Supply Chain Transformation Director
Pamela Steele Associates
Pamela is the Supply Chain Transformation Director for PSA, a management consultancy specializing in supply chain transformation and workforce capacity development in the health sector in low- and middle-income countries.
A strategic thinker, Pamela is a strong communicator with a deep passion for this field. She has an outstanding track record of end-to-end supply chain management from source of supply to consumer, as well as of strategic project leadership.
She oversees supply chain transformation programmes for donors, leading efforts to implement sustainable supply chains, improve health service delivery, and scale up innovative approaches in developing countries in Nigeria and until recently in Ethiopia. She’s deeply passionate about developing supply chain workforce capacity and was the supply chain expert in an Evaluability Assessment team that developed a theory of change around HR capacity building for supply chain management in developing countries.
Prior to that she worked as Chief Executive Officer of PSA for 7 years. Previous positions include Capacity Development Specialist for UNICEF, Humanitarian Logistics Specialist for UNFPA, and Head of Humanitarian Logistics for Oxfam GB.
Over the years she has delivered guest lectures in humanitarian logistics and public health supply chain to post graduate students in various universities in Europe such as Brighton University, University of Oxford, among others.
Pamela has a keen interest in mainstreaming gender and co-founded WISE, the Women’s Initiative for Supply Chain Excellence, to promote gender issues in the humanitarian supply chain community.