative. Watch video highlights from your peers:
Application Deadlines
- Undergraduate students (& all early bird applicants): March 3, 2023 (rolling)
- Undergraduate placement deadline to confirm internships: April 7, 2023
- Graduate students: May 12, 2023 (rolling)
- Graduate placement deadline to confirm internships: June 2, 2023
*Note: internships offered on a first come, first served basis. Apply early to secure your top choice.