
AACSB Annual Accreditation Conference: Europe, Middle East and Africa

Event Overview

Discover new ways to create a lasting, positive impact through interactive discussions and valuable keynote sessions with a focus on continuous growth. Schools across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa lead change and innovate to overcome today’s challenges—both anticipated and unforeseen. 

How can heads of business schools create environments where societal impact is planned and accounted for? How can our assurance of learning systems be utilized to shape the influential leaders of tomorrow? How can the process of continuous improvement help in navigating change? AACSB International invites you to the EMEA Annual Accreditation Conference at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway where you will find a blend of learning and networking opportunities in a three-day event. Explore the 2020 AACSB Accreditation Standards and network with forward-thinking business school leaders focused on quality improvement.

Gain insight into regional trends, connect with experienced quality assurance managers and accreditation experts, and discuss best practices with thought leaders and change-makers. Whether you are preparing for your initial accreditation visit, your continuous improvement review is coming up, or you simply would like to learn about our consultative accreditation process, the opportunity is awaiting you at this conference.

Registration Information

By clicking to register and attend the event, you agree that you have reviewed the Health & Safety Commitment and Guidelines outlined in the Hotel and Travel tab. You agree and understand the specific risks and nonetheless accept them in order to utilize AACSB’s services and attend an event.

Research Conference – Green Economy – A Necessity for Sustainable Future – March 25 & 26

Our economies need to deliver sustainable, affordable, inclusive outcomes to prepare ourselves for a greener tomorrow. Universal Business School International Research Conference, 2022 on ‘ Green economy –A Need for Sustainable Future’ intends to assemble leading researchers academia and practitioners from around the world to share their experiences and research results to address certain pressing challenges related to sustainability.

The conference aims to propagate ideas on sustainability and invites researchers, academician and industry experts to share their experiences on current and emerging trends in the area of green economy to bring about a balance of theoretical and practical implementation.Academic Partners: Cardiff Met University, UK, Suan Sunandha Rahabhat University. Thailand, Rostov State University of Economic, Russia, Lincoln University, UK, University of Economics, Bulgaria and Institute of ScholarsPublication Partner: South Asian Journal of Management, ABDC C Category JournalScope: Technology, Industry and Environment, Clean Energy, Circular Economy, Environmental Policy, Finance, Supply Chain & Transportation.

About the Conference Organizers

Universal Business School is one of the most innovative B-schools. It is accredited by NBA, AIU & offers AICTE approved PGDM, Global MBA, BBA & Executive MBA Programs in partnership with leading Universities in UK, France, Switzerland, Italy & USA. It is built by Industry for Industry & Endorsed by 60 CEOs.

Conference Perspective

A green economy is defined as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. In a green economy, growth in employment and income is driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. These green investments need to be enabled and supported through targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and changes in taxation and regulation. UN Environment promotes a development path that understands natural capital as a critical economic asset and a source of public benefits, especially for poor people whose livelihoods depend on natural resources. The noon of green economy does not replace sustainable development, but creates a new focus on the economy, capital, infrastructure, employment and positive social and environmental outcomes across Asia and the Pacific.

From E-Learning to Educational Systems Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the traditional brick-and-mortar model of education, driving African countries to respond in innovative ways. School closures sparked myriad high-tech and low-cost solutions for asynchronous or hybrid approaches that help ensure the safe continuity of learning. This era marks an opportunity to reimagine the future of education in Africa that are safer and healthier school environments, integrate digital technologies, and develop and support educators and administrators.

What technological innovations and initiatives are transforming educational opportunities in Africa? How do we align investment and innovative policies that improve learning outcomes? What lessons can we learn from models such as Ghana’s to overhaul school curriculum to be globally competitive? This session explores opportunities for educational systems transformation across the continent.


Liesl Riddle, Vice Dean for Strategy, George Washington University (Moderator)
Djiby Anne, Directeur, Relations Internationales et School of Languages chez Groupe Sup de Co Dakar
Angela Owusu-Ansah, Ph.D, Provost and Professor, Ashesi University
Christopher Hosken, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Startup School


February 23 at 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CET

Apply Now for the Second Edition of “This is How I Moved my #BusinessForward” Campaign

Business Forward, the knowledge portal of AUC School of Business, is starting off 2022 running a very exciting digital campaign that calls for the participation of the business community.

In recent years, and even more accelerated by COVID-19, there is a movement emphasizing the purpose and role of business in society to create values, ensure sustainable development, diversity, and stakeholder interests. However, in Egypt and this part of the world, literature about responsible business or corporate responsibility and documentation of its practice is very limited. It is often mistakenly associated with charity, philanthropy and public relations.

In this edition of “This is How I Moved my #BusinessForward”, in partnership with The Coca Cola Company and the Commercial International Bank (CIB), the objective is to build the narrative and awareness about corporate responsibility, highlighting positive examples that demonstrate responsible business conduct embedded in the vision and day-to-day operations of the business, rather than a one-off act.

Join to showcase how your business or company helped promote corporate responsibility over the past year. The call for participation is open until February 28, 2022. The campaign ends with the audience voting on the most inspiring stories and an awards ceremony in March 2022.

MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program: Call for Expressions of Interest


MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, an initiative of the MIT Sloan School of Management, provides opportunities for communities around the world to engage with MIT in an evidence-based, practical approach to strengthening innovation-driven entrepreneurial (IDE) ecosystems. Since 2012, MIT REAP has helped 60+ regions worldwide strategize and execute initiatives that contribute to their economic growth, job creation, and social progress. We are continually looking for ways to engage innovation ecosystem leaders from university, government, risk capital, corporate and the entrepreneurial community. Application for Cohort 9 (2022-2023) are due February 28, 2022 and for Cohort 10 (2023-2024) July 30, 2022. Here is a link to our online application. If you’re interested in attending one of our regional events, please complete this form.

Leading Change in Challenging Times: Lessons of Disruption and Innovation from Egypt –Thoughts, Observations, and Reflections

AUC School of Business Dean Sherif Kamel just released his new book titled Leading Change in Challenging Times: Lessons of Disruption and Innovation from Egypt –Thoughts, Observations, and Reflections.

This is a hybrid book—part memoir, institutional history, and inspirational business leadership advice. It is an evocative mix covering personal thoughts and reflections on Egypt, history, youth, the economy, leadership, innovation, management, entrepreneurship, society, and many other aspects that shape our lives.The book compiles a collection of insights on leading a business school in an emerging economy at a time of continuous social, political, and economic transformations. 

The book reflects the sentiments of a passionate Egyptian who grew inspired by its history and attached to its cultural heritage and its resilient people––the descendants of one if not the greatest civilization. The book’s underlying theme is the profound belief that Egypt remains uniquely positioned as the land of unparalleled opportunities and that it can become an intellectual, cultural, economic, and geopolitical powerhouse to reckon with in a dynamic and changing world.

Case Focus – Case Submission for Issue 4 is Now Open!

Case Focus offers a journal publication outlet for high-quality, peer reviewed teaching cases, with a focus on management and business situations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. Call for cases are welcomed on all areas of business, management and government that are set in the MEA region. Cases must have been written for teaching purposes and be accompanied by a teaching note.

Cases can be based on published sources or field research. Fictional cases, or those from generalized experience, are not accepted.Authors Cases and their accompanying teaching notes must be copyrighted to an organization located in the MEA region. Authors must be a business or management teacher. Cases can be written by a team of two or more authors. Students and research assistants can be part of a writing team, but it must be led by a faculty member. The submission deadline is 9 September 2022.

Call for Cases


Cases are welcomed on all areas of business, management and government that are set in the MEA region. Cases must have been written for teaching purposes and be accompanied by a teaching note.

Cases can be based on published sources or field research. Fictional cases, or those from generalized experience, are not accepted.


Cases and their accompanying teaching notes must be copyrighted to an organisation located in the MEA region.

Authors must be a business or management teacher. Cases can be written by a team of two or more authors. Students and research assistants can be part of a writing team, but it must be led by a faculty member.

Submit to Case Focus

We are currently accepting submissions for Issue 4. The submission deadline is 9 September 2022.

Once you have checked that your case and teaching note meet our submission requirements it’s quick and easy to submit via our online form.

Benefits of submitting

Peer-review: all cases that meet the submission requirements will be double-blind reviewed. Feedback from the reviewers will be provided to authors to improve the quality of their cases and teaching notes.

Worldwide distribution: cases accepted to the journal for publication will be distributed and promoted to a global audience.

Retain your copyright: unlike other journals Case Focus does not require the authors or authoring organisation to sign over the copyright of cases that are published.

Earn a royalty: cases accepted to the journal for publication will be eligible for a royalty payment on any sales. The authoring school must be a member of The Case Centre to be eligible to receive royalties. 

Africa Business Concept Challenge Kick-Off Event

DATE: Thursday, March 24

TIME: 9:00am EDT / 1:00pm GMT / 2:00pm WAT / 4:00pm EAT


Welcome to the 2nd Africa Business Concept Challenge, sponsored by AACSB and Thunderbird Africa Center of Excellence, and supported by Peaqs, Association of African Business Schools, Stanford Seed and em lyon business school.

We look forward to welcoming the 2022 Cohort of student teams from institutions across Africa. This event officially kicks off the 2nd edition of the Africa Business Concept Challenge. The Kick-Off will convene 50+ student teams from across the African continent, Investors and Investor Experts, and the impressive panel of Judges. GBSN’s CEO, Dan LeClair, will lead a discussion around the importance of entrepreneurship in inclusive and sustainable development.

The event is open to the entire global community. GBSN invites you to join us as we officially launch the games!


Sponsors and Partners

  • Tim Mescon

    Executive Vice President and Chief Officer of the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Headquarters
    AACSB International
  • Darius Teter

    Executive Director
    Stanford SEED
  • Dr. Rickie A. Moore

    Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school


‘Getting to “Us”: Nudges & Bridges for Peace at Work and Beyond


Feb 9, 2022 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Professor Timothy L. Fort holds the Eveleigh Professorship in Business Ethics and is Professor of Business Law & Ethics at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.


Music, sports, movies and other cultural artifacts offer bridges for people who might otherwise disagree with each other on social and political issues. I argue that it is essential that we recover the capability of sharing bonds with those who politically differ from us even when these divides are historical and sharpened by the challenge of increasing diversity, social media (as well as network media) siloing of viewpoints and gerrymandered political districts. There is little reason to believe that these divisions will be any less antipodal in one year or five years unless there is either (a) a common enemy that unites us or (b) a model of navigating cultural divides that can cultivate common ground. 

The same cultural artifacts have a psychophysiological impact on our cognitive orientations so that we view situations differently if our cognitive mindset is, for example, in an us vs them orientation as opposed to one that is joyful. I provide a model of mood orientation and cognitive decision-making that teaches how to create one’s own nudges. More specifically, some of these nudges open the way to build bridges with others with whom we may otherwise be in conflict. That is true not only as we work together toward providing a product or service, but also through “cultural artifacts” such as music, sports, film and humor and even, yes, through our pets and our spiritual traditions, which can broaden the contexts of our relationships. 

Call For Investors for Africa Business Concept Challenge

We are proud to announce the second annual Africa Business Concept Challenge (ABCC) in partnership with Peaqs. This virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students will challenge teams to design a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to Agenda 2063, and inclusive and sustainable development.

As part of this experience, teams will compete on the Peaqs platform in a virtual stock market on the Peaqs platform.  We are recruiting investors to participate in this crucial portion of the competition.  You will be asked to invest on one or both competition games to determine which team has the best developed idea in each phase.  The following are the times for investing:

  • Phase 1: March 25th
  • Phase 2: March 30th through April 4th
  • Phases 3, 4, & 5: April 10th through 17th

This interactive part of the competition is fun and engaging and we welcome any professionals, researchers, teaching assistants, and more to participate as investors.  If you are interested, you can complete a form of expression found below and share with your network.

The more Investors and Investor Experts in the market game, the more realistic an experience the teams can have.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email Maddie Handler at mhandler@gbsn.org.  We look forward to welcoming new investors this year and are very excited to see the ideas that are developed by students!
