News from GBSN

New Member Spotlight: CUHK Business School

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

Africa’s Business of Sustainable Development

For the fourth segment of GBSN and Ecobank Academy’s Talent for Africa Virtual Forum, the topic of discussion was on “The Business of Sustainable Development.”  By now, we should have all heard of, if not intimately know, the UN sustainable development goals.  However, what we don’t always consider is the many targets within each goal,… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: Montpellier Business School

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

Africa’s Future Workforce — Learning and Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In the third session of the Talent for Africa Virtual Forum, GBSN and Ecobank Academy presented “The Future Workforce — Learning and Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” a discussion on Africa’s most powerful resource — its people! Once again, we remind our audience that collaboration between sectors such non-profit, academic, and government is absolutely… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: Universal Business School

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

New Member Spotlight: Universidad de La Sabana

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

Reflections from the GBSN Board

During the meeting of the Board of GBSN on 28th January, I accepted a second term as the Chair of the Board. I am very grateful for the support of the board and their confidence to offer me a second term as Chair. I am also pleased to have the opportunity to work with Dan LeClair, CEO, the great team of GBSN colleagues and the GBSN community at large for another three years. As I begin my second term as Chair, I thought that I would share some reflections from my role on the Board of GBSN in this blog note.

Evolution of the Case Method with The Case Centre

In anticipation of #worldcaseteachingday, we were honored to be joined by the Director of The Case Centre, Richard McCracken, who discussed the evolution and future of case teaching and writing with leaders from GBSN member schools at our February Cross-Border Collab.

5 Ways B-Schools Can Accelerate SDG Progress in the Context of Covid-19

It’s not as if the world was on track to achieve the by 2030. Of the 38 targets assessed in, the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development declared we hadn’t made sufficient progress on 37 of them. Now, the Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact across all 17 Goals and threatens to turn back progress by years in several areas, such as poverty, hunger, education, and justice.

Meanwhile, in business schools, scholars have been engaged in an epic struggle to replace the dominant intellectual foundations of business with new ones that better reflect the needs of society and the changing rules of business. While there has been steady progress, anyone familiar with higher education knows that paradigm shifts can be painfully slow. It’s not just about what we should start teaching, it is especially challenging to identify and remove the content we should stop teaching.

Africa’s Transformative Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In continuation of the Talent for Africa Virtual Forum, GBSN and Ecobank Academy welcomed three phenomenal panelists to discuss “Transformative innovation and Entrepreneurship” — certainly hot topics on the Continent right now!  As a reminder, the purpose is collaboration between sectors such non-profit, academic, and government as absolutely necessary to achieve Agenda 2063 and ultimately… Read more >