CEEMAN invites faculty members and researchers to showcase their work at the traditional CEEMAN poster session related to the overall theme of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference, “Management Education at the Crossroads“. The conference is taking place on 22-24 September 2021 in Trieste, Italy. The poster session will take place in the hybrid format, allowing participants to join online or in person.
The poster session is an opportunity to display innovations faculty members and researchers have implemented during the last years. Even when these innovations are still at an experimental phase, presenting them to the CEEMAN community will give the chance of finding support and receiving valuable feedback, and a publication in the Conference Proceedings.

Poster session co-chairs:
- Claudio Rivera, RTU Riga Business School, Latvia
- Zoltán Buzády, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Details about Posters and Submissions
The goals of the poster session are:
(a) to raise the visibility of new, emerging or proven, successful pedagogical innovations of faculty members at CEEMAN member and partner institutions
(b) to promote the exchange of new research findings and tools
(c) to foster networking among faculty members and researchers
(d) to create a new platform for publishing and disseminating research findings, teaching materials and solutions
CEEMAN encourages you to submit your proposal for a poster presentation in one or several of the following subtracks:
- Your teaching case study,which you have developed yourself and already use in your teaching practice;
- Your research work,which may be a fundamental or applied research project, or alternately your concrete, new research findings which have a clear reference to their application in management/business teaching;
- Your teaching tool & technique, which you have developed or adopted successfully in your course/program;
- Your other experience, which you would like to present and is relevant to the conference theme.
The potential contributors need to:
1. Submit your poster presentation abstract by 10 July 2021 to claudio.rivera@rbs.lv (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”). Your submission should indicate the sub-track of your poster (teaching case study / research / teaching tool or technique / other experience), what is your poster presentation topic, what aspects you plan to present and how it relates to the conference theme. All submissions will be reviewed by a selection board for possible inclusion in the conference poster session.
2. Prepare an online poster and if attending in person, also bring one paper poster or any other brief visual presentation (sized A1) about their pedagogical/research work, which will remain posted throughout the conference.
3. Present their ideas and proposal in an open session to other participants of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference in about 10 minutes on Wednesday, 22 September 2021.
4. Submit a high-quality photo of their poster work and a final write-up of their presentation for publication (two pages) by 18 October 2021 for publication in the Conference proceedings.
We recommend that each poster includes the following elements:
- A clear statement informing everyone on ‘What is this poster about?’
- An outline of the related topics or elements
- A recommendation where and how the proposal object can be used in teaching/management education
- Your name, affiliation and contact
Please note that many tips and tricks on preparing a poster presentation are on the internet.
Conditions of participation:
The cost of participation in the poster session only (without attending the conference) is EUR 150. All poster presenters are entitled to a 10% discount for attending the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference (covers attendance of all conference events, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners, transportation between the venues as specified in the conference program). The fee does NOT cover travel, airport shuttle, accommodation, participation of accompanying persons, or sightseeing tour.
Important Dates/Deadlines
- 10 July, 2021 – Submission Deadline
- 22 September, 2021 – Conference Presentation Date (virtual or in-person)
For any questions or clarification, please contact poster session co-chair Claudio Rivera at claudio.rivera@rbs.lv (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”).
For more information about the conference, logistics and conditions, please visit: http://www.ceeman.org/29thconference.