News from GBSN

Asia Must Help Africa Escape Worst Impacts of Climate Change

That would be a tragedy, but one that can no longer be avoided, even if global warming is kept 2 degrees Celsius below preindustrial levels in accordance with the target set at the Paris Agreement in 2015. The focus of the African Group of Negotiators as they go into the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties,… Read more >

GBSN Statement on Ukraine

The Global Business School Network (GBSN) is committed to improving access to management education for the developing world. This requires business schools and like-minded organizations to help create a supportive context emphasizing equality, peace, prosperity, and lasting progress.

Sasin Launches First NFT

NFTs make use of innovative technology to create digital assets that have a multitude of uses for different organizations,” said Professor Ian Fenwick, Director of Sasin. “For Sasin, NFTs represent a significant opportunity to build and bring together our community of stakeholders –from students to faculty and staff, to our more than 5,000 alumni. Sasin… Read more >

The University of Illinois’ Gies College of Business: Blockchain and Business Webinar

Blockchain networks allow anything to be traded and tracked, increasing transparency, cutting costs, and reducing risk. Do you know how it will impact your industry? In the series’ first webinar, Gies’ Chief Disruption Officer Robert Brunner welcomed RSM’s National Leader for Blockchain and Digital Assets Jay Schulman to discuss blockchain basics and how varying business… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon

Network Engagement Ways the institution will support the GBSN mission to improve access to quality management and entrepreneurship education for the develop world:Besides the incorporation of quality management and entrepreneurship in its programs, ISCTE Business School is also connected to the business incubator Audax, where some of its students and Alumni companies develop their activities…. Read more >

New Member Spotlight: Woxsen School of Business

The university focuses on four broad areas: Internationalisation Research & Development Corporate Alignment Digitalisation Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Woxsen is expanding its wings towards E-Learning in collaboration with government portals and private entities to deliver the best e-content, enabling learners from across the globe.  Alongside this, the formation of… Read more >

Challenging, Exciting, Eye-Opening – Students of AUC’s First CO-OP Program Share Their Experience

The program features an elective course [BUSC 4000 – Experiential Learning: CO-OP]. Through registering for this course, School of Business students are directly engaged, on a paid full-time basis for six months, with external entities with no concurrent course enrollment.Host entities include but are not limited to multinational corporations, startups, financial institutions, governmental entities, professional… Read more >

Sasin Grad Named AACSB 2022 Influential Leader

Aung notes, “I’m quite certain that without Sasin, I would not have been able to achieve everything I’ve done in my life.” He declares that when he entered Sasin School of Management for his Executive MBA (EMBA), he was “just a computer programmer nerd,” blindly trying to run a startup. But when he left, he… Read more >