
GBSN Welcomes Three New Member Schools from Peru, Finland and Lebanon

The Global Business School Network is proud to announce the acceptance of three new member schools: American University of Beirut Suliman S. Olayan School of Business in Lebanon, CENTRUM Catolica Graduate Business School in Peru, and Hanken School of Economics in Finland. The network now consists of 75 members in 40 countries. American University of… Read more >

Spring Internship Reflections

I served as GBSN’s Network Engagement Intern this spring. As an International Relations Bachelor’s of Arts student at American University, I am extremely grateful for my time spent at GBSN working with such a passionate group of people. Having a strong interest in international development and the non-profit sector as well as an appreciation for… Read more >

CEIBS & ESCA Ecole de Management Partnership Provides Scholarships

The China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and ESCA Ecole de Management have agreed to work together to make business management education more accessible. The initiative, the latest in CEIBS’ efforts as a socially responsible business school, will make it easier for individuals from Morocco to enrol in the CEIBS MBA and Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) programmes.

A Parting Lesson on the Universal Need for Management Skills

Last week I had the opportunity to visit one of GBSN’s newest member schools, IMT Dubai, while I was attending the Global Education and Skills Forum on behalf of GBSN. It is always enlightening to interact with educators who are putting into practice the principle of quality, locally relevant education. IMT Dubai is no exception…. Read more >