Katrin Muff

Director of the Institute for Business Sustainability and Professor of Practice

Luiss Business School

Dr. Katrin Muff is Director of the Institute for Business Sustainability and Professor of Practice at the LUISS Business School in Rome. She works as a consultant for executives and boards of directors in the area of sustainability and strategic transformation. Ms. Muff, together with Dr. Thomas Dyllick, co-directs two leading-edge executive education programs in Sustainability Leadership. She was previously Dean of the Business School Lausanne for 10 years. Her books “The Positive Impact Mindset” and “Five Superpowers for Co-creators” are a testimony to her experience in stakeholder engagement, facilitation and coaching for positive impact. She has 20 years of international business experience in strategy and management in Australia, the USA, Russia, Eastern Europe and the Netherlands at Schindler, ALCOA and Procter & Gamble. Ms. Muff’s academic career includes 10 years as Dean of Business School Lausanne (Switzerland) where she integrated sustainability and responsibility across all programs. She holds a PhD in Leadership from Exeter University (UK) and an MBA from Business School Lausanne. A Swiss national, Ms Muff is committed to the positive contribution of companies to society and the environment.