Virtual Events

Cross-Border Webinar: Building a Network of Entrepreneurs in Residence


Lancaster University Management School established a pilot entrepreneur in residence (EiR) in 2007-08. The programme has grown steadily and it now has more than sixty EiRs, including members in several continents. In this webinar, Lancaster faculty will present the history and development of the programme. They will illustrate how it benefits students, participating entrepreneurs, the business school and the wider community. We will conclude with a call to action to GBSN members who either have their own EiR programme or who would like to launch one, with a view to establishing a global network of EiR programmes.

Click here to visit their website and learn more about the Entrepreneurs in Residence Programme.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 11:00am SĆ£o Paulo
  • 3:00pm London
  • 4:00pm Paris
  • 5:00pm Nairobi
  • 6:00pm Dubai
  • 7:30pm Mumbai
  • 9:00pm Jakarta
  • 10:00pm Malaysia


Click the link below to register for the webinar.




Dr. Allan Discua Cruz
Director MSc International Business & Strategy Director
Co-Director Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiR) Programme

Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)

Allan Discua Cruz (PhD) is lecturer of entrepreneurship in the Department of Entrepreneruship and Strategy at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS).  He is a founding member of the Centre for Family Business at LUMS. He is also  a third generation member of a business family. Allan teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on entrepreneurship.  He has published in entrepreneurship and family business journals. He currently studies families in business and portfolio entrepreneurship. He is co-director of the Entrepreneurs in Residence programme and director of the MSc in International Business and Strategy. He is also a member of non-profit organisations helping knowledge exchange in developing countries and also a member of a local Rotary Club.


Magnus George
Professor of Entrepreneurship
Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)

Magnus teaches entrepreneurship and works with small businesses. He has won and delivered a large portfolio of successful business engagement projects and, in 2007, established the entrepreneur in residence scheme at Lancaster. Magnus spent the 1990s working in the South Atlantic deep-sea fishing industry. He has been a salmon farmer, mountain rescuer, shipsā€™ agent, marine biologist, deep-sea fishing entrepreneur, and harbour master. He now enjoys the privilege of teaching. His past research has included topics in; Leadership, governance and growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); stress, coping mechanisms and well-being issues relevant to small business owner managers. In a past life, the ecology of sub-Antarctic deep-water squids and fishes. Early work was among the first to identify the ingestion of plastic by large oceanic fish. His current research focuses on workplace stress and well-being in SMEs; the potential role of non-executive directors in SMEs; entrepreneurs in residence as a tool for knowledge exchange, trust building, and curriculum development; entrepreneurship in the Colombian peace process.


Brian Gregory
Teaching Fellow
Co-Director, Entrepreneur in Residence

Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)

Brian is currently a Teaching Fellow at Lancaster University and the co-director of the Entrepreneur in Residence Programme there.  As serial entrepreneur immersed in both commerce and academia, he has used his skills and knowledge as a disruptive innovator to position his company as national leader (UK) in the field of fire safety. This strategy facilitated the sale of the company in 2018.  His early life started with a military career in the British Army (Scots Guards) and then the British Fire Service.  Brian is connected to the real-world knowledge of strategy and innovation and for this he is utilised by a range of commercial organisations as a consultant.

The Future of Project-Based Learning: A Conversation with Mike Barger


Every March since 1992, the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan deploys student teams all over the world for its Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP) course. This year was different. How did the school modify MAP for the lockdowns? What did they learn? What comes next? Join GBSN’s CEO, Dan LeClair and Mike Barger, Executive Director, Office of Strategy and Academic Innovation, for a discussion around project-based learning, summer internships, and how to plan for the upcoming academic term.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 11:00am SĆ£o Paulo
  • 3:00pm London
  • 4:00pm Paris
  • 5:00pm Nairobi
  • 6:00pm Dubai
  • 7:30pm Mumbai
  • 9:00pm Jakarta
  • 10:00pm Malaysia


Click the link below to register for the webinar.



 width=Mike Barger
Executive Director, Office of Strategy and Academic Innovation
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

Dr. Mike Barger is a Professor of Business Administration and Executive Director, Office of Strategy and Academic Innovation, at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. In his teaching role, Dr. Barger leads courses in entrepreneurship and crisis leadership. In his staff role, he facilitates the design and execution of the Schoolā€™s strategic initiatives and oversees a large shared-services organization.

Dr. Barger graduated from the University of Michigan in 1986. He then received his commission as an Officer in the United States Navy where he served for thirteen years, completing three, six-month deployments as a pilot and flight instructor flying the F/A-18 Hornet. While in the Navy, Mike spent his entire career in pilot education highlighted by a tour as a student, Instructor, and then Chief Instructor at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN). Throughout his naval career, he was a widely published author, speaker, and educator on combat strategy, training techniques (particularly in advanced simulation), and complex weapons systems employment.

Dr. Barger left the US Navy in 1999 to be a founding member of JetBlue Airways. He created JetBlue University, the award-winning corporate training function that provides learning and development to all members of the JetBlue workforce (it remains the only single-source provider of company education in the airline industry worldwide). During his time at JetBlue, Mike also served as the senior pilot on both varieties of JetBlue aircraft (the Airbus 320 and Embraer 190); was the senior leader responsible for all Flight Operations, Maintenance Operations, Talent Management and Enterprise Strategy; and led the companyā€™s Emergency Command Center.

Following his thirteen years at JetBlue, Dr. Barger served for six years as the Chief Operating Officer of CorpU, an education technology company based in Philadelphia, PA. As COO, he oversaw all CorpU operations including the design, creation and delivery of all CorpU Academy courses, educational offerings built on the wisdom and insight of the brightest minds in academia and business. Dr. Barger has a deep passion for helping leaders solve their most complex business challenges with knowledge and tools that help them harness the collective genius already present in their organizations.

In 2006, Mike helped create a doctoral program in Workplace Learning Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as an Advisory Board member, Faculty member, and program participant. He received his Masterā€™s Degree in Learning Leadership in 2008 and his Doctor of Education degree in 2009.

Dr. Barger lives with his wife and children in Novi, Michigan, USA.

Cross-Border Webinar: The Human Element in Online Learning


As colleges pivot quickly toward online learning, hereā€™s the secret most educators and students donā€™t yet know: done right, online education can be surprisingly intimate. Join Professors Larry DeBrock, Norma Scagnoli and Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta for a discussion on how online education can create an exceptional learning environment that is scalable, yet personal. In this webinar, faculty experts from the Gies College of Business, University of Illinois will discuss the tools and methods used in building both presence and engagement across distance for learners and educators alike.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 9:00am SĆ£o Paulo
  • 1:00pm London
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 3:00pm Nairobi
  • 4:00pm Dubai
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 7:00pm Jakarta
  • 8:00pm Malaysia


Click the link below to register for the webinar.



 width=Larry DeBrock
Professor of Finance and Dean Emeritus
Gies College of Business, University of Illinois

Larry DeBrock earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell in 1980. He served as the ninth Dean of the College of Business from 2009-2015. Professor DeBrock has long been associated with the Illinois MBA and has won many awards in teaching. Over his 40-plus years at Illinois, DeBrockā€™s students have noted his gift for making complex economic concepts both compelling and understandable.


 width=Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta
Clinical Professor of Business Administration
Gies College of Business, University of Illinois

Fataneh Taghaboni-Dutta is a clinical professor of business administration, a position she has held since 2009. Her teaching interests lie in the area of operations and process management, including product development and design, operation and technology strategy, and project management. Taghaboni-Dutta has earned three degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University: a BS in 1983, an MS in 1986, and a PhD in 1989.


 width=Norma Scagnoli
Senior Director of eLearning
Gies College of Business, University of Illinois

Norma Scagnoli is the senior director of eLearning at Gies College of Business. Norma has extensive experience in the application of technologies in teaching and learning and has worked on the design of the first-of-its-kind MOOC-based program, the iMBA. At Gies College of Business, she manages eLearning design and development for online, blended, and flipped classroom models, as well as for MOOCs.

28th CEEMAN Annual Conference

Science and Management: An Alliance to Solve Global Challenges

CEEMAN ā€“ the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies ( is inviting you to join the 28th CEEMAN Annual ConferenceĀ that will take place online on 23-25 September 2020Ā and discussĀ Ideas and Inspiration for Management Development from Fields Beyond Management. The conference is organized in partnership with IMD Lausanne, IEDC-Bled School of Management, and Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.

Top 5 benefits of participation:

  • 4 excellent keynotes with remarkable findings of high relevance for management – from biology, neuroscience, airplane industry experience, and artsĀ 
  • 3 days of live events for insights, inspiration, and experience exchange with colleagues from around the world
  • 6 weeks of advance online platform access for networking and connecting
  • posting your materials in a dedicated section of the conference online platform before, during and after the event
  • scheduling individual meetings and starting new international collaborations
  • interesting social events, including a livestream of a concert on Friday, 25 Sept!

Please read more about the Conference program, Poster session for faculty and researchers and other details on the conference website or contact CEEMAN Office atĀ 

It has come to our attention that with the current international travel restrictions due to COVID-19 and most training events going online, Erasmus+ Grant Support for the Mobility of Staff could cover ā€œorganizational supportā€ of participation of teaching or administrative staff in online events that are at least 2 days long, in the amount of EUR 350 per person.

To provide for a collaborative and inclusive space, we encourage leaders of educational institutions to bring their faculty, staff, as well as students and alumni to the event to enrich the discussions, bring diversity of perspectives, and share a common vision.


  • EUR 820 for CEEMAN members
  • EUR 1,100 for non-members

For more information, please visit this website:

Click Here to Register Online!

