Labour Migration Specialist
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Maria Gallotti is an ILO expert on labour migration and fair recruitment. She works in the Labour migration Branch, where she coordinates the ILO global Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI). Since its launch in 2014, the FRI has been critical to ILO’s work in the area of national and international recruitment of workers and has added renewed impetus and visibility to the topic.
She has a degree in political science and master degree in human rights and extensive work experience and technical expertise on international labour standards and labour migration governance. Since she joined the ILO in 2000, she held numerous positions at field and headquarters level, supporting the development and implementation of policies and practices in the areas of gender, labour migration governance and fair recruitment.
As part of her work, she has been coordinating interagency, multidisciplinary teams and multi-stakeholders initiatives on a variety of different topics, such as migration, gender and domestic work and fair recruitment. Among others, she has been collaborating with the WB on the elaboration of a methodology to measure recruitment cost in line with SDG Indicator 10.7.1. She has been engaging in awareness raising, policy advice and capacity building activities such as the ILO media engagement work on forced labour and fair recruitment or the training materials and course on Fair recruitment with ITC-ILO. She has supervised research work, conducted research, and published/co-published relevant papers on migration, domestic work and recruitment.
She has prepared and participated to the organization of two technical meetings of experts that lead to the adoption of the ILO General Principles and Operational Guidance on Fair Recruitment and accompanying definition of recruitment fees and costs.