Innovation and creativity
With the support of the Case Centre and our category sponsors, the case writing competition encourages innovative and impactful case writing and teaching. Take part in this yearly case writing competition, organized since 1988.
Join a learning community
You get a chance to be assessed by an international judging panel, who reviews more than 400 cases every year; have an impact on teaching management development and join a community of outstanding innovators.
Impact on management development
Through seventeen categories representing critical managerial areas, you can contribute to management development and some of its future challenges.
Evaluation criteria
- Content: The ability to create a strong and interesting learning experience
- Form: A good balance between a well-told story and sufficient data
- The teaching notes: Accompanying each submission to enhance the learner’s experience
- Innovation: Ideas should improve teaching and student engagement
- SHOWCASEBe published by the Case Centre and gain wide visibility across the EFMD network
- AWARDGet a chance to be awarded with €2000, applicable to all the winning cases
- INSPIREImpact students of management institutions across the globe and practitioners seeking innovations
- SHAREEngage with incumbent organisations in discussing strategic business solutions
June 2021: Submission Open
31 October: Deadline for Case Submission
April 2022: Winners Announcement
Submissions Categories
African Business Cases
Cases on an African company or a multinational company operating on the African continent in any of the business disciplines, including strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing, OB&HR, supply chain, finance, etc. It must deal with critical challenges, issues, or decisions that students can analyze using theories, frameworks, and analytical methods and tools.
Bringing Technology to Market
This category welcomes cases featuring current and future challenges of industrial companies in global B2B markets and their strategies to remain competitive. Cases can focus on industrial companies
- introducing digital-based solutions
- going global
- implementing innovative business models
- sustaining a quality leadership position
- fighting low-cost competition
Continuous Improvement: The Journey to Excellence
Continuous Improvement emphasizes the need to create a culture of progress among companies, permanent change in search of competitiveness, and excellence to improve the business over time. Cases should focus on specific projects leading toward greater efficiency, productivity and the creation of value for clients, which eventually become part of the company’s philosophy.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Cases addressing innovative ways companies manage the demands for socially and environmentally circular business practices. Circular context introduces complexity but permits to identify practices in relation to important challenges to promote responsible business. Cases can come from any disciplinary perspective (operations, strategy, finance, etc.).
Entrepreneurial processes are present in large organizations as well as in public and social sectors. Cases which address entrepreneurship within these broad sectors are invited.
Family Business
This category welcomes case studies featuring inter-disciplinary coverage of family business entrepreneurship related issues. Scholars and other research practitioners are invited to submit case studies addressing various themes: strategy development of a new start-up; family business serial entrepreneurship and many more.
Finance and Banking
Cases submitted for this category should have a clear link to business situations occurring in the sector of Finance and Banking.
Hidden Champions
“Hidden champions” are large medium-sized companies which hold a leading international market position but aren’t well known to the general public. Cases focus on the challenges of hidden champions to support them in even better mastering their jobs. Topics include international growth strategies, innovation, digital transformation, marketing and sales management, leadership, and corporate culture.
Inclusive Business Models
Cases embracing inclusive business models, i.e. commercially viable models that include the poor on the demand side as clients and customers, and on the supply side as employees, producers and business owners at various points in the value chain. These firm-level case studies will provide insights into the effects inclusive business models have on communities, environment and profitability.
Latin American Business Cases
Cases describing business development in Latin America, which can feature all types of disciplines of the Business Administration (Strategy, Foresight, Innovation, Marketing, Internationalization, Human Resources, etc.) and cover challenges related to internalization of the regional companies and many more.
MENA Business Cases
The MENA Business Cases category focuses on the MENA region, which is experiencing fast development, and whose prospects are promising. Contribute to business cases in the MENA region and stimulate the development of teaching materials related to the main issues characterizing the region.
Responsible Business
This mainly include cases that address corporate governance, financial reporting and auditing, integrated reporting, anti-corruption, business ethics, social marketing, gender equality, corporate sustainability, and responsible business education and practices.
This track is believed to add knowledge to different stakeholders about the area of responsible business highlighting its extreme importance.
Responsible Leadership
Responsible leaders demonstrate through example their commitment to leading with integrity and to values-driven decision making that considers interests of shareholders, employees, clients, the environment, and the community. Cases are welcome which address the challenges leaders face engaging diverse stakeholders in the creation of economic and social value.
Women in Business
Case studies featuring women protagonists in the business environment and focusing on the challenges and issues faced by women in business; how women either overcame these to find growth and success, or lessons drawn from having been inhibited by them. The cases can address a variety of topics and situations, such as women as leaders and entrepreneurs, gender equality, changing workplace dynamics and how to tap into visible or invisible opportunities.