Program Development Coordinator
My true personality, as an international individual, can be seen throughout my travels around the Globe. I have visited a total of 28 countries and 16 Capitals, from Europe to the Middle-East, Asia to the Indian Ocean and Oceania to the Americas. I spent my childhood in Turkey, Switzerland, the UK, France, the UAE and Romania. My first full-time job after graduating was at Genpact, Bucharest and in not even 2 years, I became a Senior Associate and Team Coordinator.
This said, I thrive through knowledge, culture and connectivity with individuals no matter their origins and beliefs. I am curious and a fast learner. I will always enjoy open discussion, regardless of the subject in question, professionally as well as privately. The more I learn in my career, as well as in my personal life, the more I yearn for better anchoring in life-to-life experiences. As a consequence, this gives me motivation to grow and confidence to excel in the field of work.
French Baccalaureate with Highest Honors awarded in Bucharest; BSc in Business studies (Finance) with Honors awarded by CASS Business School, with exchange program at RMIT, Melbourne. I concentrated my exchange program studies on urban planning and project management courses. Former AIESEC member at City University, London; Bachelor of Science with Honors at CASS was achieved by working on my dissertation about emerging countries and applying the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
I am currently a graduate student at Thunderbird, School of Global Management, pursuing a Master’s in Global Management. Thunderbird is the number 1 Master’s in Management in the World, quoted by WSJ and a branch of Arizona State University, number 1 innovation in the U.S.A. Considering my international background, I found that Thunderbird’s mission statement fits perfectly with my personal development in life and in my career.
It is my professional objective to work within the urban and regional planning industry. I wish to stand up in a domain where sustainable development is appraised beyond borders. Project management within this sector is my Career desire for the future.