Thought leadership is about shaping the development of management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Our expertise lies in the collective knowledge and experiences of our broad network of organizations worldwide, which have for decades been engaged in the pioneering work for the developing world. We conduct research, convene experts, foster innovation, and influence policy that supports the achievement of mission.

CIPE-GBSN Anti-Corruption Research Partnership
Through its work with its Anti-Corruption and Governance Center, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) seeks to improve understanding of how corporate anti-corruption training impacts companies that implement anti-corruption initiatives, to harness the research of business schools around the globe in developing anti-corruption programs, and to provide feedback that will refine CIPE’s anti-corruption program design and development. CIPE and GBSN funded research to understand how anti-corruption interventions such as anti-corruption compliance training and the implementation of internal anti-bribery rules and controls influence individual and organizational behavior and performance.
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Leadership Roundtable Reports
Business school leaders convened at GBSN Beyond and engaged in rich dialogues around Building More Inclusive Societies, The Future of Experiential Learning and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and Business Schools. Outcomes from these dialogues were developed into reports, and published during the GBSN Beyond Virtual Conference.
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The Case for Human Rights in Business Education– A Tool Kit
Business schools offer the ideal venue to explore 21st century human rights challenges, both in teaching future business leaders and conducting cutting-edge research. Adding human rights to the business school curriculum provides an exciting opportunity for new forms of collaboration. GBSN aims to serve as a resource and community for schools implementing recommendations in this toolkit.
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The World After COVID-19
At GBSN, we are keen to explore the contours of the world after COVID-19, the world that is emerging as a result of the extraordinary times we are experiencing today. To do so, we are reaching out to our community to better understand the many ways in which the world after COVID-19 will be different for our key stakeholders including governments, businesses, universities and students.
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With borders closed and social distancing encouraged or mandated, GBSN serves as a platform to keep our network connected. Now is the time to share ideas and learn from one another. GBSN is committed to providing platforms for digital information sharing and learning across our industry.
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GBSN Podcast
Listen to the latest thoughts, insights, and updates from leaders in the world of business and entrepreneurship education.
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Cutting a Path to Prosperity
In producing this book the Global Business School Network sought to bring together in an accessible way a sampling of the approaches that people have used to bring management education to developing countries. In doing so, we hope to inspire more “pioneers” to educate and empower people, and entire nations, through high quality, locally relevant management education.
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Cross Border Webinar Series
Cross-Border Webinars are a series of curated webinars featuring research, expertise, innovations and lessons learned by GBSN member school faculty. The purpose is to not only provide network members visibility within the network, but also to foster cross-border knowledge sharing and collaboration.
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New Member Leadership Series
Learn more about GBSN’s newest member in our Leadership Interview Series!
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