
LATAM Early-Talent Forum

Wednesday, April 19th, 10am GMT

The Early-Talent Forum is the first annual youth summit focused on helping early-stage talent with a variety of diplomas and areas of interest better understand requirements, transformations and opportunities for the next decade.

The Early-Talent forum will host renowned speakers from companies like Oracle, American Express, TrendMicro Cybersecurity, The Washington Post and Project Management Institute talking about an array of topics from developing in your career from fresh graduate to the world of financial inclusion and fintech to technology and entrepreneurship.

Many of our speakers have been at their prospective companies for 15+ years, making them not only experts in their fields but experts in their industries and companies.

The conference is organized by Localized, the global talent platform that connects students and recent grads in emerging markets to job opportunities & industry professionals.

MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program

The Visiting Fellows Program is a customized course of study for students, professionals, and MIT alumni with the freedom to explore all that MIT Sloan has to offer, as well as courses across the Institute, while cultivating the skills and tools required to generate impact where it matters most

The Visiting Fellows Program provides access to an unparalleled education model that offers Fellows the flexibility to glean what they need to know now from the world’s leading research institution in an expedited timeframe. We invite you to plug in to the MIT and Kendall Square ecosystem, level up your professional knowledge and leadership skills, and energize your network by connecting with industry leaders, innovators, and world-renowned faculty. Upon completion of the program, Visiting Fellows receive a certificate from MIT Sloan and affiliate alumni status.

Applications are due by April 1, 2023, 5 pm ET, for the Fall 2023 semester. 

Program Details

Whether you’re an executive seeking leading-edge ideas to advance to the next stage of your career, a student earning a degree elsewhere ready to supercharge your education, or an MIT alumna/alumnus eager to re-engage with the MIT ecosystem and reignite your mind and network, Visiting Fellows allows exploration of all that MIT Sloan has to offer with a relentless focus on generating impact where it matters most.

  • Create your own curriculum with a faculty advisor and design a specific course of study for the semester, aligned with your academic and professional goals.
  • Take elective courses at MIT Sloan, throughout MIT, and virtual courses at Harvard University. 
  • Visiting Fellows take between 27 and 54 credit units, or about four to six courses, throughout the semester.
  • For those who decide to stay more than one semester MIT Sloan offers
    certificate programs in Business Analytics, Healthcare, and Digital Product Management.

Term Dates

The MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program is available in the following terms:

  • Spring: Begins early February through mid-May.
  • Fall: Begins early September through mid-December. 


Tuition for the Sloan Visiting Fellows Program is $42,100 per semester. A special rate is available for MIT alumni and current students from a GBSN member school or MIT Sloan partner school.

Applications are due by April 1, 2023, 5 pm ET, for the Fall 2023 semester. 

GBSN for Business & Human Rights Exhibition | Conversations with the Next Generation


The Rana Plaza factory located in Dhaka district (Bangladesh) collapsed on 24 April 2013. 1,134 people died and an estimated 2,500 people were injured. The collapse is considered to be the deadliest garment-factory accident in history. 

The Rana Plaza factory collapse led to worldwide outcry and pressure on fashion companies to change their business practices. As an immediate reaction to the disaster, apparel brands, retailers and workers unions signed a global framework agreement to improve occupational safety and health standards in the Bangladeshi garment industry: the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, otherwise known as “the Accord”. 

The accident also played an important role in the field of business and human rights. In France, one of the countries related to the event through French apparel and retailer companies supply chain, the factory collapse accelerated efforts by lawmakers to adopt duty of vigilance legislation, passed in March 2017. Other legislations were adopted by local and national authorities in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The debate has since expanded at the global level and within regional authorities, the European Union currently working on a proposed mandatory human rights due diligence legislation: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive.

To reflect on the legacy of this dramatic event, GBSN is inviting our global community to engage and facilitate conversations in their local communities for wider dissemination. Conversations can take the form of event recordings, various forms of publications, illustrations, multimedia presentations, audio recordings, and more.

These conversations should be designed to include business school students, their lecturers and key business and human rights stakeholders including business professionals, policymakers, and civil society.

“Rana Plaza is an emblematic case study for the role of human rights in business.

Discussing root causes and the systemic human rights risks that resulted in the Rana Plaza tragedy is highly relevant for students that are training to become future business executives.

On the tenth anniversary of Rana Plaza, we want to learn from this tragic case in conversation with business school students. We need to build their capacity to transform business models so that human rights are at the core of all business operations.”

Dorothee Baumann-Pauly

Objectives of this activity



Commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster and pay tribute to the victims of BHR violations



Empower students interested in business and human rights to speak up about BHR issues



Share examples of ongoing challenges, promising solutions and legislative action on BHR issues



Inform the management education community and the broader public about the efforts of GBSN to advance business school education on BHR

How to Organize a “Conversation”

Conversations should be organized by one or several lecturers, ideally with the active participation of students. Several steps to a successful event:

  1. Identify a locally relevant business and human rights issue: challenges within a specific industry, business- or industry-wide solutions to address human rights risks, effectiveness or opportunity of legislation, etc. 
  2. Invite a speaker to discuss this issue with students and lecturers. Prepare the conversation with students so they can take an active role in the event.
  3. Organize and record the conversation, bearing in mind that the recording will be featured on a global platform. The duration of the recording should not exceed one hour.

For any assistance, reach out to Charles Autheman –

Localized: Upcoming March Webinar Events

Immigrating to Canada: From Study Permits to Permanent Residency

March 9th, 11:00 AM EST | 16:00 GMT | 18:00 Egypt Time

Thinking about moving to Canada? Join us for an insightful session on the different pathways and processes to migrate to Canada successfully! Learn about:

  • Different programs Canada offers for new immigrants
  • Study permits and how to apply inside and outside of Canada
  • Post graduate work permits
  • There will be time for live Q&A at the end of the session.

About the Speakers

About Dov Maierovitz:

After completing an undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2003, Dov graduated from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, in 2007. In 2012, he founded EME Professional Corp with Joel Etienne and has since helped countless families achieve their dream of immigrating to Canada. From the most simple visa applicant to the most sophisticated business investor, Dov will take the time to review every detail of your case with you to ensure the greatest chances of success. When he’s not working, Dov can be found chasing after his three young boys.

Canada is one of the most immigration-friendly countries in the world, welcoming hundreds of thousands of new immigrants each year. At EME, we are proud to represent immigration clients of all demographics and backgrounds. We have helped people from every continent, culture and religion and have been proud to welcome them to the Canadian family.

About Maria Mici:

Maria has been working at EME as Immigration Settlement Manager since the corporation’s inception in 2012, proudly facilitating the immigration of hundreds of families looking for a new country to call home. Maria’s expertise includes deep knowledge of Provincial Nominee Programs, Work Permits, Visitor Visas, Study Permits, LMIAs, Express Entry Applications and Family/Spousal Sponsorships. Maria speaks English, Albanian and Greek fluently with a working knowledge of Italian. Outside of her busy and fulfilling professional life, Maria is a dedicated mother of two who loves to spend time with family, travel and explore the local Toronto food scene.

March 9th Registration Information

Mental Health: How to Stay Motivated

March 16th, 11:00 AM EST | 16:00 GMT | 18:00 Egypt Time

How do you create goals, solve problems and change old habits? How do you continue to be resilient in the face of job rejection and feeling like you lack the motivation to keep going? This workshop will help you work through challenges around:

  • Positive self talk
  • Goal setting and reviewing
  • How to stay mindful and motivated
  • What to do if you lose motivation

About the Speaker

George Taktak is the founder of How Mental, the world’s largest community of people (inc. Bella Hadid, Emma Bunton & Alanis Morissette) and organizations dedicated to making mental healthcare accessible, reaching 14 Million people across social media [IG: @howmental].

George uses his experience of depression and anxiety to normalize the conversation around mental health, infusing creativity, humor and levity throughout his work. Over the past decade, he has consulted organizations on how to engage people with mental wellbeing. George is particularly interested in technology’s ability to scale care and is an inventor, having secured a patent for his work in 2019.

Before shifting into healthcare, George received an Economics degree from the LSE. He worked for Deloitte and Barclays Wealth. George is also an artist, writer, polyglot and part of the LGBTQ+ family.

Recently, through How Mental, George released the ‘How Are We’ app to help people easily track their feelings and create a tangible metric for the wellbeing of the planet. It is available to download on iPhone now.

March 16th Registration Information

How to Build a Successful Business From Scratch

March 23rd, 11:00 AM EST | 16:00 GMT | 18:00 Egypt Time

Are you a self starter? Have you always known you wanted to be your own boss but you don’t know where to start or if you’ll enjoy being an entrepreneur?

Wanja Laiboni is a former International Development practitioner turned creative industries entrepreneur and designer. She grasps that creativity can humanize our lives, fuel innovation, and drive economic development. In this session, she’ll dive deep into the life and challenges of an entrepreneur. She’ll share experiences starting her own business, answer questions about how to get funding, training and support and talk about how to overcome obstacles that you might face.

If you’re a current or soon to be graduate searching for a purpose, this session is a great starting point to help you figure out what you want to do! We’ll answer question like:

  • Idea or determination, what comes first?
  • Challenges of becoming an entrepreneur and how to overcome obstacles
  • Social entrepreneurship, what is it?
  • How to find your purpose

About the Speaker

After nearly a decade of a global career managing multi-million dollar grant portfolios and projects for US non-profits that saw Wanja Laiboni work as far afield as Asia, the Americas, the Caribbean, and East and Southern Africa, Wanja is investing in the development of Africa’s Creative and Cultural Industries.

She has founded two heritage-based enterprises. SIWWAA (, a sustainable luxury accessories brand, merges one-of-a-kind contemporary design inspired by Africa’s cultural and artistic capital with sustainable raw materials and production excellence. Beginning as a research project, Crafting Kenya ( is repositioning Kenya’s craft and materials heritage for production and sourcing for global brands in fashion.

March 23rd Registration Information

International Summer University WU Summer Scholarships

WU offers scholarships for the summer program ISUWU. Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for these scholarships during the application process, if they meet the respective criteria.

The ISUWU scholarship is intended to support the participation of students from selected countries. For the ISUWU 2024, WU provides a maximum of ten scholarship positions.

The ISUWU program fee will be waived for students selected for an ISUWU scholarship. In addition, selected students will receive a travel and accommodation grant of EUR 1,000 upon their arrival in Vienna.

Application Process and Documents

You can apply for the ISUWU scholarship during the regular ISUWU application period in our online application system.

To apply for a scholarship, please upload the following documents:

  • Application letter: please explain why you are particularly deserving of an ISUWU scholarship, how the scholarship can contribute to your academic success and why it is important for your studies (1 page max.)
  • Confirmation of enrollment in business administration or related fields

Please note that you can only be selected for an ISUWU scholarship if you also fulfill the general admission criteria for the ISUWU. For general ISUWU application information, see the section Application & Admission.

Dates and Deadlines

Application period: February 15 – March 31, 2024

Nomination deadline: March 15, 2024

July session: July 1 – July 19, 2024

August session: July 22 – August 9, 2024

Application and Additional Information

Please note:

  • In order to receive the ISUWU scholarship, students will have to declare that they do not have sufficient financial means and will not receive financial support from other sources to cover the costs of stay during the International Summer University WU. 
  • The ISUWU scholarship is non-recurring, i.e. students may only participate in the ISUWU once at this special rate.

Inspire Speaker Series: Investing in Africa

Date: Wednesday, March 8
TIME: 10:00 AM PT | 6:00 PM GMT | 8:00 PM CAT

Investments are needed for economic growth, and Africa needs that growth, fast. The Africa Finance Corporation estimates that the continent needs investments worth US $2.3 trillion to meet its population needs. In 2021 total funding (investments and debt) was just over US $4 billion.

How do we turn this tide? How can African entrepreneurs and the continent attract sustainable private capital? How do we frame and manage the perceived risk of investing in Africa? What investment models will drive growth and how can we develop them?

Join Stanford Seed and the Stanford Africa Business Club for an exciting discussion with our panel of experts on the topic of Investing in Africa.

Last Call for Undergraduates to Apply! Seed Internships in Emerging Markets

Last Call for Undergraduates to Apply! Seed Internships in Emerging Markets

Work closely with talented entrepreneurs in Africa and South Asia while gaining high-level work experience and making a social impact. Seed welcomes applicants in all departments and majors. 

Key Program Details

  • Eligibility: Undergraduate (current sophomores and above), Coterm, and graduate students in all departments and majors. Graduating students (class of ’23) may also participate.
  • Internship length: 9 week summer internships.
  • Internship types: Seed offers a diverse set of project opportunities across numerous sectors, suitable for all majors, including STEM, social sciences, humanities, business and more.
  • Format: Internships are expected to take place in-person at the company site. Hybrid, and other arrangements, may be considered on a case by case basis.
  • International students: Seed sponsors international students. For immigration-related questions, please contact us for more details, and afterwards verify information with Bechtel individually. 

About the Program

What’s it like to gain high-level work experience while making a social impact? In a word: Transformative. Watch video highlights from your peers:

Application Deadlines

  • Undergraduate students (& all early bird applicants): March 3, 2023 (rolling)
    • Undergraduate placement deadline to confirm internships: April 7, 2023
  • Graduate students: May 12, 2023 (rolling)
    • Graduate placement deadline to confirm internships: June 2, 2023

*Note: internships offered on a first come, first served basis. Apply early to secure your top choice.

Application Information

Global School in Empirical Research Methods 2024

10 GSERM Scholarships

We are pleased to offer up to ten Scholarships to GBSN member schools from developing countries to the University of St. Gallen’s Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM) in Switzerland in June 2024.  

The GSERM is a high-caliber integrated program teaching methodology for PhD students and postdocs from leading universities all over the world. The GSERM offers an attractive course-based learning atmosphere on different aspects of empirical research. GSERM is structured in different modules. Participants select one course per week as these courses are taught concurrently.

The scholarship will cover tuition and accommodation fees for up to two consequent weeks. Applicants can choose between the two session segments (Session I and II or Session II and III). Selected courses for each session(s) must be indicated in the application form.

Scholarship Terms

The scholarship will cover all tuition fees for the program and accommodation costs. Applicants will need to cover all other costs (flight, visa, living expenses, insurances, etc.).

How to Apply

All PhD students from GBSN Member Schools who meet the following eligibility requirements are invited to submit a completed application via the online portal. 

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Convincing motivation letter
  2. Excellent grades and performance
  3. Under 35 years of age is preferred; younger applicants will be preferred. 
  4. Enrolled PhD students at GBSN member schools from the following countries:
  • Algeria
  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • Egypt
  • Ghana
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Senegal
  • South Africa
  • Thailand
  • Togo

Interested applicants should combine all five required application documents into one combined PDF file. Applications should be titled following this format “YOUR NAME_ GSERM SCHOLARSHIP PhD.”

Required Application Documents

  1. Detailed CV
  2. Last transcript or diploma
  3. Motivation letter
  4. Color copy of your passport (personal data and photo)
  5. Completed Application Form

Applicants must upload completed applications to the online submission portal by March 22, 2024 to qualify for a scholarship. The deadline for all applications for GSERM via GBSN is March 22, 2023

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee at the University of St. Gallen. Only fully completed applications will be reviewed. 

Please only apply if you can afford travel and living expenses as well as costs for visa and insurances.

For more information, please visit the website or contact Julie LaBelle, Member Engagement Coordinator, 

Insper Launches Global Academy with New Courses Focusing on Brazilian and International Students

The Global Academy is an Insper’s portfolio of short-term courses designed for undergraduate students from Brazilian and international institutions with relevant topics in entrepreneurship, innovation, ESG, and technology, among others.

Classes are intensive, full-time, taught in English, and with a minimum of 40 hours of contact per course. As a credit-bearing program, students can have equivalences for elective courses at Insper or as per the policies of their respective educational institutions.

During the program, students will visit companies and institutions to enhance their market knowledge and participate in extracurricular activities that foster international experience and sociocultural awareness.


For application, students must be attending an undergraduate course. In addition, be at least 18 years old, over the age of majority in Brazil, and submit their university enrollment certificate.


Application fee for international students: BRL 10,000.00 (approximately USD 2,000.00*)
* Students must verify the exchange rate applicable on their payment day.

What’s Included?

  • Welcome Ceremony
  • Support material for classes
  • Cultural activities
  • Company visits
  • Transfer to external visits
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Transcript of records
  • Closing Ceremony

Application Deadline

Application deadline for international students: March 15th

ABCC 2023 Kick-Off Welcome Event

Date: Tuesday, March 14th

Time: 9:00AM EDT/ 2:00PM CET and WAT/ 3:00PM SAST/ 4:00PM EAT

Location: Zoom

Contact: Maddie Handler at

Join us for our official Kick-Off event for the Africa Business Concept Challenge 2023!

We are so excited to welcome Student Teams, Investor Experts, Judges, and more to our opening event for ABCC 2023! GBSN CEO, Dan LeClair, Peaqs Co-Founder and Director, Peter Martin Holst, and ABCC’s Head Mentor and Academic Advisor, Rickie Moore, will be welcoming competing teams for this year’s competition. Afterwards, the platform will officially launch into Phase 1 and the development begins.

This is also a great opportunity to meet other teams and ask any last minute questions.

We look forward to this year’s set of ideas!


  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Dr. Rickie A. Moore

    Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school