
University of St. Gallen Global School in Empirical Research Methods 2015

For the second year in a row, The University of St. Gallen offered 10 scholarship opportunities to Ph.D. students from GBSN member schools in developing countries, to attend its Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM.) GSERM is an innovative and preeminent 2-week integrated program teaching methodology and empirical research for Ph.D. students and postdocs… Read more >

Riding the Tide of Disruption in Higher Education

This is a modified excerpt; please find the original article here In an article posted on Dialogue Review, authors Dr. Mark Farrell and Dr. John Davis addressed the two main triggers of disruption in education: technological change and cost pressures. These disruptions are forcing universities (especially those deemed ‘non-elite’) across the world to evolve if… Read more >

Student Blog – UNISG Summer School in Empirical Research Methods

My experience attending the GSBN sponsored summer school at the University of St Gallen in June 2015 was highly motivating. Over two weeks I attended a modelling empirical phenomena course and another on categorical data analysis and found them very useful in developing my PhD concept. It was great to interact with professors who have… Read more >

Dr. Patrick Awuah Receives Two Illustrious Honors

This is a modified excerpt, please find the original articles here  GBSN would like to congratulate Dr. Patrick Awuah on receiving the Elise and Walter A. Haas International Award for his work as a trailblazing educational leader in Ghana. The annual award, given to a UC Berkeley alumna with a devotion to international affairs, is regarded… Read more >

GBSN Welcomes Three Schools to Our Network

GBSN is proud to announce the acceptance of three new schools into our network. We welcome the Kemmy Business School at University of Limerick, Universidad EAFIT and University of Adelaide Business School to our growing list of member schools. These schools join a network of over 70 world-class business schools that spans 33 countries in… Read more >

Students Take a Role in Strengthening Local Communities

GBSN member school, Great Lakes Institute of Management, has initiated a unique experiential learning project, called Karma Yoga, where students work with a number of local villages adopted by the business school. Karma Yoga is a required program for the school’s Management students that aims to develop leadership through social responsibility. The main objective of… Read more >