Dr. Brown is a writer, researcher, consultant, entrepreneur and lecturer on creating value. Dr. Brown is also the former Dean of the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship and an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Head of the Industrial Marketing and Entrepreneurship Division at the Royal Institute of Technology. He is also the Program Director for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Master’s Program at KTH.
He has been the Program Director for the ICT Entrepreneurship Master’s Program at KTH as well as a Program Director for the prestigious Scandinavian International Management Institute (SIMI). Dr. Brown is the founder of Cogeneration.se, the next step in new venture creation, StartupAcademy.se, an offline/online institution providing content and education to entrepreneurs and new venture investors and growthstrategies, a growth agency that specializes in helping to grow companies by creating and developing uncommon opportunities.
Dr. Brown has been also a member of the Swedish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association as well as the Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. He was the past Director of Research for the Association of the Electronic Auction Industry and Director of Research for The net.America Foundation, a think tank focusing on the New Economy, eCommerce and eLearning.
In 1997 Dr. Brown received the National Federation of Business Dissertation Award. This award, given by the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, recognizes the best dissertation presented in a given year. He has published in various academic journals. He has also lectured throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Dr. Brown has also been an invited member of several judging and competition panels. He has been a chosen and mentor a number of startup who went on win major international competitions. His students have gone on to building companies worth several billion dollars.