Thursday, 15 February, 2024
8:00am EDT
Hosted on Zoom.
Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org
GBSN Members are Invited to February’s Cross-Border Collab: Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Business Education
In the February Collab we will be joined by Arum Perwitasari, Academic Relations Specialist from ETS Global to discuss the pivotal role of critical thinking in business education and its significance for both academic and professional success.
Despite its recognized importance, a substantial gap exists in understanding what critical thinking truly entails, how it should be effectively taught, and the appropriate methods for assessment (Paul, Elder, & Batell, 1997). This Collab will give GBSN Members the opportunity to unravel the complexities surrounding critical thinking in the context of business education, drawing insights from key and peripheral themes within business and business education literature.
Together with the ETS team we will trace the evolution of business education, examining the shift from degree-based to competency-based models, and propose actionable frameworks for fostering critical thinking within business schools. Attendees will explore strategies for promoting and assessing critical thinking, along with practical suggestions to address challenges hindering its acquisition through assessment practices.
We invite GBSN Members to join us in exploring key questions like:
- How can educators effectively integrate critical thinking into business education?
- What challenges do academic institutions face in transitioning from degree-based to competency-based models, and how can collaborative efforts support this shift?
- What strategies and assessments can universally promote and evaluate critical thinking in diverse business education contexts?
Guest Speakers
Arum Perwitasari
Academic Relations Specialist
ETS Global
Thursday, 15 February, 2024
- 8:00am Washington D.C.
- 2:00pm Paris
- 1:00pm Lagos
- 5:30pm Mumbai
- 8:00pm Singapore
Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members.
What are Cross-Border Collabs?
Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.