General Information
The 2023 International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition (IBESCC) will be a hybrid competition held online and on the campus of Loyola Marymount University during the week of April 10-14. Teams of 3-5 members compete in 3 competitions during the event:
- The 25-minute competition, in which teams will present a business problem of their choosing, give a full presentation analyzing the ethical, sustainable, legal and financial aspects of a problem, and present a solution that is viable on all fronts.
- The 10-minute competition, in which teams will incorporate the suggestions given the by judges during the 25-minute presentation and give a 10-minute presentation on the ethical aspect of the problem.
- The 90-second elevator pitch explaining the importance of the sustainability component of the problem.
The online divisions will compete on April 10 and 11. IBESCC staff will work with teams to find presentation times that will accommodate the schedules of individuals in different time zones. The in-person competition will convene April 12-14 in Los Angeles on the LMU campus. The winners for all divisions will be announced the evening of Friday, April 14 at the Awards Ceremony, which will be live-streamed.
Registration Fees
Early Bird registration fee (until January 31, 2023):
- In-person: $475/team, includes Welcome Dinner and Awards Banquet
- Online: $235/team
*Team sponsorships are available to reduce or waive registration expenses – please email ibes@lmu.edu or call Chiray Koo at 310-258-4640 for more details.
Registration Information
To register your team(s) for 2023 IBESCC, complete the following two steps:
- Complete the Online Registration Form for each team, which provides the information we need to send email updates to advisors and team members and to print awards certificates.
- If you do not yet have a topic or all your team members, please write TBD in those spaces and use the link in the confirmation email to update later.
- You may submit your registration form before making payment.
- Submit payment to guarantee your spot in the competition.
- Pay online here. Payments for online and in-person teams cannot be combined and must be paid in separate transactions. See instructions below for sending a check.
To facilitate organization of divisions and the recruitment judges, please complete Step 1 of the registration process asap, even if you cannot make immediate payment.
Competition Overview
The International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition (IBESCC) consists of three separate competitions: a 25-Minute Presentation followed by Q&A and feedback; a 10-Minute Presentation and a 90-Second Presentation. Teams compete in all three competitions, which require different skill sets.
Registration information and fees can be found on the 2023 IBESCC webpage. More information about the competition can be found at the Competition Overview, Presentation Guidelines and FAQs.