ESG Senior Advisor
Antonio is ESG Senior Advisor of Specialisterne, a Danish company which aim is to integrate persons with autism in business context and also for Business and Human Rights (BHR), a company specialized on promoting Human Rights on the value chain. He has 30 of experience in the energy business, 16 of them as a Global Head of Sustainability at Naturgy leading the Human Rights project during 10 years and coordinating the plans that led the company to be world leader at of Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good and to get outstanding positions in Sustainability Rating Agencies (Sustainalytics, Vigeo, and MSCI).
He has been a Board Member of Bettercoal from 2015 to 2019. He is a member of the ESG Working Group of the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa) and a member of the Human Security Business Partnership of the London School of Economics. He teaches Sustainability at the Spanish Institute of Directors. In 2007 he co-authored the book “The challenges of CSR: An industry approach” published by IESE Business School. He has education on Good Corporate Governance by Institute of Directors of Spain, on Energy Business by ICADE, on Accounting and Finance by IESE Business School and on CSR by IE Business School. He started his professional career at Accenture.