GBSN Member Schools

UCD Business Professors named to Vogue Business 100 Innovator List

UCD College of Business Professor Donna Marshall and Visiting Assistant Professor Hakan Karaosmanā€™s research in sustainable and ethical supply chain has earned them a place on the prestigious Vogue Business 100 Innovators list which is hand-picked by the publicationā€™s global team of editors. The annual list recognises people at the forefront of industry overhaul and spotlights people around the… Read more >

Former Esade Students Gave 17,000 Hours of Pro Bono Consulting in 45 Projects

Esade Alumni Social, the first giving-back consultancy established in Spain and Europe by a business school, provided 45 projects run by third-sector entities (4 more than the previous year), with over 17,000 hours during the 2022-2023 academic year, up 13% on the previous year: a new record in the 17 years since the project began…. Read more >

Startups Drive Commercialization of High-Impact Innovations

Startups have more incentive than incumbent firms to engage in potentially disruptive R&D because large, established firms have more to lose from the discovery of new technologies that replace traditional ways of doing things. With no existing operations, startups have nothing to lose and much to gain from disruptive innovation. InĀ Of Academics and Creative Destruction:… Read more >

GSERM 2023 Reflection

The below reflection was written by a GSERM scholarship recipient. To learn more about GSERMā€™s programming, visit theĀ GSERM page here. Attending the summer school in Switzerland was an enriching experience that exceeded my expectations in every aspect. The course on conditional process analysis with Amanda Montoya was exceptional. Despite considering myself familiar with the subject,… Read more >

GSERM 2023 Reflection

The below reflection was written by a GSERM scholarship recipient. To learn more about GSERMā€™s programming, visit theĀ GSERM page here. My name is Judah Ngā€™angā€™a. I am a Ph.D. student and a course instructor at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.  During the GSERM session, I had the privilege of studying advanced Machine Learning in R, which… Read more >