South America

7th SciBiz (Science + Business) Conference & XXII THC – Triple Helix Conference 

The 7th SciBiz (Science+Business) Conference is going to occur in June 17-21, 2024. The SciBiz, which has been taking place since 2018, integrates executives, startups, scientists, investors, students and governments to accelerate and scale the process of transforming invention into innovation. All these actors share knowledge, create solutions, and generate business opportunities for the real challenges of society and the market. Last year convened over 3,000 participants, over 20 international panelists, over 100 pitches from deeptech startups, over 100 technologies presented by PhD researchers, 2 Technological Challenges competition (AstraZeneca and Inteli), over 30 Venture Capital investors, among others.

This year the Organizing Committee consists of top universities in Brazil like USP, Unifesp, Unicamp, UNESP, corporations like Plug and Play and Google, top Tech Parks in the country (PIT – SĂŁo JosĂ© dos Campos, SUPERA – RibeirĂŁo, Parque TecnolĂłgico de Sorocaba), ANPROTEC (Brazilian Association of Business Incubators and Tech Parks), among others.The event consists of (i) a panel and plenary conference with experts from the market, academia and governments; (ii) a startups fair, that brings together companies looking for innovations and investors looking for new businesses to invest in; (iii) a technology showroom where researchers can showcase their research to investors who want to promote partnerships to develop technology and create new businesses; and (iv) a sponsored open innovation technological challenge. There will also be the 1st ARIES ISIE – International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in AMR – Antimicrobial Resistance, the 2024 ACEEU Conference, FORTEC Southeast Meeting, and also the Europe – China – Latin America Innovation Forum, organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Triple Helix Association and USP – University of SĂŁo Paulo. 

Triple Helix Conference Sao Paulo 2024

This year’s theme, “Triple Helix and Impact Innovation: Connecting Smart Talent and Disruptive Technologies for a Better Tomorrow,” promises three days of insightful discussions, groundbreaking ideas, and collaborative endeavors.

Explore the intersections of academia, industry, and government as we delve into the fusion of smart talent and disruptive technologies, shaping the future of innovation. Engage with leading experts, thought leaders, and visionaries in an immersive environment designed to foster new ideas and collaborations.

Discover innovative approaches, groundbreaking research, and practical solutions that harness the power of collaboration to drive positive change and create a better world.

Stay tuned for speaker announcements, program details, and registration information. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of shaping the future of innovation!

4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing – AIKP’24 | August 22 – 24, 2024

About AIKP – 2024

Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Processing is playing a vital role in changing most of the sectors’ processes and landscape. AI has an enormous impact on various automation industries and their functioning converting traditional industries to AI-based factories. New algorithms are changing the way business processes and results are analyzed and predicted. Knowledge processing is the act of comprehending and then representing human knowledge in data structures; semantic models, which are conceptual diagrams of data as they relate to the real world; and heuristics, which are principles that lead to answers to every AI challenge. The way how a human think, knowledge processing transforms the data into knowledge and makes the machine think like a human and makes better decisions. This makes the humans work simple, but it has some ethical concerns that need to be sorted out. This AI and knowledge processing conference addresses the drawbacks and challenges in current practices in various sectors. The research area includes Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge representation, semantics, Big data analytics, Intelligent systems, fuzzy-based neural networks and other fields.


Minimum of three independent reviewers will be reviewing the paper and they will provide scientific comments on those papers. Based on their review chair will approve the paper. After a careful reviewing process, accepted papers will be submitted to publish in the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

Call for Papers

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Theme – I: Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Processing

Theme – II: Machine Learning

Theme – III: Deep Learning

Theme – IV: Intelligent Control

Theme – V: Artificial Vision

LATAM Early-Talent Forum

Wednesday, April 19th, 10am GMT

The Early-Talent Forum is the first annual youth summit focused on helping early-stage talent with a variety of diplomas and areas of interest better understand requirements, transformations and opportunities for the next decade.

The Early-Talent forum will host renowned speakers from companies like Oracle, American Express, TrendMicro Cybersecurity, The Washington Post and Project Management Institute talking about an array of topics from developing in your career from fresh graduate to the world of financial inclusion and fintech to technology and entrepreneurship.

Many of our speakers have been at their prospective companies for 15+ years, making them not only experts in their fields but experts in their industries and companies.

The conference is organized by Localized, the global talent platform that connects students and recent grads in emerging markets to job opportunities & industry professionals.

EFMD Global Americas Annual Conference

October 11-13 2023, Mexico City, Mexico

The EFMD Global Network Americas Annual Conference has been designed for all interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD Global Network members, companies, educational institutions and other associations interested in the Americas. This includes Deans, Deputy and Associate Deans, International Relations Directors, Program Directors, Executive Education Directors and other Business School and Executive Development Professionals.

Additional event information coming soon

EFMD Global America Annual Conference: 9-11 November, 2022

Event Details

This program is focused on changes in business, business schools, and society at large. We are thinking about social inclusion, diversity, equity, policy, changes in business models and program delivery, ethical leadership and our roles in creating the future with those things in mind. The Americas Conference allows us to bring together a unique cross-section of attendees from all over the Americas within the EFMD network and the larger management education community.

It is important to EFMD Global to create opportunities for business schools in the region to gather and connect with each other and highlight the important work of business schools in the Americas. The EFMD Global Network Americas Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD Global Network members, companies, educational institutions and other associations that have an interest in the Americas. This includes Deans, Deputy and Associate Deans, International Relations Directors, Program Directors, Executive Education Directors and other Business School and Executive Development Professionals.



Fundação Dom Cabral – SĂŁo Paulo Campus

15 Olimpia Trade, Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1184 – 15Âș andar – Vila OlĂ­mpia, SĂŁo Paulo – SP, 04548-004, Brazil

Date & Time

November 9 (Wednesday) 18:30- November 11 (Friday) 13:00

EFMD Global Americas Annual Conference

Event Details

This program is focused on changes in business, business schools, and society at large. We are thinking about social inclusion, diversity, equity, policy, changes in business models and program delivery, ethical leadership and our roles in creating the future with those things in mind.

The Americas Conference allows us to bring together a unique cross-section of attendees from all over the Americas within the EFMD network and the larger management education community. It is important to EFMD Global to create opportunities for business schools in the region to gather and connect with each other while engaging with content that is relevant to them and their realities.The EFMD Global Network Americas Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD Global Network members, companies, educational institutions and other associations that have an interest in the Americas. This includes Deans, Deputy and Associate Deans, International Relations Directors, Program Directors, Executive Education Directors and other Business School and Executive Development Professionals.


Practical Information

More information coming soon!

The Business Proofing of Business Schools Webinar Series

Presented by XOLAS, GBSN, EFMD Global Network, and Other Partner Organizations

“The world will be different after COVID-19!” You certainly heard this statement repeatedly in recent weeks. And you and your colleagues were probably left wondering to what extent it will apply to the business school sector as a whole and your institution specifically. Around the globe, colleagues are currently celebrating the successes of switching into online instruction with ease. Business schools have demonstrated tremendous agility in the face of adversity. Equally noteworthy is the strong display of a culture of sharing best practice in our community that helped to ease the transition of many institutions into online delivery.

These remarkable positives can however not make us overlook the financial burden that COVID-19 is imposing on business schools. Many institutions have suffered heavy losses in tuition and executive education revenues that may end up being a structural level-change rather than a temporary blip. Negative economic growth in many countries will reinforce the persistence of revenue drops.

We must further assume that COVID-19 will act as an accelerator for stackability, micro-credentialing and other drivers of institutional unbundling. Technology will make more rapid inroads into business school operations, to the benefit of stakeholders, but also with tangible impact on the underlying economics of delivering management education.

The writing is on the wall: The “business of business schools” will not be “business as usual” anymore.

This webinar series will provide guidance on how to adjust most effectively to this new environment. Sector and topical experts will get at the core of key issues and suggest a way forward. As a participant, you can challenge your own thinking and contribute to the debate.

The series will initially consist of five webinars. The first two webinars will deal with the most challenging financial issues facing business schools right now, how to cushion the downturn of executive education (#1) and how to cope with the drop of tuition revenues from international enrollments (#2). #3 will explore how business schools can become more resilient (i.e. strengthen their ability to “bounce back”). #4 will take a critical look at risk management practices in business schools (and their parent institutions); it will examine how risk management can be moved beyond compliance thinking to serve as a strategic decision-making tool. Finally, #5 will address funding issues that may present themselves nowadays in an exacerbated form, especially for stand-alone business schools or institutions transitioning into a semi-public status with enhanced financial autonomy.

We kindly request that you register for the webinars individually. Participation is free of charge.


Moving Executive Education Online: How Much and for How Long?
1 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST – 8AM EDT
GBSN, EFMD Global Network, ESMT Berlin, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS

Panelists: Martin Möhrle, Director Corporate Services, EFMD Global Network, Belgium
Jörg Rocholl, President, ESMT Berlin, Germany
Dominique Turpin, Former President & Dean of External Relations, IMD Business School, Switzerland

Executive education is treated by many companies as discretionary spending that gets cut back in bad times and the reactions to COVID-19 seem to confirm this conjecture. Business schools are currently challenged to fulfill existing commitments in times of social distancing. In addition, they are struggling to refill their pipeline with new contracts. A range of questions needs to be addressed in this context: How can business schools maintain their attractiveness as an education provider in recessionary times? How can executive education be delivered effectively in virtual learning space and how can clients be convinced of its value-added? And, most importantly, will COVID-19 ultimately change the role of executive training provided in an academic setting?

Participants will be able to explore these issues with a panel of executive education and talent management experts.


How to Reposition International Student Recruitment After COVID-19?

8 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST – 8:00AM EDT

Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS
Panelists: Andrea Longaretti, Global Head of Recruitment & Admissions, IE University, Spain
Jerker Moodysson, Dean, JIBS, Jönköping University
Thijs van Vugt, Director Analytics/Consulting Team, studyportals, Netherlands

The University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, prophetically purchased a 3-year insurance against a drop in Chinese enrollment with a coverage of USD 60 million and a premium of USD 424K. Many other universities (and their business schools) were left “holding the bag” and the reported losses are staggering. Most of them identified the diversification of student intake as a priority item of their risk registers, but it was not followed up by tangible action. The future certainly has to be different.

This webinar will look at international student recruitment from a business perspective by putting the focus on recruitment cycles and international study motives. How much international diversification is desirable and needed? And how can international recruitment and diversification targets be effectively balanced?


How to Make Business Schools More Resilient?
26 AUGUST 2020,  11:00 AM CEST
Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS


Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS


Robina Xavier, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Education), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), former Executive Dean, QUT Business School
John Vargo, Resilient Organisations NZ
Baback Yazdani, Dean of Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University

COVID-19 lets the future appear ever more uncertain. Will there be a second or third infection wave and, if so, will it trigger another lock-down? To what extent will the pandemic crisis shift learning behavior and, in the process, accelerate the switch to online provision? And finally, how will the impending economic recession impact demand for business schools and will displacement pressures by higher-ranked institutions seeking new revenue sources play an important role in this context?

Under the guidance of an expert panel, participants will explore the benefits of a proactive posture when dealing with these environmental uncertainties. Should it involve the deliberate build-up of resilience (ability to “bounce back”) or even anti-fragility (ability to profit from uncertainty)? What does this concretely imply in terms of pricing policies, degree delivery choices, etc?

More Details->

Reconfiguring Risk Management of Business Schools: How to Move Beyond Registers and Other Compliance Rituals


How to Manage the Institutional Funding Gap

