
Microlearning Instructional Design Level 1 Certification Workshop

MID Live Workshop

Wednesday June 1, 2022

12PM – 3 PM

Join the MID Live Workshop to be certified in Microlearning Instructional Design Level 1 for free!

While the program is self-guided and can be completed in an average of 2-3 hours, Gnowbe’s goal is to help you set aside a three-hour block of time to sit down and complete it in one sitting, with Gnowbe facilitators available to help you along the way with any questions you may have.

Don’t put it off another day – sign up now to join a community of content creators from around the world and complete the certification together!


Make a free Gnowbe account before jumping on, then you will receive a link to Gnowbe’s FREE MID Level 1 Scholarship at the beginning of the workshop on June 1st. Be sure to get there on time!

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting

When and Where?

InterContinental Hotel Miami

Pre-conference: July 5-6

Main Conference: July 6-9

Virtual Paper Presentations: July 15

After two years of online-only Annual Meetings, registration for AIB 2022 Miami is officially open!

Registration Requirements

  • You must have a valid AIB membership through July 9, 2022.
  • All accepted presenters, authors, and pre-conference participants must complete their registration by 29 April 2022.
  • Note that there are two separate registration buttons, one for in-person attendance and another for virtual attendance.

Key Dates

Registration Opens:
1 March 2022

Deadline for Presenters:
29 April 2022

Online Registration Closes:
17 June 2022

IIM invites applications for Scholar in Residence Program, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and Faculty Positions

Scholar in Residence Program Contact


Post-Doctoral Fellowship Contact


Scholar in Residence Program

IIM takes pride in active collaboration with prestigious management institutes around the world. IIM invites applications under the “Scholar in Residence” program, where a faculty member can spend about two weeks at IIM Indore for collaborative research with a host faculty member, engage in various academic & research activities such as research seminar, interaction with Ph.D. students and related area faculties. The Institute will cover the economy class flight tickets and local hospitality within the campus. Interested faculty colleagues are requested to send an email to dean-faculty@iimidr.ac.in

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

IIM is looking for young, motivated individuals for doing research in different specializations of management. A PDF will work with a mentor who is expected to provide ample opportunities to develop the fellow as an independent researcher. The fellow will be expected to conduct high quality academic research with the mentor and engage in teaching activities at the institute. Interested candidates are requested to send an email to facultyapplication@iimidr.ac.in

Faculty Positions

IIM Indore invites application for faculty position at all levels in all areas. The applications are accepted all year round and processed periodically. Interested candidate are requested to check the website for more details.

Society of Operations Management 25th Annual International Conference Hosted by Indian Institute of Management Indore


December 16th – 18th, 2022

About SOM

Society of Operations Management is dedicated to exploring and understanding issues related to the Production and Operations Management field. The society aims to promote activities that help generate, consolidate, and disseminate knowledge in the field of manufacturing and service operations and related areas. SOM organizes conferences, summer schools, and workshops in an effort to share knowledge and motivate researchers and practitioners to achieve their goals. More details about SOM can be found at  http://www.soc-om.org/


Recently, the world has faced a cataclysmic pandemic that caused disruptions in businesses,education, government operations as well as it impacted the global economy heavily. To deal with these pandemic conditions, many companies started changing their methods of conducting business,in fact, some companies used the competitive advantage of being digitalized while some companies failed to cope with the situation. Employee productivity, effectiveness, and absenteeism became one of the major guide ways for the company’s success. One of the main challenges faced by almost all the sectors is to deal with these highly uncertain situations that arise due to unplanned disruptions.Managing operations in such disruptions require companies to establish efficient risk management processes.

However, in recent times, it is observed that the researchers focused have shifted to building theories and models on risk mitigation, resilient value chain, and agile operations which will be helpful in managing future disruptions. Also, in case of highly uncertain situations and long disruptions,companies shall focus on bringing new capabilities to sustain in this highly competitive world. Thus, SOM 2022 aims to find out challenges, opportunities, strategies, and capabilities which can help not only the businesses but also the nation as a whole by providing encouragement to the scholars who are working in the field of decision-making under various uncertainties so that to manage the operations effectively.

Important Dates

Abstract submission starts
Abstract submission ends
Acceptance notification
Early registration window
Late registration window
SOM 2022 conference
15th Apr, 2022
15th Aug, 2022
15th Oct, 2022
16th Oct -15th Nov, 2022
16th Nov -10th Dec, 2022
16th Dec-18th Dec, 2022


Prof. Saurabh Chandra,

Indian Institute of Management Indore,

Prabandh Shikhar, Rau – Pithampur Road,

Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453556

: 0731-2439530

Email : som2022@iimidr.ac.in

IIM 12th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education

Conference Dates

June 3rd – 5th, 2022


Digital Decade: E-Learning, E-Business and E-Working

This decade has transformed how work, education, and business are being executed. Managers have digitized their companies (E-working), educators have transformed physical institutions/classrooms into digital platforms of learning (E-learning), and banks & financial institutions launched digital outreach to clients (E-business). In fact, the digital transformation is not limited to businesses, but it is spread out among individuals and brands. CERE 2022 explores the research opportunities in the digital decade and the current transition to e-learning, e-business, and e-working to understand transformation from physical to digital presence.

The authors can submit only extended abstract for the conference however those who are targeting best paper award and publication opportunity need to submit a full paper.

Important Dates

Paper submission opens: 15/01/2022

Paper submission deadline: 22/03/2022

Extended abstract submission deadline: 31/03/2022

Intimation of acceptance: 18/04/2022

Early bird registration opens: 19/04/2022

Early bird registration deadline: 30/04/2022

Late registration deadline: 07/05/2022

The conference will be held in Hybrid mode and the mode may change according to Covid-19 situations.

Guest Speaker
Prof. Bipul Kumar
Prof. Arvind Sahay
Prof. Sonjaya Gaur
Prof. Saman Muthukumarana
Prof. Tathagatha Bandyopadhyay
Mr.Harshavardhan Chauhan
Mr. Amardeep Randhawa , Mr. Kavindra Mishra
Prof. Jatin Pandey
Mr. Arnab Deb
Faculty in Marketing department at IIM Indore
Faculty in Marketing department at IIM Ahmedabad
Faculty of Marketing at NYU
Director at Data Science Nexus and Associate Professor at University of Manitoba
Distinguisher Professor, DAIICT Gandhinagar, Retired faculty IIM Ahmedabad
VP, chief marketing and omnichannel officer, spencer’s retail
Head – Monetization and Partnerships AdaniDigital
Faculty in OBHR department at IIM Indore
Industry expert on ESG, Founder- Sustainalytics

Best Paper Awards

Best paper award: Rs. 20000/-

1st runner up: Rs. 15000/-

2nd runner up: Rs. 10000/-


mail: cere@iimidr.ac.in
Abhinay : +91-9670038274
Kishan: +91-9601784867

Call For Book Chapters | Routledge Handbook on Business and Management in the Middle East


Dr. Yusuf M. Sidani


Suliman S. Olayan School of Business

American University of Beirut


Interest in the Middle East and North Africa has grown over the last few decades as a center for business and economic activity. The region is rich in its natural and human resources, and this attracted the attention of global business and management practitioners and scholars. The Suliman S. Olayan School of Business is seeking chapter contributions for this book project; it is envisioned to gather the latest scholarship about business and management issues in one accessible handbook.

The handbook is designed for academics, students, and practitioners covering areas of relevance across business activities, functions, and locations in the Middle east. It is expected to be used as a reference for scholars doing business research or teaching, or practitioners involved in business activities in region. Contributors are encouraged to elaborate on topics such as: crucial topics that have attracted scholarly and practitioner interest in business and management in the Middle Eastern region, the key contextual forces that have been influencing business and organizational behavior in the region, the impacts of the political, economic, regulatory, and cultural forces on the way individuals and organizations manage businesses, leadership styles that are dominant in the region and some of the factors that lead to their emergence, the role of women in leadership and what are some of the obstacles facing aspirant women leaders, the emerging literature that addresses business ethics in the region, issues of marketing, consumer behavior, advertising, marketing strategies, and advertising in Arab markets. More details can be found in the handbook in Arabic and English versions.

Chapter Proposal Submission

Please submit your chapter proposal on or before June 30, 2022. This will a brief description (200 words maximum) as to how the proposed book chapter fits the scope and vision of the handbook. Manuscripts submitted in Arabic will be reviewed in the original language first and then translated after they are finalized.Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. Submissions should be submitted to: Dr. Yusuf Sidani at businesshandbook@aub.edu.lb

  • No submission, publication, or translation fees.
  • ​4000 – 7000 words(shorter contributions will be accepted for specific case studies)​

Important Dates

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
  • ​Feedback on Proposals​: July 15, 2022
  • Full Chapters Submission: October 31, 2022
  • Peer Review Results Returned to Authors: November 30, 2022
  • ​Revised Chapter Submission: January 15, 2023

Global Partnership for Poverty & Entrepreneurship Webinar: Understanding the Unique Challenges Faced by Low-Income and Disadvantaged Female Entrepreneurs

There is an emerging body of research on poverty and entrepreneurship, and a considerable amount of attention has been devoted to issues surrounding women and entrepreneurship. However, the unique challenges of women entrepreneurs who live in poverty and experience highly adverse circumstances are not as well understood. Yet, women are responsible for a significant proportion of the ventures started by those in poverty. In addition to a severe lack of resources to support their ventures, they can struggle with entrenched gender norms and institutional barriers, overt and subliminal discrimination from a range of different stakeholders, complex family pressures and dynamics, difficulties in achieving some sort of work-life balance, and constraints in establishing business legitimacy, among other issues. This panel of distinguished global researchers will share leading edge perspectives regarding these challenges and how they can be overcome. Differences between a developing and developed economy context will be explored. Priorities will be established for ongoing research needs at the interface between poverty, entrepreneurship and gender.

Date & Time

Thursday, May 26 | 11:00am-12:15pm ET via Zoom


  • Dr. Sucheta Agarwal, GLA University, Mathura (India)
  • Dr. Aleksandra Gawel, Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)
  • Dr. Lois Shelton, California State University, Northridge (USA)
  • Dr. Lavlu Mozumdar, Bangladesh Agricultural Unviersity (Bangladesh)
  • Dr. Said Muhammad, Zhengzhou University (China)

SAWI Regional Roadmap for Workplace Inclusion

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​General Info

The Center for Inclusive Business and Leadership (CIBL) for Women at the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business at the American University of Beirut would like to invite you to the closing online event of the SAWI Project (Support and Accelerate Women’s Inclusion), to mark the progress to date on the Women’s Economic Empowerment Project – The SAWI Project, funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative at the U.S. Department of State.

Women’s economic participation rates in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continue to be the lowest across the world. Efforts to augment formal, dignified work opportunities in the region are crucial, and our experience over the last two years has revealed positive momentum in this regard. Working closely with our partners across eight countries and four sectors have provided ample evidence that ​change toward more inclusive human resource policies and practices is possible when we work together.

To learn more about this multi-stakeholder, multi-country, multi-sector work, please join us for the SAWI Regional Roadmap for Workplace Inclusion Online Event

Date & Time

May 31st, 2022 | 3:00 – 6:30 p.m. (Beirut Time) or 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. (EST)


Online ZOOM event

The SAWI event will officially launch the network of trailblazing employers who have been drafting and adopting more inclusive policies for the recruitment, retention, and promotion of women in MENA workplaces. We will also showcase the accomplishments by SAWI partners across the 8 countries.​ We invite you to join the conversation and the network, and to take action for inclusive human resource systems in the region.

SAWI is a milestone project by CIBL for Women to Support and Accelerate Women’s Inclusion in eight countries (Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia). SAWI has partnered with employers in the sectors of healthcare, education, STEM, and banking for women’s inclusion. SAWI was made possible by generous funding from the US State Department’s MEPI program, and in partnership with our regional team: Apotheox, BPWA, Democracy for All, Economia HEM, LLWB, Warsha and WEOIraq.

Format of the Event

The event will be held online via the zoom platform. The link will be provided at a later stage upon registration. The event will be also livestreamed on CIBL for Women Facebook page​.​


English with simultaneous interpretation to Arabic and French.

Why are you joining?

The SAWI event is open to the public and brings together representatives from our country partners, the network of pioneer employers who have joined our efforts, and inclusion focal points. You are joining because your experience and expertise can help drive forward the role of employers in changing policies.


  • The role of business schools in accelerating women’s inclusion
  • CIBL leading structural change in the region
  • Creating Knowledge to address the data deficit
  • Participatory action and policy change amidst crises
  • CIBL roadmap for inclusive policies
  • Gender-lens investing: finance for social change
  • Inclusive policies as mechanisms for achieving ESG 
  • Anchored in OSB and MENA but with an eye on the world​

The 2022 Gothenburg International Research Workshop on Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All

Event Information


Thursday 25 August – Friday 26 August, 2022


The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg

Event Type

Academic Workshop

The 2022 Gothenburg International Research Workshop on Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All will take place on August 25-26, 2022. Researchers from around the world are invited to present, discuss and network related to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 in Agenda 2030.

At the core of SDG 8, is the great challenge of obtaining economic growth without compromising the environment while also ensuring full employment and respect for labor rights. Economic progress must be inclusive and in harmony with the planetary boundaries. The COVID pandemic has put enormous pressure on development, the geopolitical landscape has severely deteriorated with imminent risks of escalation of conflicts, we are nowhere near the reductions needed to avoid a climate collapse, and the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity are showing a rapid decline. The existing economic system is unsustainable and the need to pursue further research in areas such as sustainable economic growth, resource efficiency, full employment, occupational health and safety, and policies for just and well-functioning labor markets is critical. For the same reasons, it is critical to synthesize existing research and urgently transfer that knowledge to society.

There will be keynote presentations by among others: Jan Steckel and E. Somanathan.

The deadline for abstracts is June 15th


Climate Change, Land, Policy Design

HANKEN Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility (Tenure track)

The Subject of Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility (SCM&SR) in the Department of Marketing at Hanken School of Economics invites applications for the positions of Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, starting 1.8.2022.

Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at Hanken

SCM&SR is a Hanken Area of High Potential comprising Humanitarian and Societal Logistics. The subject is taught at Hanken on all levels (BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD), with a strong overall focus on sustainable supply chain management and strategic managerial decision-making in the supply chain. The subject offers a vibrant research environment with numerous research projects (EU as well as national projects), post docs and PhD students complementing the faculty.

Current research includes, inter alia, topics of circular economy and closed loop supply chains, public and sustainable procurement, sustainable transportation including the last mile, supply chains for food security, and sustainable supply chain management across various sectors. Many research projects are within the area of humanitarian logistics, under the Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute (HUMLOG Institute), a joint research centre between Hanken and the Finnish National Defence University. 

Faculty in the subject co-edit the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Management and work as associate/department editors for journals such as Journal of Operations ManagementProduction and Operations Management, and are on the editorial advisory boards of many others including the Journal of Business LogisticsInternational Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics ManagementJournal of Supply Chain Management, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. They have strong collaborative links with other universities around the world as well as close cooperation with companies and humanitarian organizations, and regularly host Fulbright scholars in the areas of sustainable supply chain management, supply chain risk management, and sustainable procurement. We host conferences (e.g. NOFOMA, CR3+, EDSI, EurOMA, EURO HOpe) and are very active with national and international associations, as well as the Finnish doctoral education in logistics and supply chain management. See here for more information on teaching and faculty contacts, and Humlog institute for large research projects.


Academic staff at Hanken are expected to carry out and supervise scientific research; provide high quality academic teaching; closely follow the advances of their field; participate in the application and implementation of research projects; and in service to Hanken School of Economics community, the academic community and society.

Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in supply chain management or a related field. Applicants will be reviewed based on their research, teaching and activity in the relevant scientific community. 

The requirement for an Assistant Professor is a PhD degree. The employment contract is for a fixed term of 5 years at the beginning. After the 5-year period, you will have the opportunity to obtain tenure or permanent position as an associate professor (and later in a position as full professor), upon fulfilling the university criteria on academic advancement. In the evaluation, emphasis will be given on the scientific publications, plans and potential of research projects and academic publications, teaching experience and pedagogical ability and experience. Applicants are required to have fluent command of English. The successful applicant is expected to show strong interest to study and learn the Swedish language. Existing Swedish language skills will be considered a merit.

The requirements for an Associate Professor are a PhD degree and a demonstrated, high level of academic competence, good teaching skills and teaching experience. Applicants are expected to be experienced with managing research projects with industry and with an international community, and be familiar with mixed methods. In addition, experience of participation in administrative tasks within an academic department, faculty or university are expected. The employment contract is permanent with the possibility to advance to full Professor in accordance with Hanken’s rules. Applicants are required to be able to teach and supervise in Swedish and English.

On both levels, special consideration is given to candidates that have demonstrated their ability to produce high quality research in the areas of sustainable supply chain management in the topics noted in the description of the subject above. Evaluation of an applicant’s qualifications in the above-mentioned areas will focus on qualifications with emphasis given to recent years.

More information about Hanken’s tenure track can be found here

Further merits 

It is desirable for the applicant to possess:

  • Research plans and potential to develop the field of science in relation to the research areas in the subject of Supply Chain Management & Social Responsibility as listed above,
  • Pedagogical merits, teaching experience and ability to create modern learning environments, formal teaching qualifications,
  • Experience with research projects and related funding applications

The teaching ability can be exhibited through e.g. the development of new courses, pedagogical education, trial lectures, educational awards and/or course evaluations. The focus at evaluation and comparing of candidates is on the academic publications and teaching experience, as well as their contribution to the specific research areas of the subject.

Employment terms and salary

The position is full time with an annual working time of 1612 hours; the location of the position is in Helsinki. During the academic year, it is expected that a minimum average of three days per week is spent at the Department in Helsinki in order to actively contribute to the research and teaching environment. Teaching tasks are allocated based on the curriculum needs of the Department and by considering relevant own expertise. The current list of courses in the subject can be viewed here. The salary is based on the university salary system in Finland (including employee healthcare as well as pension and holiday contributions). The exact salary level depends on the recruited individual’s qualifications and performance. In addition to the salary, the Hanken support foundation grants faculty members substantial publication awards for high-quality publications.

How to Apply

The application for position is to be addressed to the Rector and application materials must include:

  • Cover letter
  • Research portfolio highlighting the applicant’s current and intended research publications, projects and collaboration, in relation to the topics at the subject of SCM&SR at Hanken
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Complete list of publications including DOI numbers
  • Teaching portfolio
  • Names and contact information of four references
  • Relevant certificates (degree certificates, language certificates, pedagogical teaching certificates)

Please submit all application materials in English. The application deadline is May 13, 2022.

To apply please click on the below link to complete your application. General instructions for applicants are provided here. Only applications submitted there that include all required materials will be taken into consideration.

Application period starts: 2022-04-11 14:00 Application period ends: 2022-05-13 23:59
