May 18, 2021
10:00 am–11:00 am (EDT)
4:00pm – 5:00pm (CEST)
This event will be hosted on Zoom.
Maddie Handler, mhandler@gbsn.org
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds a lot of promise. But although AI has all the potential of a new general-purpose technology, it also has the potential to create new problems, cause accidents, and to be misused. The latter has in recent years led to various global initiatives to establish common frameworks for the ethics, regulation and governance of AI. Business schools can make a valuable contribution to these, as this webinar, looking at AI from both scholarly and practitioner perspectives, argues.
Under the term ‘democratization’ of AI, three challenges for the governance of AI stand out wherein business schools can, through their teaching, applied research and broader business-community engagement, contribute. The first is to help accelerate the diffusion of human-centered AI. The second is to contribute to the debate on the design of appropriate and strong incentives for adherence to ethical and fair AI development, and the third is to pursue green AI. If these three challenges can be addressed, it may help ensure that the benefits of AI be broadly shared.
This webinar, organised by Cork University Business School at University College Cork, Ireland in collaboration with the Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA) will provide an introduction and overview of the current initiatives and thinking in this regard.
Prof. Dr. Wim Naudé
Full Professor in Economics
Cork University Business School, Ireland
Dr. Jacques Ludik
Founder and CEO
Cortex Group and Cortex Logic
South Africa
Tuesday, May 18th, 2021
- 10:00am Washington D.C.
- 3:00pm London
- 5:00pm Geneva
- 7:30pm Mumbai
- 10:00pm Singapore