Esade welcomes the first class of its new bachelor in Transformational Business and Social Impact. 44 students from 27 different countries start today the Transformational Business and Social Impact bachelor (BITBASI), Esade Business & Law School’s newest program. A university program designed to train the next generation of business leaders, the program aims to address the concerns and ambitions of a generation demanding a new business world with a strong commitment to sustainability and the environment, and to the wellbeing of people and society.

The class of 2021 is an excellent representation of this with students from a myriad of countries, cultures and backgrounds. BITBASI is a three-year blended bachelor combining the study of courses in technology, humanities, and business. The university program has been designed with the latest, most innovative learning techniques and methodologies including a partnership with the Minerva Project, an educational organization providing technology and infrastructure to top universities across the world. The online courses of Esade’s BITBASI will be delivered via Minerva’s Forum learning platform. The bachelor offers courses in English on campus and online, as well as a series of experiential modules which include sessions in Barcelona at Esade’s Creapolis and Rambla of Innovation, modules in Berlin and Shanghai, and participating in different real-life projects; from developing digital prototypes to finding solutions of BCorp companies. The students will also have the chance to start and develop their own impact enterprise.