Assistant Dean Undergraduate Programmes
Ahmedabad University – Amrut Mody School of Management
Professor Parag Patel has a rich experience of over two decades in higher education. Currently, he is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programmes of Amrut Mody School of Management at Ahmedabad University. Previously, he was the Director of HL Institute of Commerce for two years, from 2014 to 2016.Donning several hats comes easily to Professor Patel, who has been Chairman of FICCI’s Unlearning and Reskilling Committee, Vice Chairman of HL College Alumni Association, and GCCI’s Education Committee Member. Professor Patel is keenly interested in making a positive difference in Education Sector and has advised a 100 crore education initiative of the financial giant HDFC Ltd as a senior consultant.
With an M.Phil. in Accountancy, PhD in Equity Investment Decisions from Gujarat University and a Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Business Innovation and Ethics in International Business from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Professor Patel brings his vast exposure of national and international education to transformative educational leadership. Apart from academics and education management, Professor Patel has a deep interest in the capital markets in general and equities in particular. He has been featured in numerous live TV shows as a Market Expert on various national channels.
Pioneering educational reformation and transformation with a holistic vision, Professor Patel wields significant influence in the constantly evolving education sector. The World Education Congress listed him as one of the “100 Most Influential Directors of India in Education” in June 2016. Professor Patel has also received an Award for “Leadership, Teamwork and Innovativeness” as the Chairman of Ahmedabad University Students Events and Activities Committee.”