Call for Papers

Call for Poster Session Contributions at the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference

CEEMAN invites faculty members and researchers to showcase their work at the traditional CEEMAN poster session related to the overall theme of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference, “Management Education at the Crossroads“. The conference is taking place on 22-24 September 2021 in Trieste, Italy. The poster session will take place in the hybrid format, allowing participants to join online or in person.

The poster session is an opportunity to display innovations faculty members and researchers have implemented during the last years. Even when these innovations are still at an experimental phase, presenting them to the CEEMAN community will give the chance of finding support and receiving valuable feedback, and a publication in the Conference Proceedings.

Poster session co-chairs:

  • Claudio Rivera, RTU Riga Business School, Latvia
  • Zoltán Buzády, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary 

Details about Posters and Submissions

The goals of the poster session are:
(a) to raise the visibility of new, emerging or proven, successful pedagogical innovations of faculty members at CEEMAN member and partner institutions
(b) to promote the exchange of new research findings and tools
(c) to foster networking among faculty members and researchers
(d) to create a new platform for publishing and disseminating research findings, teaching materials and solutions

CEEMAN encourages you to submit your proposal for a poster presentation in one or several of the following subtracks:

  1. Your teaching case study,which you have developed yourself and already use in your teaching practice;
  2. Your research work,which may be a fundamental or applied research project, or alternately your concrete, new research findings which have a clear reference to their application in management/business teaching;
  3. Your teaching tool & technique, which you have developed or adopted successfully in your course/program;
  4. Your other experience, which you would like to present and is relevant to the conference theme.

The potential contributors need to:

1. Submit your poster presentation abstract by 10 July 2021 to (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”). Your submission should indicate the sub-track of your poster (teaching case study / research / teaching tool or technique / other experience), what is your poster presentation topic, what aspects you plan to present and how it relates to the conference theme. All submissions will be reviewed by a selection board for possible inclusion in the conference poster session. 

2. Prepare an online poster and if attending in person, also bring one paper poster or any other brief visual presentation (sized A1) about their pedagogical/research work, which will remain posted throughout the conference.

3. Present their ideas and proposal in an open session to other participants of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference in about 10 minutes on Wednesday, 22 September 2021.

4. Submit a high-quality photo of their poster work and a final write-up of their presentation for publication (two pages) by 18 October 2021 for publication in the Conference proceedings.

We recommend that each poster includes the following elements:

  • A clear statement informing everyone on ‘What is this poster about?’
  • An outline of the related topics or elements
  • A recommendation where and how the proposal object can be used in teaching/management education
  • Your name, affiliation and contact

Please note that many tips and tricks on preparing a poster presentation are on the internet.  

Conditions of participation:

The cost of participation in the poster session only (without attending the conference) is EUR 150. All poster presenters are entitled to a 10% discount for attending the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference (covers attendance of all conference events, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners, transportation between the venues as specified in the conference program). The fee does NOT cover travel, airport shuttle, accommodation, participation of accompanying persons, or sightseeing tour.

Important Dates/Deadlines

  • 10 July, 2021 – Submission Deadline
  • 22 September, 2021 – Conference Presentation Date (virtual or in-person)


For any questions or clarification, please contact poster session co-chair Claudio Rivera at (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”).

For more information about the conference, logistics and conditions, please visit:

Call for Papers: Policy & Program Learning (PPL)

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the world through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and civil society to build the institutions vital to a democratic society. Policy & Program Learning (PPL) is CIPE’s applied research unit that explores, among others, emerging strategic issues in policy reform and models of business leadership conducive with democracy that delivers.


Over the last decade we have witnessed mounting resistance to democracy around the world. The emerging markets with their fragile institutional foundations have been especially vulnerable to such antidemocratic movements. Emboldened populist parties, autocratic regimes, and state-controlled corporate capitalism have seized the momentum to cement distrust on the legacy of liberal institutions and legitimacy of private enterprise as the generator of economic and social growth.

To deepen the discussion on these topics, PPL is issuing a call for papers that examine the evolving, but inherent relationship between private sector and democratic development. Research proposals should focus on emerging themes that reveal opportunities and barriers which strengthen and challenge the intrinsic link between market-oriented reform and equitable economic growth buttressed by an open and transparent democratic government. The following questions serve as a guide to frame the research and propose relevant topics.

I. Government Intervention & Business-government Relations

  1. What are the drivers, inherent strengths and weaknesses of state capitalism and/or oligarchic capitalism?
  2. What are the constraints on the expansion of government control over the economy in competitive authoritarian settings?
  3. Does sustained entrepreneurial activity under authoritarian regimes increase demands for political reforms and open markets? What key factors influence such demands?
  4. How has business responded to populism in emerging markets? What alternative visions or institutional reform has the private sector proposed?

II. Equality of Opportunity and Small Business Needs

  1. How does entrepreneurship contribute to inclusive economic growth and under what conditions?
  2. In economic crises, such as the one induced by COVID-19, what non-financial, non-fiscal, interventions are effective in helping small businesses survive?
  3. What are the binding policy constraints on SMEs with growth potential?
  4. What factors influence levels of policy engagement among small businesses (e.g., salience of issues, awareness of policy processes, firm size and age, membership in support organizations)?
  5. What explains differences in policy engagement by men-owned and women-owned businesses?
  6. What policy approaches or market conditions are effective against informal and prejudicial norms to women-led businesses and inclusive entrepreneurship?

III. Business Environment Reform

  1. What is the evidence on the effectiveness of new regulatory approaches that aim to encourage economic innovation (e.g., regulatory sandboxes)?
  2. What has worked to close gaps in the implementation of policy reforms related to the business environment? Implementation gaps that affect women’s economic empowerment are of particular interest.
  3. What economic reform processes have gained legitimacy in the eyes of the public?
  4. In which countries or sectors (e.g., digital) has the pandemic generated new demand for business environment reform?
  5. What role do business associations play in business environment reform?
  6. What regulatory space and attention is given to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model of corporate reform in emerging markets?
  7. What major challenges do governments face in providing an agile regulatory environment in the face of a growing digital economy and disrupting internet technologies?

General paper guidelines

Applicants are free to propose research on a single topic or multiple topics. Papers submitted must be original work and previously unpublished. All research and data analysis should rely on sound methodology, supported by quantitative and qualitative evidence and based on credible sources of information and case studies in developing/emerging markets. Researchers should present the information with a general audience in mind. The writing should be clear and efficient, free of excessive jargon, bureaucratese, legalese and/or academese. Use of graphical/visual presentation of data is expected, but they should be illustrative, making it easier for readers to follow. Overly technical models, if any, (i.e., regression, spatial analysis, etc.) should be placed in a technical appendix.

Following these guidelines, please submit these documents by May 31, 2021.

  1. An abstract (approximately 300 words) of the proposed topic and research methodology.
  2. A CV and a sample of research paper, preferably written for a general audience.
  3. A budget proposal that includes a daily rate, number of billable days, and other expected related expenses incurred during research. The entire cost proposal should not exceed the maximum available funds of 15,000 USD.

Selected applicants will be notified by July 1, 2021.

To submit, please send all requested materials to Mikra Krasniqi at

Minimum Qualifications

  • Post-graduate degree, from an accredited institution of higher learning, in economics, public policy, business, international relations or other related fields
  • A minimum of six years of research and writing experience in policy or economic reform, markets, entrepreneurship, democratic governance, corruption, etc., with a focus in emerging and/or transition economies.
  • Strong commitment to ethical and professional standards of research.

Review process

The final research topic(s) will be determined through agreement between the selected researcher and PPL. Full terms, including scope of research, deliverables, and compensation will be specified in a contract or honorarium letter.

Researchers must submit their final papers by December 1, 2021.

About the Organization

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society. CIPE’s key program areas include anti-corruption, advocacy, business associations, corporate governance, democratic governance, access to information, the informal sector and property rights, and women and youth.

Call for Contributions: 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference

Poverty and Prosperity: Implications for Advancing the SDGs and Responsible Management Education in a Post-Pandemic World
International Business School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Suzhou, China; 19th – 22nd October 2021


China’s achievement in eradicating extreme poverty is a huge contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the plan of action for a better and more prosperous world. Poverty and prosperity in a post-pandemic world will still be a topic requiring further
contributions through leveraging various stakeholders’ engagement and wisdoms. We are pleased to invite the members of the global PRME community to join us the 8th RME Research Conference in the beautiful city Suzhou, one of the first group of “Cultural and Historic Cities” of China as well as one of the most economic-developed regions of China.

We invite contributions from a wide range of disciplinary traditions that explore responsible management issues from both conceptual and practical perspectives, and we encourage contributions, which are multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary in nature. We welcome contributions that can be of a conceptual, qualitative or quantitative nature.

Contributions to the conference, i.e. to its streams, can be submitted in the form of abstracts (up to 200 words), extended abstracts (up to 1,000 words), working papers (research-in progress)(up to 2,500 words) or full papers (up to 6,000 words, excluding references).

The conference will feature an AMLE Paper Development Workshop (PDW). This PDW provides a space for members of the RME community to receive feedback on their research in-progress pieces and to further develop them for possible submission to AMLE or other relevant outlets. PDW places will be limited and competitive; those submitting working papers who wish to be considered for inclusion in the PDW should indicate this during the submission process.

The submissions window opens on 7th May 2021.The link will be available on the conference website on this date. To be accepted, contributions must be submitted only through this website. All submissions must be in English.Each accepted contribution must be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the speaker rate.The submission deadline is 31st May 2021.

Track Options for Contributions

  1. A Plenary Coalition Building Roundtable
  2. Research and Teaching for Poverty Alleviation
  3. One Belt – One Road (OBOR) Initiative in a Post-Pandemic World: Implications for Responsible Management Education
  4. Circular Business Models as Enabler for Prosperity
  5. Fostering Responsible Management throughout International Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World
  6. Poverty Eradication and Prosperity through Sustainability-oriented Innovation
  7. Entrepreneurial Activities Within the Context of Poverty Reduction
  8. Utopica or lofty ambition: Why and how responsible entrepreneurs choose to terminate their entrepreneurial career
  9. Gender Inequality and Poverty
  10. Prosperity by Global Partnership
  11. Value Driven Leadership after Pandemic

For details about each track contribution and contact information for track proponents/co-chairs, click the button below to access downloadable PDF.

Conference Dates and Venue

  • October 19, 2021: Arrival and informal get-together in the evening
  • October 20 and 21, 2021: Conference
  • October 22, 2021: Topic-related field trip (optional)

International Business School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Dushu Lake Science & Innovation District, Suzhou, China

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • May 7, 2021: Submission window opens
  • May 31, 2021: Deadline for contributions submission
  • July 9, 2021: Notification of accepted contributions
  • September 5, 2021: Deadline for early-bird registration
  • October 10, 2021: Deadline for regular registration

For more information on the conference, click on the button below or send an email to

Call for Proposals: IDÉES-Afrique

Institut d’Études des dynamiques contemporaines de l’État et des sociétés en Afrique recently launched a call for papers for collective works on the theme of the digital transformation of public administrations in Africa.

Descriptive Overview

Driven by the global context of the digital revolution and the strong social penetration of technological innovations, the progression of e-government in Africa (UN, 2020) places an important issue at the center of the debate: the adjustment of administrative structures to the new requirements of public service delivery. Indeed, the implementation of digital government implies the revitalization, or even the reinvention, of the administration’s internal processes and its relations with its environment: relations with citizens, relations with the private sector, and relations with other administrations. In this dynamic, although they are indispensable resources, information and communication technologies and connectivity represent more of a lever or a catalyst (Gur-baxani and Dunkle, 2019; Vial, 2019; Caron, 2021). The adaptation of the administration, including its organization, missions, functioning, culture, and strategies, to the imperatives and logic of the State’s digital development, is the pillar of digital transformation.

Despite a global trend towards homogenization of the discourse on the need for egovernment and digital administration, which has become the new sacred canon of institutional modernity, it is important to emphasize that there is no single way to view digital transformation. The fields of observation favored by the specialized literature (service to citizens; organization and management of information; transformation of employment; transformation of the internal environment of the administration and its control methods: Brown, 2005) are dependent on contextual specificities, and must be analyzed from them. Digital transformation remains framed by a set of rules, norms, resources specific to a socio-political and geographical context (Schou and Hjelholt 2018). In this sense, as Hadj Nekka aptly argues, a rigorous approach to producing scientific knowledge about the organization should focus on organizational arrangements and practices and lead the researcher to look as closely as possible at organizational realities (2016).

The present call is part of this empirical perspective of research on organizations and administrative reform in Africa. It invites researchers to reflect on the organizational issues and contextual specificities of the digital transformation of public administrations. The book project thus proposes to make a significant contribution to the little-documented study of the organizational dimension of the changes introduced by information technologies into administrative routines (Jacob and Ouellet, 209) and, in general, to the embryonic research on the organization of public administrations in Africa (Kamdem, 2000).

Suggested Areas for Reflection

  • Benefits, challenges and success factors
  • The issue of organizational culture
  • Information management and organization
  • The transformation of employment and work methods
  • Administrative control and organizational performance measurement
  • Improving service to citizens
  • Organizational strategies for digital transformation
  • Bureaucracy, New Public Management and Digital Administration

Key Dates and Deadlines

  • March 23, 2021: Launch of the call for contributions
  • May 15, 2021: Deadline for chapter proposal submission
  • May 30, 2021: Notification to authors of acceptance of their proposal
  • October 30, 2021: Chapter submission by authors
  • November 30, 2021: Chapter review and recommendations to authors
  • December 21, 2021: Submission of revised chapters by authors
  • Winter 2022: Publication of the book in a Canadian university publishing house

Terms of Submission

Authors are invited to submit their book chapter proposal, including a title, five (5) keywords, and a short biography. The theme of the call must be specified in the subject line. Proposals should not exceed 500 words. They should include a problematic, a presentation of the subject and a summary plan. They can be submitted in French or English and sent to the following address:

Book Direction

Denis Proulx, Ph. D. (École Nationale d’Administration publique du Québec)
Raoul Tamekou Tsowa, Ph. D. (IDÉES-AFRIQUE, Director)


Brown, David. 2005. “Electronic government and public administration.” International Review of Administrative Sciences 71(2): 241-254.

Daniel, Caron J. 2021. “Technologies numériques et efficience organisationnelle. Repenser l’organisation publique selon ses flux informationnels ». Dans Nathalie, de Marcelin-Warin et Benoît Dostie, Le Québec économique. Perspectives de la transformation numérique (vol.9). Montréal : CIRANO, 373-395.

Gurbaxani, Vijay, et Debora Dunkle. 2019. “Gearing Up For Successful Digital Transformation.” MIS Quarterly Executive 18(3): 209-220.

Kamdem, Emmanuel. 2000. “L’analyse des organisations en Afrique: un champ de recherche émergent.” African Sociological Review/Revue Africaine de Sociologie 4(2): 93-132.

Nekka, Hadj. 2016. “Convoquer des cadres théoriques pour en faire la critique à partir des terrains africains: quelle est la pertinence scientifique d’un tel projet? ” Revue internationale des sciences de l’organisation 1: 7-21.

Schou, Jannick, et Morten Hjelholt. 2018. Digitalization and public sector transformations. New York: Springer.

Steve Jacob et Steven Ouellet. 2019. « Transformation du travail et évolution des compétences dans la fonction publique à l’ère numérique ». Cahiers de recherche sur l’administration publique à l’ère numérique 1 : 1-36.

United Nations. 2020. E-Government Survey 2020. Digital Government Survey in the decade of Action for Sustainable Development. With addendum on Covid-19 Response. United Nations: New York.

Vial, Gregory. 2010. “Understanding digital transformation: A review and a research agenda.” The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 28(2): 118-144.

Call for Abstracts: 2021 University Industry Interaction Conference


The call for abstract is an important step towards shaping the conference agenda. We are looking for the latest research results, practice-based experiences and best practice case studies on university-industry interaction, entrepreneurial & engaged universities and pathways to impact.  The call for abstracts will close on February 22nd, 2021.

The overview below gives you some guidance on the type of proposals that we welcome, and themes will be addressed at the conference. This list is not exhaustive and we always welcome submissions covering other relevant topics. Only proposals that are submitted through the online portal will be considered, and submitted proposals will be reviewed by an international scientific and practitioners committee.


  • Research-based abstracts
    • Accepted abstracts will be presented at the conference. The full papers (optional) will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • Practice-based abstracts
    • Accepted abstracts will be presented at the conference. The full papers (optional) will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • Good practice cases
    • Accepted case studies will be presented at the conference. The case study will be published in the UIIN Good Practice Series.
  • Workshop proposals
    • Accepted workshops will be granted a 1 1/2 hour workshop slot at the conference. Workshops will have to be practical and interactive.


  • University-Industry Partnerships: A holistic perspective to accelerate relationships
  • Engaged and Entrepreneurial Universities: The future of higher education
  • Pathway to Impact: Managing and measuring external engagement
  • Knowledge transfer and engagement professionals: The role of boundary spanning agents
  • Structures and mechanisms supporting university-industry cooperation
  • Regional engagement: The university as a home-base and entrepreneurship catalyst
  • The university as a talent-engine & life partner: Supporting students and lifelong learners
  • The entrepreneurial and engaged academic in research and education


Learn more about the subthemes, download preparation guidelines and submit your abstract at

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • February 22, 2021: Call for abstracts closes
  • June 14-16, 2021: 2021 University-Industry Interaction Conference (online)

About the Conference

The annual University-Industry Interaction Conference brings together over 500 participants from around the globe, who are passionate about driving university-industry engagement, technology transfer, entrepreneurship and innovation. Delivered through a mixture of presentations, workshops and facilitated networking, the online conference is your opportunity to hear the latest insights across the field and connect with engaged peers around the world.
